Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 326 The title of Senior Sister is a special title for me~

"Conan, why did you follow me anyway!?"

Looking at Conan behind Xiaolan, Kishida rolled his eyes and asked indignantly.

Although this place is not owned by his family, you are a famous detective after all! How can you not keep your word!

"I said there are too many coincidences in this, do you believe me, brother Kishida?"

Conan scratched his head and asked helplessly.

"What do you think? A guy who doesn't keep his word!" Kishida pouted and glared at him, and asked back unhappily.

(⊙o⊙) Uh...

Conan was stunned, and subconsciously glanced at Huiyuan next to Mingmei.

What should I say! ? Is it really "people from the same family don't go into the same family"? Otherwise, why are the answers and tones of these two guys exactly the same!

"Hehe~~" Feeling Conan's gaze, Huiyuan chuckled a few times as if she knew what he was thinking.

"Heh, there's nothing to say!"

"Conan, what's going on? Is there any misunderstanding between you and Brother Kishida?"

Xiaolan asked thoughtfully, but she had some guesses in her heart.

"......Actually, it's because Brother Kishida didn't let me come over, so..."

Seeing this, there was silence for a few seconds, and Conan could only ignore his own death statement and throw the pot to Kishida.

As expected, as soon as he finished speaking, several little ghosts of the Junior Detective Team started to grumble, among which Ayumi, who has always been more well-behaved among the three, was the most dissatisfied.

"How can this be, Brother Kishida is too much, Ayumi doesn't like you anymore!"

So you liked me before! But, I'm sorry, I don't need a little loli to like me, thank you!

Kishida complained in his heart.

"That's right! Last time, Kishida brother put up a sign in the dessert shop and didn't let Conan in, which was already too much! Now he's still like this!" Although he was very dissatisfied with Ayumi's love for Conan, Mitsuhiko still stood on Conan's side at this moment.

The dessert shop put up a sign and didn't let Conan go! ? It turned out that it happened more than once!

Hearing this, even Xiaolan really began to be a little dissatisfied, and looked at Kishida with a bit of unkindness.

Although Conan loved to cause trouble for her and always made her worry, she always saw the shadow of Shinichi in Conan, and heard that they were originally distant relatives, so she loved Conan very much, and they took a bath together several times...

"That's what I said! And this is not your territory now! Why don't you let Conan come over!"

However, before Xiaolan could speak, Genta on the side glared at Kishida with a fierce and rude look.

"Well, if I must say, this place is actually related to Brother Kishida!"

At this time, Sonoko, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.


"Huh!?" "Ah?!"

"What?! Sister Sonoko, are you talking about this twin-tower skyscraper?"

Ayumi asked with an "O"-shaped mouth.

Even Maori Kogoro and others cast their curious eyes over...

"Yeah! Because the owner of this building, the only heir to the Tokiwa Group, Tokiwa Mio is the sister of Brother Kishida's mother!" Sonoko nodded and explained to everyone with a chuckle.

"Eh!!!" Everyone present was even more surprised.

"And this daughter of the Tokiwa Group is still alone with her aunt so far! So for Xiaolan, whose parents are separated, she will of course be worried! This is why Conan and I were pulled by Xiaolan to monitor the uncle!"

Under the surprised expressions of everyone, Sonoko continued to explain jokingly.

"Heh~" Xiaolan laughed dryly.

She would be embarrassed to be pointed out in front of so many people.

"I didn't expect that you are the nephew of Mio-chan..."

Maori Kogoro, who had been silent, blushed, patted Kishida on the shoulder, and deliberately changed the subject.

Regarding this, in fact, I only knew it a day or two earlier than you...

Kishida glanced at Maori Kogoro, complained in his heart, but did not intend to answer.

He was actually thinking about what Sonoko had just said, and insisted that this did have something to do with him. However, according to what Sonoko had just said, this cheap sister-in-law of hers has not yet married, has no seventy-eighty-year-old parents to support, no hungry children to feed, and it seems that there are no distant relatives...

Then the question is!

If this woman is killed like the original work, does he have the right of inheritance... cough cough!

Kishida was confused. In fact, his knowledge of property inheritance rights is really weak, at most better than illiterate. There is no way. He was an orphan in his previous life and had no property to inherit, so he was not interested in this aspect at all........ (PS: I don’t know about this either. If you know, please leave a message to help me learn more!)


“Tap tap tap!!”

Just when the scene was getting a little cold, a woman finally ran out of the door of Building A of the Twin Towers.

“Sorry, I kept you waiting!”

A soft voice reached the ears of the people at the door. They looked up and saw a sweet and beautiful woman wearing high heels and a purple dress. She was sweating a little and looked apologetic.

"Oh, it's you! Reckless Miss Sawaguchi!"

However, Kishida was stunned at this time. He looked at the woman who suddenly appeared with a bit of surprise, and then blinked to confirm that he was not mistaken.

So, she was the secretary of his cheap aunt........

He had seen this woman at the funeral of the original father. Although he had only seen her once, she still left a deep impression on him. It was not because she was really beautiful, but even the brightness of her blue eyes was not inferior to Mingmei.

Kishida could remember her because this woman made a lot of jokes at the funeral because of her recklessness when she sent the wreath, and also...

"Junior Kishida, why do you call me Miss Sawaguchi again? And, stop making fun of me for being reckless! After all, I am your senior~~"

When Secretary Sawaguchi saw Kishida, his eyes lit up immediately, but after hearing his "joking" words, he couldn't help but mutter.

Yes, that's right, what impressed Kishida was that this woman was his direct senior at Teitan University. Although she had graduated for several years when Kishida enrolled, according to Kishida's last question, the two did know each other. When the other party returned to her alma mater to visit the teacher, Kishida happened to be in the academic affairs office, and they met by chance.

Oh, Kishida's mobile phone also has this woman's contact information!

However, now that I think about it, the other party was so familiar at the funeral, it may be because of Tokiwa Mio!

Kishida thought with some distress. He had been tired of dealing with all kinds of people at the last funeral, and couldn't reveal too many clues. How could he have thought of these things?


Many thoughts flashed through his mind like a storm. Kishida sighed in his heart and glanced at Mingmei beside him. Sure enough, although there was no change on her face, Kishida could still taste a hint of sourness in her eyes.

"Sorry, because the title of 'senior sister' is a specific title for me now!"

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