Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 310: Frank Love (Part 1)

When the lips are covered with each other, it is like tasting soft candy, the sweetness naturally flows into the body, and sweet flowers bloom in the heart, as if spring has come.

Mingmei's delicate lips seem to be unusually rosy and sweet. Kishida doesn't know if other girls' lips are so sweet and delicious. Because he has never kissed other girls, he has never had this feeling.

Kishida's lips tightly kissed her sweet lips, warmth and softness bloomed between the lips and teeth. He held the lips, gently swept the tip of his tongue, and then sucked hard. The sweet but not greasy fragrance of her body floated over the tip of his nose. He only felt that he, who had always been jumpy but very self-controlled, seemed to be out of control at any time.

"Well, um~"

Time froze for an unknown period of time. Mingmei suddenly moaned softly. She felt that the guy she was hugging was gradually getting dishonest. He opened his mouth and bit her lips gently, and rubbed and kissed along the shape of her beautiful lips.

It seemed that he could not control the temptation, and wanted to take advantage of the alcohol to rub the lips, gradually turning into tongues devouring each other...

Kishida's sudden action was like a storm that caught people off guard, and Mingmei's mind was instantly blank, but she just closed her eyes obediently, as if everything was taken for granted. She forgot to think, and didn't want to think, but instinctively wanted to hug him, hug him tighter.

Without noticing the girl's resistance in his arms, Kishida's deep eyes flashed with a dazzling light for a moment, and his tongue was awkward but self-taught. He slowly passed over and pried open Mingmei's silver teeth, feeling her rapid and somewhat panicked breathing sprayed on her face, with a cold fragrance, and responding to him with all kinds of awkwardness but passion, making Kishida's arms can't help but hold her tighter.

The fragrant saliva rubbed between the entangled tongues, and the starlight in Mingmei's blue eyes gradually dimmed and dimmed in the blue-gray storm, and finally scattered in it until it was completely submerged...


"Hu, plop~ huhu~~ plop!"

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by the violent panting and heartbeats of the two, Kishida, who was afraid that Mingmei could not hold her breath for too long, resisted the reluctance and panted slightly to open the distance between the two. Then he leaned into Mingmei's ear with surprise and whispered:

"So, this is the feeling of kissing! So wonderful... And your movements seem to be more unfamiliar than mine. Could it be that you are also..."

Mingmei's body limply fell into Kishida's arms, her pretty face full of intoxicating blush, this The hot kiss made her eyes lose focus, lose their former reserve, lose the light of wisdom, become hazy and misty, but softer than before, then she opened her rose-like red lips and asked foolishly:

"You...what did you say?"

Kishida gently pressed his forehead against hers, staring at the blue eyes intently, his expression calmed down a lot, his warm eyes were like a pool of soft and clear lake water, and there were circles of ripples on the lake surface, then he smiled gently: "I said, I seem to be obsessed with this wonderful feeling. And, you seem to be the same as me, this is your first kiss?"


Amei's brain was a little down, not knowing why Kishida suddenly brought up this topic, but she still nodded subconsciously.

"Then I won't lose out if I give you my first kiss!" Hearing this, Kishida's smile deepened, pursed his lips, and seemed to be savoring the taste just now.

I didn't expect it, the senior is already 25 years old, and she can still save her first kiss until now! She is waiting for me~~

Kishida thought happily, and silently reduced his deep hostility towards Akai Shuichi a little bit... cough cough!


"......You are so annoying!"

Amei calmed down a little, so she recovered a little IQ, and understood Kishida's little thoughts in an instant. She pouted her lips, glanced at him charmingly, and hit him with dissatisfaction.


"Hehe, it's annoying, but since both of us have no experience, why don't we try it again and practice more?"

Kishida's tongue tip unconsciously swept across his lips, looking at Mingmei's delicate lips reluctantly, his expression was like a greedy child, and he was eager to move again.

"You wish~~" Hearing this, the blush on Mingmei's face, which had finally faded a little, rose again, but this time she couldn't help but spit at Kishida.

"Exercise more, it's good for your health~" Kishida blinked and insisted.

"Don't think I don't know, you have had several girlfriends during high school and college~~"

Mingmei narrowed her eyes slightly, her tone was very teasing, but the air was filled with a strong sense of sourness.

"(⊙o⊙)... Uh! Could it be that your fantasy tonight also includes this?"

Kishida was stunned for a moment, and then asked thoughtfully.

"........ Yeah." Mingmei was silent for a long time, and then nodded helplessly.

Kishida had dated several girlfriends, including the girl named Hirokawa Hitomi, who was also his ex-ex-girlfriend. In fact, she got all these from Sonoko when she was traveling in Izu.

Of course, we can't blame Yuanzi for this. With Mingmei's wisdom and experience, it couldn't be easier to get words out of Yuanzi who has the attributes of the eighth mother-in-law!

"That's why you are afraid, that I will dump you without hesitation and ruthlessly after a period of time just like I dumped them?" Kishida thought about it in his mind and asked with some enlightenment.

"Huh~ That's right! And, actually once... the lady named Hirokawa Hitomi came to the dessert shop when you were not in the shop..."

Mingmei moved in Kishida's arms and changed to a more comfortable position. She leaned her cheek on his shoulder, tilted her head half up, and stared at Kishida, gently confessing her inner troubles to Kishida.

"Ah? Why didn't you tell me before?" Kishida was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then stared helplessly at Akemi.

"Because I don't want you to know that she still misses you deeply! If you, my junior, find out and are moved by her and change your mind, then I won't be happy..."

Mingmei said, her shy eyes full of embarrassment.


"So, you were already thinking about me at that time!?"

Kishida's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth turned upwards. He looked very proud and couldn't help blurting out a question.



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