
I don’t know how long it took, but in the quiet courtyard at night, there was a clear sound of separation of lips. The sound was slightly loud, indicating that there was a shameless guy sucking the snail with all his strength and energy! !

As for why it is said to be sucking snails, Kishida just wanted to make a just right metaphor in his heart for some poor guys who have never kissed or even been in love!

Anyway, when Kishida's mouth was entangled with the wriggling fragrant tongue, the tip of his tongue was like a dream, and his heart was also like a dream, hazy. The charming taste is fragrant, sweet, hot, and soft, and the turbulent passion of youth happily blooms on the tip of the tongue.

"Ha, ho! Ha, ho~"

Mingmei breathed deeply, her cheeks flushed. On a cold night, the cold wind hit her, but her face and limp body felt hot.



Kishida was like a victorious general. His hearty laughter cut through the silent night sky. He opened his mouth and deeply savored the lively and fragrant dishes on his tongue. It seemed that he had really tasted a large plate of fragrance. Fried snails.

But Kishida knew that what he was tasting was actually love... But, I really haven't had Chinese food in a long time! ! !

"Now you know what it means to be impatient!"

Under Mingmei's increasingly embarrassed expression, Kishida couldn't help laughing proudly.


"Hmph! You will bully me!"

Minmei blushed, and her little hands quietly touched the softness on Kishida's waist.

"Bullying you? But why do I feel that someone was very proactive just now, even sticking out his tongue..."

Kishida, who was so complacent and unaware that the "danger" was about to come, raised his eyebrows. Thinking back to the situation just now, he couldn't help teasing the shy Akemi. Then, before he could finish his words, the soft flesh on his waist was licked. A small hand touched it quietly and was rotated ninety degrees.


A scream louder than before broke the tranquility of 2-chome, Mika Town, Tokyo.

Really...is it that painful? Hehehe (﹁﹁)~→

Akemi looked at Kishida who was screaming and couldn't help but be confused. How much effort she used, doesn't she know? !

Looking at Kishida, who was still screaming in auspicious clothes, three black lines suddenly appeared on Mingmei's forehead.

"...Junior, if you keep pretending, don't blame me for being rude!" After her eyes showed surprise, Mingmei looked at Kishida who was still moaning and screaming, and said with a half-smile.

"Uh..." Seeing the good intentions in Mingmei's eyes, she knew that if she continued to act like this, she would really be willing to kill her!

"Hmph, if you talk nonsense again from now on, I will pinch your soft flesh!"

Mingmei let go of her little hand on Kishida's waist, thinking about it, she still wasn't angry at all.

This guy obviously got an advantage and acted like a good boy! But I blame myself, why can't I help myself... Oops!

Can't think about it! Don’t blame me! Well, this is all my junior’s fault! ! ! (#/.\#)

Thinking of how actively she responded to Kishida after being forcibly kissed just now, Mingmei was so embarrassed that she just wanted to cover her face with her hands.

"What's there to be shy about? There's no one else here now! Besides, including this time, I've kissed four times tonight. Don't you realize that your skills have become a little better~~"

Seeing Mingmei's face turn red and white, her expression uncertain due to embarrassment, Kishida curled her lips, breaking her last trace of calmness.

"You still said it!! You still said it!!"

Mingmei's tense mind called calmness completely collapsed, and her pink fist couldn't help but hit Kishida's chest.

Fortunately, my girlfriend is not Xiaolan...

Feeling the force on his chest and back, Kishida silently mourned for Conan for a few seconds. If Xiaolan got angry and hit her on him, the consequences would probably be no worse than a telephone pole!

"Hey, why don't I stop talking!! Well, let's continue?"

Kishida's eyes narrowed with a smile, he grabbed Mingmei's seal, and asked tentatively.


"Ah, no, not possible!!"

Mingmei was really frightened this time. She pushed Kishida away slightly, took several steps back, shook her head and refused.

"Ah, the old saying of 'nothing is better than three' has been broken. So, what does it matter if it's the fifth time!?"

Kishida smacked his lips and said to Akemi very logically.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work! Who told you to use such force just now? Look, my place is all red and swollen!"

Hearing this, Mingmei shook her head as if she was singing rock music, and then, with Kishida's puzzled expression, she pointed at her somewhat red and swollen lips with a green finger.


Kishida couldn't help but take a breath, feeling that the sound of Thomas the Tank Engine's "dirty~~" train was ringing in his ears.

Calm, calm! Senior sister is so pure, you should be pure too, Kishida Yuichi! !

Although he is a young man, every man is born to be an experienced driver, so Kishida, an LSP, was of course unsurprisingly led astray by what Akemi just said.

"Ahem, sorry, I was happy for a moment, so...well, how about I be gentler next time!?"

Kishida coughed, looked at Akemi with an unexpectedly long look, tried not to laugh out loud, and then said in a gentle tone.

"I didn't mean to blame you!"

Mingmei didn't know the dirty thoughts in Kishida's heart at this time, but because of his apology, she thought of comforting him.

"Then, will the intensity be the same next time?"

Kishida asked again, holding back his laughter.

"Huh!? Why do I think there is something in your words!?"

Minmei finally realized something was wrong.

"No, I'm just asking for your opinion, senior!"

Kishida spread his hands and blinked innocently.

"You are......"

Mingmei stared at Kishida's face suspiciously, and was about to speak, but a helpless voice came from the iron gate behind the courtyard. The slightly cold voice accurately reached the ears of the two of them:

"I asked you two, can you please be a little more restrained? I know you are very happy today, but you don't want to just stand in the courtyard and make love to each other!!"

These two people are really hopeless. Even if they can't control themselves, why can't you go into the house? I am so shameless! Needless to say, someone must have led his sister astray! !

Xu Haibara, who walked slowly and slowly from the iron gate, looked at Kishida and Akemi, and while talking, he was complaining in his heart.

"Oh, we just thought the night was nice tonight, so we stood in the courtyard while admiring the moon, reciting poems and talking about some love words? Why, are we still in the eyes of my young lady, Xiao Ai!?"

Kishida glanced at Haibara disdainfully and said in a deliberately sinister tone.

"Oh? You can actually recite poetry?"

Haibara rolled his eyes and said mockingly.

"Of course, your brother-in-law and I still have so many talents!"

As Kishida spoke, he gestured to the universe on his fingertips.

"Yeah, then I'm all ears!"

Haiyuan was really curious now, but she made up her mind that if Kishida couldn't recite it, or if the verses he recited were familiar verses, she would laugh at him mercilessly.

"Uh..." Kishida was stunned for a moment.

"It's not like you can't pronounce a sentence, right?"

Haiyuan curled his lips and said disdainfully.

Even Mingmei on the side covered her mouth and chuckled, wanting to joke with Haiyuan, but when she thought that this was her man, she must give her face, so she didn't speak.

However, just because Akemi was smiling, Kishida's eyebrows couldn't help but beat.

Hum, we are all living together, sooner or later I want you to look good! !

Kishida gritted his teeth, a dirty thought flashing through his mind.

Hey, dirty! ? Got it!

Not knowing what he was remembering, Kishida's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he chuckled at Mingmei:

"Soft, long, sweet, not long to buy. A JELL-O, trying to imitate your kiss! (Soft, long, sweet, not long to buy. A jelly, trying to imitate your kiss!)"

PS: The state is not good, that’s it for today! Sorry, I also want to use more code, but Lazy Fish is really sleepy! !

In addition, please ask for recommendation tickets as usual. Oh, by the way, there is now an event to double monthly tickets! Crazy hint.jpg!

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