Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 307: Dispute! Even couples with the best relationship will quarrel! ? (Part 2)

The originally warm scene turned cold in an instant. Mingmei opened her mouth, then slowly closed it, repeating it several times, but she hesitated to speak.

After all, she did send a text message to Shuichi Akai after taking away one billion yen. In other words, she did still remember Shuichi Akai’s mobile phone number, even though she had already deleted the text message and contact information. , but with the memory of her smart mind, it was impossible for her to forget the series of digits in his mobile phone number in a short period of time.

Therefore, it is undeniable that she did deceive Kishida just now...

"Ha~" A trace of disappointment flashed in Kishida's eyes, and he gave a helpless snort. He picked up the wine glass, followed Mingmei's example just now, held the rim of the glass, raised his head, and drank the red wine in one gulp.

Haiyuan:? ? ?

What exactly is going on? How come everything turned out to be like this? Could it be that the two of them still want to stage some painful drama?

Looking at this situation, my sister really lied, but why did she lie? Even if she admitted that she knew Akai Shuichi’s contact information, it wouldn’t be a big deal! Could it be that her sister is still treating Shuichi Akai...hiss~~impossible! Obviously, when we traveled to Izu last time, we opened our hearts and chatted for so long! !

Haiyuan was thinking a lot and was going crazy. His eyebrows were all wrinkled and dry. He couldn't help but solemnly call out to Demei: "Sister!"

"I'm very sorry, I just lied! I am sure I still remember that person's contact information, and in the past three years, I did contact him once just a while ago..."

I don’t know how long it took, but when Kishida was drinking a glass of red wine, Akemi bit her lip, hoarse, and looked at Kishida with red eyes. Her eyes were full of apology and caution, and she was very afraid that Kishida had something to do with him. What a big reaction.

However, Kishida's expression did not cause any disturbance, but Haibara couldn't help but blurt out, with a face full of disbelief: "Sister, what did you say!?"

My sister actually... I have been in contact with her for the past three years, and she was contacted a while ago! ! Why don't you know it at all? ! She didn’t say anything last time!

"I contacted Shuichi Akai a while ago..."

Mingmei closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, and whispered again in a low voice.

"When did it happen? When did you contact him?"

Haiyuan asked quickly, and she immediately realized the most critical point of this matter.

She knew that if her sister contacted Shuichi Akai during the period when Kishida explicitly asked her not to reveal his existence to Shuichi Akai, then all the current connections between the two of them would be due to Kishida's awkwardness. Indifference is interrupted! And this is definitely not what Huiyuan wants to see!

Haiyuan is sure of this, because she understands that the nervous and mean-looking guy in front of her is not as calm and indifferent as he often appears on the surface! On the contrary, this is a person who is extremely awkward with others. He always treats others well first, and then he will respond with corresponding tenderness to others.

And the reason why she and her sister were able to break into his heart was because they were so sincere and treated him sincerely, and he naturally reciprocated the sincere tenderness. However, now there seems to be some cracks in my sister's sincerity...

"After the bank robbery, I said it when I went to meet the group of people. Why...heh, how could I contact my junior brother after I promised him!"

Mingmei's thoughts were very confused, so she didn't understand why Haiyuan asked this at first, but as her sister's face became more helpless and depressed, and her eyes showed signs, she finally showed a look of surprise, anxiety, and He explained angrily.

"It turns out that was that time!"

Hearing this, Haiyuan couldn't help but let out a breath and relaxed, but his face became more confused, and he said blankly: "Since we contacted you at that time, sister, you could have just said no..." ..Heh, it’s nothing!”

"This, this..."

Mingmei wrung her fingers, feeling very embarrassed and speechless again.

She also wanted to say it directly! ! But she is afraid!

When Kishida asked her if she knew the contact information of Akai Shuichi, her first reaction was the content of the text message she sent: "Maharaja, if you can leave the organization in this way, you can date me as my real boyfriend." ........"

God knows how long this sentence lingered in Mingmei's mind, making her want to just pick up the red wine and get drunk directly, intending to forget this dark history! !

She was very afraid that with her junior disciple's jealousy, he would have a bad opinion of herself after learning about this incident!

She likes Kishida very much, and she also likes the feeling of being with him very much, especially the few days they spent together after they broke off their relationship. This was simply the dream that Mingmei could only dream of in her sleep. !

It was this kind of love that made Mingmei deny it directly when she faced Kishida's inquiry, because she wanted to ignore the root cause of the matter, so that Kishida only asked for contact information, but she specifically asked for three years. He did not contact this point again to deceive Kishida.

And this is exactly a bad move! It can only be said that the more you care, the more you will let go of your mistakes!

"I hate you lying to me, just like you hate me lying to you! A lie is often covered up with more lies. Over time, the two of us will be alienated and suspicious of each other. Do you want to see this happen?"

Just when Mingmei was in trouble again, Kishida, who had been silent since just now, looked at Mingmei with a bit of discouragement. Before he finished speaking, he stood up from the chair and continued to say to the bewildered sisters:

"We have eaten and drunk, we should go back!"

After speaking, Kishida went to the cashier to pay the bill under the guidance of the waiter who saw him stand up.

"Hehe, he left, can you tell me what happened to you?"

Grayhara looked at Kishida's back and questioned her sister with regret.

"Do you think I want to make such a fuss..."

Mingmei's voice just became hoarse, and then she told her sister everything about her previous actions and her current concerns without hesitation.

"That's it? That's it!?" However, Huiyuan was dumbfounded after hearing this.

"Ah!?" Mingmei was confused by her sister's reaction.

o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

"Do you think he cares about this, or do you not believe in his feelings for you?" Huiyuan rolled her eyes and looked at her silly sister, looking mad at her.

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"I really, really don't have confidence. From the moment my junior confessed his love to me, I have been worried about gains and losses. The better he treats me, the more afraid I am. I am afraid that everything will burst like a bubble if it is touched lightly. I like him, I really like him. Although he has this and that kind of shortcomings, he is very humorous, mysterious, and very handsome! And most importantly, when I was in the most difficult and tormented, he suddenly appeared in front of me. It was very mysterious, really mysterious... Mysterious to the point that he said he would give me a protective amulet for protection; then he inexplicably saved my life; then inexplicably brought you to me; and finally Inexplicably, he almost always responded to our requests; these inexplicable things gradually infiltrated his figure into my heart. He was like the most powerful and greatest hero I imagined, and he belonged only to me! However, such a person inexplicably fell in love with me, a woman with a bad past! You know, Ai? I still don’t know why he likes me... So, I’m afraid that I will inadvertently destroy my image in his heart... "

Aimi’s voice became lower and lower, her eyes gradually moistened, and she almost choked with sobs, even Huiyuan beside her could hardly hear what she was saying.

(ノへ ̄、)

Huiyuan listened quietly to her sister’s mental journey during this period. Seeing her sister sobbing, she opened her mouth blankly, but couldn’t say anything, and finally could only turn into a heavy sigh.

"So that's why... Miss Crybaby, you don't seem to know how good you are!"

A gentle voice suddenly came into Mingmei's ears from behind without anyone noticing, and then before Mingmei could turn back stiffly, a pair of arms tightly hugged her from behind, using great strength, as if to lock her body tightly in his arms...

PS: It has been made clear why Mingmei likes Kishida, but it seems that it has not been made clear why Kishida likes Mingmei. Anyway, after experiencing a little friction, the relationship will be stronger! ! 嘤嘤嘤~~

Official spoilers below:

Well, Lazy Fish will let Kishida strive to take Mingmei's first kiss in these few chapters! Of course, if you think that the daily life is too much, Lazy Fish can only skip and fast forward to the theater version............

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