Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 323: Real people are afraid of being famous just like pigs are afraid of getting fat!

"Furthermore, according to the information disclosed by two police officers who did not want to be named, the reporter learned about the recent maple leaf gold coin case, drug trafficking case, counterfeit banknote case, the explosion case of the architect Teiji Moritani, and the international gangster history tester This young man was involved in the case, as well as the case of the explosive maniac captured by the police the day before yesterday, and he played an indispensable role in these cases!

The reporter asked the then Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Criminal Division Investigation Section 1 manager about the authenticity of these messages. Manager Kiyonaga Matsumoto confirmed the authenticity. Manager Matsumoto only replied, "There is no doubt that this is a crime." Excellent young man! 'Hahahaha~~"

When he read this along with the newspaper, Conan finally couldn't help laughing, and his laughter was full of joy.

He didn't have to think twice to know who these two unnamed police officers were. Apart from Officer Takagi and Officer Sato, there was probably no other candidate. Thinking of Kishida's attitude towards him being on the news yesterday, Conan couldn't help but gloat. Then he silently observed a few seconds of silence for Officer Takagi and Officer Sato, and finally couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha, I don't know what this guy's expression is now? I'm really curious! Hahaha~~Excellent young man!"


"There is no doubt that this is an outstanding young man!"

On the other side, in the small villa at 3-chome 23, Mika Town, Tokyo, Kishida, who Conan was thinking about so much, was opening his mouth wide open, staring dumbfoundedly at the manager Matsumoto on the TV who had a long scar on his face. The chopsticks fell on the table without even noticing.

"Am I the person he's talking about?" Kishida was completely stunned, pointing at the TV and muttering to himself.

"Who else can you be as the new president of Kishida Group besides your junior fellow student? However, this manager Matsumoto is quite discerning! Hehehehe~~" The reaction was completely different from Kishida's, but Akemi's face was filled with emotion. Proud, as if he was very honored because the news said that Kishida was an outstanding young man.

But it's a pity. This manager should add the prefix "most" in front of excellent...

Mingmei, who was very proud of her boyfriend, was thinking happily in her heart, but found that the face of the junior student beside her had gradually turned livid and looked very ugly. Her expression was as if she wanted to eat the whole stomach after accidentally eating shit. When I was spitting it out, a few more flies happened to fly into my mouth, which made me feel very uncomfortable and nauseated.

"Um...are you okay, junior?"

Mingmei looked at him worriedly, wondering what kind of nerve her junior had got.

"Damn Takagi Wataru and Sato Miwako, I will never let you two go!!"

Mingmei didn't answer. She gritted her teeth hard and thought with her eyes sitting on the floor. Kishida knew who those two garrulous police officers were. Although they might have the intention of making a name for themselves, they didn't. It's definitely a bad thing done with good intentions!

"Ah!? Junior, you can't attack the police!"

Mingmei was shocked when she heard this and quickly grabbed Kishida's hand, fearing that he would do something stupid.

She didn't want to spend her whole life waiting for Kishida to come out. Although she refused to admit it, she knew that she was already twenty-five years old. The most beautiful moment in a woman's life was probably only about ten years, except of course, those with ageless appearance. .

"What are you talking about? How could I attack the police?"

Kishida took a long breath, calmed down, patted Akemi's little hand, and then replied angrily.

"That's good, that's good!"

"You don't like being in the news? However, judging from your past behavior, it doesn't look like you would keep a low profile!"

At this time, Haiyuan, who had been eating calmly on the side, glanced at Kishida curiously and asked.


"Was I very high-profile before?" Kishida blinked and asked in confusion.


"Alas! All in all, being on the news is definitely an unkind thing for me. To be honest, I'm worried that someone is already watching TV and sharpening their knives to deal with me!"

Kishida sighed softly, shook his head helplessly, and made a guess with a wry smile.

"No, it's not that exaggerated, right?"

Minmei asked with her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Do you think other than meeting you two sisters, do you think anything good has ever happened to me?"

Kishida, who had developed an instinct to say nice things "inadvertently" all the time to increase his favorability, looked at Mingmei helplessly and asked in distress.

"Uh... catching the gangsters and robbers and earning the bounty should be considered a good thing, right?"

Akemi was stunned for a moment, then forced a smile to comfort Kishida Road.

"It's not good at all! If I can be safe and sound, I don't want the bounty money. The insurance compensation for the villa and the money from selling the art gallery are kept in the bank to earn interest. They are enough for our family to spend simply. For a lifetime. The bounty is just extra money to comfort my wounded heart!" Kishida curled his lips and said dissatisfied.

"No matter what, if anyone dares to hurt you, they must ask for my gun first!"

Mingmei looked solemn and said seriously.

She is as gentle as Xiaolan, and she also has the ability to cure people's murderous intentions, but even Xiaolan can kick down all criminals for Conan, not to mention she has been in darkness for a long time, Kishida has no doubts , she would really shoot for herself!


Haiyuan didn't speak, but nodded slightly.

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

"Haha~ Once you use a gun, it will be difficult to deal with it. Don't worry, although you are a little unlucky, you must know that it is not me who gets into trouble every time I go to jail!"

Sitting in the middle of the dining table, Kishida touched Haibara's little head on the left side with his left hand, then turned his head and pinched Akemi's delicate little face on the right side with his right hand, and then said with emotion: "Probably after meeting you two sisters, I have already I’ve spent all the good luck I’ve accumulated in the past!”

Hearing this, Haiyuan, who originally wanted to break away from Kishida's little head, could not help but gradually gave up the struggle and no longer planned to resist.

Forget it, I’ll only lose a few hairs at most, and there’s nothing else to lose...

Haiyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and thought silently.

"By the way, senior, do you always have a gun strapped to your leg?"

Kishida suddenly remembered something and asked curiously. As soon as he finished speaking, he lowered his head curiously, wanting to see how Mingmei could hide the gun so well even though she was only wearing pajamas!

"Ah, no, now... Yeah!!"

Mingmei was about to explain when she suddenly realized something. Her eyes widened and her face turned red instantly. She quickly clamped her slender legs under the dining table and pushed down her pajamas with one hand.


The pink spring light in front of his eyes flashed away, and Kishida was stunned for a moment, suddenly realizing that his behavior seemed to be slightly inappropriate.

"Pervert!" Haiyuan complained coldly when he saw this.

"Well, I really didn't mean it this time!" Kishida scratched his head and said innocently.

"Huh, hurry up and eat! Then let's go!" Mingmei blushed, gritted her teeth shyly, glared at him, and said fiercely.

"Oke Oke!" Kishida nodded repeatedly, but after a few mouthfuls of food, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and said:

"However, I think the pink color is surprisingly suitable for seniors!! It's very kawaii!"

With a "pop!", Kishida was inevitably hit hard this time.

"Quick! Give! Me! Eat! Rice!" Mingmei blushed so hard that she almost bled, and she said every word through gritted teeth.

"Well, I know!" Kishida nodded with a grin on his face, rubbing the back of his red hand.

Obviously, he did it on purpose this time!

"Pervert!" Haiyuan shook his head, repeated the sentence, and continued to eat helplessly.

"Hehe~~ I'm a normal man, what's wrong with praising my beloved girlfriend for her beauty! Anyway, she will be mine sooner or later~~" Kishida smiled and didn't take Haibara's ridicule seriously.

Let alone a pervert, so what if he is scolded as a pervert? What's wrong with men being perverted? Besides, I'm not trying to act like a hooligan to the wild woman outside! Can you call yourself a pervert if you act like a hooligan to your girlfriend? This is called the joy of life! Understand! ?

Kishida’s proud face.jpg!

"You still said it! You still said it!!"

Hearing this, Mingmei was so embarrassed that he hit the back of his hand again and again. Fortunately, she didn't know what Kishida was thinking at this moment, otherwise she would be so embarrassed that she would fight even harder!


"Tear it apart, tear it apart~~"

However, what Kishida, Akemi, and Haibara didn't know was that while they were chatting, flirting, and eating, far away in a luxury hotel room in Nishitama City, there was a sound of " With a "tearing" sound, a newspaper was being torn into pieces on the ground by a pair of thick hands!

When only a photo of Kishida was left in the newspaper, his thick hands with bulging veins picked up the fork in front of the dining table and stabbed it hard on the photo.

I don’t know how long it was silent after that, before a low roar sounded from the hotel room:

"I want you to die badly! Kishida Yuichi!"


"What about Kishida Yuichi? Is this the one who caught the teacher? Ha~~ interesting!"

On the other side, in an unknown place, he casually picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. A gentle-looking man stood up, glanced outside the room, and couldn't help but chuckle.

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