Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 352: Fate, wonderful beyond words!

In the eyes of some people, it is better to leave an impression on a beloved goddess, even if the impression is bad, than to have no impression at all on other men!

And there are indeed some of these people who finally won the beauties under the astonished expressions of others!

However, Kishida, who had "succeeded" in leaving a bad impression on Akito Reiko's mind but had not thought about it at all, had already finished buying peppers and other vegetables and planned to go find his senior sister... ...

"Sir, because of today's special promotion for couples, chocolate ingredients and a bunch of couple's supplies are all placed in the special couple's area on the third floor today."

In the elevator room, the decent-looking elevator lady smiled and explained with a formal smile.


Just when Kishida thought about what he knew, he realized that the target of the elevator lady's explanation was not him, because her eyes had been on the two couples in the elevator from beginning to end, not on herself, the "lonely person".

So, why does she use the title "this gentleman"?

When the elevator was about to close, Kishida, who happened to squeeze in, muttered, completely ignoring the possibility that there was a male customer in a couple who asked the elevator lady before he entered.

"Sir and ladies, would you like to go to the third floor too?"

As soon as the explanation was finished, the elevator lady looked at the other couple with a smile and asked.

"Well, we're not going to a special place for couples. We just want to go to the 5th floor to buy musical instruments."

Another couple who were close together shook their heads, and then the man replied gently.

"OK, all right!"

After the elevator lady pointed at the button for the fifth floor, she turned to look at Kishida who came in last, and said with a smile:

"How about you, sir?"

"It's also the fifth floor!"

Kishida, who was holding a large bag of vegetables and meat in each hand, thought about it and suddenly changed his mind about going to the third floor to find Mingmei.

You know, buying a guitar was originally part of his plan for Valentine's Day tomorrow.


Seeing the two big bags in Kishida's hands, the elevator lady felt strange, but naturally she didn't ask any more questions.

"By the way, can you specify the delivery location for your musical instruments after purchasing them?"

As the elevator slowly rose, Kishida suddenly asked,

"Well, it's possible! However, there will be a little extra charge."

The elevator lady nodded and replied.

"Can the goods be received by Yoneka Town 3-chome by tomorrow afternoon?"

After pondering for a moment, Kishida asked again.


The elevator lady was a little embarrassed. It was obviously beyond her scope of business, so she didn't know.

"Okay~ I bought a violin before, and the address is also in Mihua Town, which is farther away than you, but it was delivered the next morning!"

At this time, a soft and waxy voice came into Kishida's ears.

The person who spoke was the couple who wanted to buy musical instruments, but this time it was the woman who spoke, a pretty cute girl.

"Thank you! That's fine. It saves me an extra trip tomorrow..."

Kishida thanked the girl and muttered.


"Sir, according to your request, we recommend this guitar to you. This is the best guitar in our store."

A few minutes later, in the large musical instrument store that occupied a large part of the third floor, a handsome and decent waiter with a smile on his face led Kishida to the guitar area.

As for Kishida’s so-called request, well, actually he only said one sentence when he entered the store:

"Just bring me a better guitar."

Therefore, when meeting someone like Kishida who obviously doesn't know much about guitar, but is wearing brand-name clothes and looking stupid, he is a good customer. The waiter naturally led him to the best guitar in the store.

Of course, this price is naturally the most expensive among guitars!

You know, for every musical instrument sold in the store, the waiters like them will get a corresponding commission!

"This is Gibson..."

"How much?"

Amid the warm introduction from the waiter, Kishida asked lightly.

Gibson! This is one of the world's famous guitar brands. Even though Kishida doesn't know much about guitars, he has heard of it.

After all, he had been forced to learn guitar together by Lao Yang for a period of time, so it was natural that he had heard the guy talk about this topic. Of course, since Lao Yang was not short of money, all he could talk about was Versailles...

And since it is a world-famous brand, naturally the price will not be that cheap.

"The price of American-made Gibson is already relatively high, and some special-shaped guitars are also relatively expensive. They are available in 10W and 20W RMB. I really want to buy it, but my spending budget this month has already been used to help you buy something. More than half of the experimental equipment has been spent, and now there is only 120,000 left..."

Old Yang Versailles' complaints seemed to be echoing in his ears, and Kishida's mood inevitably became a little lower.

It had been a while since he traveled to this world of Ke Xue, and he suddenly missed the guy who had always been by his side.

Without him, Lao Yang, the "lonely" guy like himself, would probably be bored to death, hahaha~


The waitress looked at the customer in front of her strangely, wondering why his face was changing from sunny to cloudy.

Could it be because of the price?

"My budget for this month is not enough, just give me a medium-priced guitar!"

Kishida came back to his senses after a long time, and then looked at the waiter who was absent-minded waiting for him to speak, and said with a chuckle.

"Ah!? Oh, okay!"

The waiter was stunned, and then nodded repeatedly.

Her face was full of smiles from beginning to end, and she did not show any contempt throughout the whole process, even if Kishida did not buy the most expensive guitar as she expected.

After all, the quality of those who can be waiters for such a large musical instrument must not be as low as the waiters in the novels with face-slapping routines.

The process went smoothly afterwards. Kishida casually chose a medium-priced guitar, and after trying the tone, he was satisfied and planned to go to the cashier to fill in the address and other information, and pay a certain amount of deposit.

However, just as he walked towards the counter on the left side of the store door, by coincidence, a female customer just happened to come in at the store door.

Of course, this was nothing! It's just...

Fate, wonderful!

Kishida's mouth twitched, and he stared at the woman in the baseball cap in front of him speechlessly, and this sentence inexplicably emerged in his mind.

Then Kishida seemed to remember something, and he opened his mouth and asked coldly, imitating her tone just now:

"Is it you!? Are you following me!?"

== (●●---)? ? ?

Reiko Akiba, who was originally very surprised, had a big question mark on her forehead instantly.

At this moment, the scene seemed to be turned upside down.

"Ms. Akiba, it's really a coincidence! The broken strings of your violin have just been replaced."

Just when the scene was about to freeze, a waiter holding a long backpack just walked out of a single room opposite the counter.

Violin, this backpack?

Kishida glanced at the long backpack and found that it was the backpack that the woman was carrying when she met her at Teppanyaki.

No wonder she didn't see her carrying the backpack on the first floor just now. So she went to the store to change the strings and bought some groceries while waiting?

Looking at the shopping bag held by the woman named "Miss Akiba", Kishida's eyes flashed with a flash of realization.


The violin, the backpack, the shape, and the name "Miss Akiba"...

Kishida seemed to have a little idea in his mind, who was the woman in front of him who met him three times a day...

Well, I saw her three times a day.

PS: Fate, wonderful! Number one goes to the movies, number two goes to listen to... cough cough!

PS: If Lazy Fish continues to write books after finishing the book, Lao Yang will probably be the male protagonist of the second book that is still under consideration, sob sob sob...=....

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