Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 353: Akiba Reiko's Bad Day

Reiko Akiba, a talented female singer with absolute musicality who appeared in the original theatrical version of "The Trembling Score"! This original plot character, who has the largest appearance on all movie posters, is loved by many Conan fans because he is very beautifully drawn, not too broken, and has the cute attribute of "tsundere".

In addition, her voice actor is the famous Noriko Kuwashima.

Singer? No wonder the sound is so nice.

Kishida stared at Reiko Qiu Ting, but remained silent.

Similarly, Qiuting Reiko's red amber eyes stared at Kishida coldly and unwaveringly.

"Um...Miss Qiuting, do you know her?"

It was clear that the temperature in the store was quite warm at the moment, but now the waiter felt cold. He looked back and forth at Reiko Akinewa and Kishida, and asked with a hint of trembling in his tone.

"I don't know!" Qiuting Lianzi replied firmly.

Of course, she and Kishida didn't know each other in the first place.

Kishida glanced and realized that the person speaking was the waiter who led him to the counter, not the waiter holding the long backpack.

So, she is still a frequent visitor here! ?

"That you......"

"Nothing, I just happened to meet you today. Thanks."

Qiuting Reiko interrupted the waiter coldly, then turned around and took the long backpack handed over by another waiter, and walked to the counter without saying a word.

Obviously, she doesn't want to stay here for even a second longer...


"It's a pity that I arrived a little late. Otherwise, maybe I could try to buy all the violin strings in this store!"

A voice that seemed really regretful came out from Kishida's mouth, which was shaking his head, and then quickly drifted in the direction of Qiuting Reiko.

Then, Kishida saw that Reiko Akito's footsteps seemed to pause. But in the blink of an eye, she continued to walk firmly towards the tent.


Kishida couldn't help but chuckle, and then walked towards the counter under the worried eyes of the waiter.

Well, there was no other reason. He just wanted to fill in the information and pay the deposit...



After a while, Akita Reiko quickly and neatly paid the bill. When Kishida had just taken the form and was about to fill in the information, he was already planning to turn around and leave.

But when she was carrying the violin and picking up the shopping bag on the ground again, Kishida seemed to hear her inaudible hum.

He felt funny in his heart, but Kishida had no intention of attacking her right now, because while filling in his address information, he kept chanting to the waiter in front of him as if he was chanting:

"Definitely, we must ensure that it can be delivered by tomorrow morning!"

"Don't worry, sir, our staff will deliver it on time tomorrow morning!"

The person in charge of the counter nodded repeatedly, and after making a promise, he chuckled and asked jokingly:

"Sir, you are so anxious. Is the guitar a gift for your girlfriend on Valentine's Day tomorrow?"

"Uh, no, this is for my own use."

After Kishida finished writing the last contact information on his mobile phone, he put down the ball pen and shook his head.


girlfriend? ! Hahaha, how could a guy with such a bad personality have a girlfriend!

Reiko Akiba, who was just about to walk out of the store, seemed to glance back at Kishida, then shook her head and left.


Hearing the footsteps fading away, Kishida took out his wallet and suddenly asked the person in charge of the counter in front of him:

"Does this singer lady come to your store often?"

"Ah, yes! She comes to our shop every few weeks to change the strings on her violin."

The person in charge of the counter was stunned for a moment, and then realized what Kishida was asking. He felt that this kind of information did not involve the privacy of the customer, and the customer seemed to know Miss Qiuting, so he did not hide it and explained casually.

So, it’s really Qiu Ting’s pity! ?

Kishida, who deliberately replaced the title "Miss Akiba" with "singer", nodded, handed the deposit money to the person in charge of the counter, and complained:

"In that case, the quality of the strings in your store seems not very good!"


The person in charge of the counter seemed to have stiffened his hand when he took the money, and his face couldn't help but tremble.

"Miss Qiuting has very high requirements for the quality of the strings' tone! Otherwise, generally, professional-level ninong strings like those in our store can be used for three hours if you practice the violin for three hours a day. within months.”

The waitress who had been leading Kishida from just now explained helplessly from the side.

Because Kishida had been "making things difficult" for her since just now, she was not obviously choked like the person in charge of the counter.

Well, because she had been choked several times just now...

"And judging from the deterioration in the sound quality of the strings, Miss Qiuting's practice time must be more than three hours a day."

The person in charge of the counter who came back to his senses gave the waitress a grateful look before adding.

"Yeah, it seems like she's working hard."

Kishida shrugged his shoulders, lifted two large bags of food disapprovingly, nodded to the two of them, and turned around to leave.

I chatted with them for a few more words in the store. I think the singer should have gone far away by now... Hehe!

Just after walking a few steps out of the music store and turning around the corridor to the elevator, Kishida couldn't help but roll his eyes at the ceiling before he finished muttering.

"......." (_)

Akiba Reiko, who was still waiting for the elevator, heard the noise, turned her head and saw the person coming, and her expression was instantly completely speechless.


“As the saying goes, things never happen more than three times, so in a sense, we are quite destined to meet today…”

Kishida shook his head and didn’t retreat.


Akiba Reiko glared at him but didn’t say anything, as if she was disdainful of answering, but also as if she agreed.

What else could she say! She had been out for a while!

As a result, the last elevator was full, and they were all couples.

God knows why the couples’ area was on the 3rd floor, but they ran to the floors above the 5th floor.

And the other elevators happened to be all going up…

If this is not a coincidence, then what is a coincidence!?

After excluding the possibility that someone deliberately arranged this, the rest seems to be explained by “fate”… ..


Akiba Reiko couldn't help but shudder slightly, she was disgusted by her own thoughts.

If this is really fate, then it can only be a bad fate!

Well, for a man like this, any woman who is destined to be with him should only be a bad fate...

Akiba Reiko glared at Kishida again, speculating with ill intentions in her heart.

Kishida also stood in front of the elevator and glanced at her out of the corner of his eye.

From the expression on her face, Kishida knew that she would definitely not have any good thoughts in her heart without thinking.

Although he was more or less influenced by the original work, after knowing the identity of this woman, Kishida's impression of Akiba Reiko was roughly changed a little, but his tone was still a little stiff at this time:

"I advise you not to think too much about impolite things."

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