Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 336: 007 Gin's tiredness and intuition

Conan's face changed in shock, and his pupils instantly dilated, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was allergic to Porsche 356A...

"Hey, where did you see that car? What color was it?"

With cold sweat on his forehead, Conan quickly ran to the two staff members and asked.

Haha, I knew this guy was unreliable, he has been through so many things and yet he is still so reckless! Hey, if it weren't for the halo of pig's feet, this guy would have been turned into ashes by the winery!

Kishida squinted his eyes slightly. In comparison, Haibara and Akemi were much calmer. Although their eyes were also shining with complicated light, at least their facial expressions could still be forced to calm down.

However, none of these three people were as calm as Hara Jiaming, a traitor to the organization. Kishida didn't understand whether he didn't understand his current situation, or whether he didn't understand what the Porsche 356A represented.

After all, as a senior member of the winery, Gin will definitely not be seen by every peripheral member. Of course, those peripheral members who betray the organization will undoubtedly see Gin, but there is a high probability that when they see him , you will be given a peanut by Gin...

But when it comes to traitors in the winery, there are three of them in this small banquet hall. It can be imagined that as the senior cadre responsible for cleaning up the house in the winery, Gin is really miserable! The working hours are probably based on 007...

It’s not easy in any profession these days, even killers have to work diligently! Not to mention that Ginjiu worked hard and watched his colleagues change jobs every day without even complaining...

"Ha, that antique car was parked in front of this building just now, and it was black!"

Kishida was thinking wildly in his mind, but his steps were not slow at all. Hearing the staff's answers in his ears, he naturally took a step ahead of Conan and reached the elevator and opened the elevator door.

Fortunately, because two staff members who did not abide by the company's rules had just arrived, the VIP elevator carrying VIPs was still on the 75th floor, so Kishida quickly slipped in as soon as the door opened.

It's Gin's car! ? (*Φ PanΦ*)

Conan was startled, came to his senses and quickly raised his head. Just as he was about to run to the elevator, he saw Kishida, who was already in the elevator room, showing him a classic eight-white-teeth smile, and then pressed the elevator button without hesitation. Close key.

"Brother Kishida, wait for me!!" Conan ran forward as if there was wind at his feet.

"Wait a minute, Conan!"

It's a very magical scene. Conan is chasing Kishida in front, but Xiaolan is chasing Conan from behind. Kishida suddenly felt as if he had become the third party between the two of them... Ahem!

"Asshole, where are you going?!"

Seeing this, Mouri Kogoro could only run behind him while yelling curses.



With Kishida's smiling wave, the elevator door closed before Conan arrived.

"Damn it, this soul is weak!"

Conan gritted his teeth fiercely and kicked the alloy door of the elevator hard with his feet.


"It hurts!" A small lump appeared on his head visibly, and Conan couldn't help but screamed, turning his head and glaring.

However, he saw a big face that was even more annoyed than him! !

"You brat, what are you doing again?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at his waist, his scowl almost coming to Conan's face.

"I, I..." Conan felt guilty for a moment.

"Really, Conan! You can't just be honest!"

Xiaolan also looked at Conan helplessly and said.


"Do children like antique cars very much?"

Kazama Hidehiko stepped forward and asked curiously.

"Yeah, that's right! Hahaha~ I'm curious about what a car that's much older than me looks like~~"

Conan's eyes lit up and he answered.

"I see."

Hidehiko Kazama nodded and said nothing more. He just asked casually, and then his attention was attracted by Secretary Sawaguchi scolding two staff members for using the VIP elevator without permission.


"Ah, where is Gin~ Where is it?"

In the slowly descending elevator, while Mouri Kogoro was still scolding Conan, Kishida, who was looking through the glass elevator shaft at the bottom of the building, was muttering to himself, turning his glasses holder from time to time, trying to adjust the distance and focus, so that he could take pictures later. A good, clear photo.

"Found it!" As the elevator descended, the blocked view finally opened up. As expected, Kishida saw a black Porsche 356A. Fortunately, he saw two people wearing black windbreakers standing next to the Porsche 356A. man.

One is still tall and strong, and the other has blond hair still blowing in the wind~~

"It seems that Gin's hair color hasn't come back yet!"

Kishida muttered something funny in his heart, and then he hurriedly raised his eyes a few times when they were about to get in the car. The speed was so fast that it seemed that phantoms were created every time his fingers moved up and down. People had to sigh with emotion. In the future, Mingmei You will definitely be very happy...ahem! (*/ω\*)

"Brother, now I can confirm that the traitor has stored all the information in the computer room host of this company. This guy seems to be very naive! He is so stupid that I can't bear to execute him, hahaha~"

Standing in front of the door of the Porsche 356A at the entrance of the Twin Towers skyscraper, Vodka showed a sinister smile on his face.

Gin glanced at him strangely with cold and stern eyes, as if he was wondering what Vodka had the courage to say that he was stupid. However, the strange look only lasted for a second, and he said coldly:

"Remember Vodka, no matter who it is, as long as he dares to betray the organization, I will personally send him to the kingdom of heaven..."

"I know, brother, that only a fool would betray the organization!" Vodka quickly expressed his loyalty.

No, a fool won't! Smart people do!

The figures of Morohoshidai, Miyano Shiho, the dead Miyano Akemi, and Hara Karaki flashed through his mind, and then compared with his younger brother Vodka who had been with him for many years, Gin felt a little tired for no reason.

Not to mention Morohoshi and Miyano Shiho, these two are undoubtedly excellent. Even Gin would not deny this, otherwise he would not miss these two "lovers" so much.

Let me talk about Yuan Jiaming first. His computer skills were highly appreciated by the organization and he couldn't help but extend an olive branch. If this incident hadn't happened, it is estimated that as long as he worked for the organization for a year or two, there is no doubt that he would have left the organization. How about promotion of peripheral members and thus obtaining a wine number...

Then there's Akemi. Although Gin thinks this woman is stupid, that's because she's naive in her thinking, or she actually has no choice before embarking on this path, but she's still okay in terms of ability. It can be seen from the fact that she can really plan it by herself and successfully steal one billion yen just by contacting two peripheral members.

Moreover, it seems that her marksmanship is not bad, and since she is just from a wild background, the organization has not invested any training resources in her...

On the other hand, vodka, in addition to the loyalty cultivated by the organization since childhood, is only justified in terms of driving! As for the rest, his marksmanship and business ability are not good, and the training of the organization is wasted. If he hadn't gained a certain amount of trust by working as a driver for him for many years, he probably wouldn't even have a name... ...

"Brother, what are we going to do next? What do I need to prepare?"

At this time, seeing that his words of loyalty were not responded to, Vodka could only awkwardly change the question and ask about his next plan.

And this is precisely what makes Gin most satisfied with him. Although the vodka is a bit useless, he is very self-aware. Because he knew that his "business ability" was not strong, he never had his own opinions. He always followed the arrangements of the big brother Gin and was willing to be a tool.

Therefore, not only was he not relegated to the cold palace by Gin, but he was further promoted to "noble concubine" and was always by Gin's side. He could be said to be the most popular person around Gin~~

"Get in the car first and then... huh?"

After restraining his unnecessary emotions, Gin replied coldly. However, before he finished speaking, he suddenly frowned and raised his head very suddenly...

PS: It’s cold and I have a cold. It’s quite serious. I’m so dizzy that I’m lazy. I’ll try my best to code the next chapter. The number of words will be smaller today. Sorry...

PS: In addition, I recommend a book to each other with my friends: Douluo: Ice and Snow Dawn

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