Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 354: Mingmei's horrible social skills

PS: This chapter is the 356th chapter. I, swear, Lazy Fish is really paralyzed today. It may be because of mixed feelings.

"What are you talking about? You've been gone for so long?"

About five minutes later, when Mingmei came back, Kishida, who was a little impatient, was completely dumbfounded.

What's going on? Who am I, where am I...cough cough!

Why can two strange women chat for so long in this situation?

"No~~Just a few words. Then I invited her by the way. If she is free, she can go to our dessert shop to taste my craftsmanship."

Mingmei picked up a few small bags on the ground and explained "euphemistically and implicitly".

...( ̄口 ̄)! ! !

Kishida opened his mouth wide and couldn't close it for a long time.

".....Then what? What did the woman say?"

After a long time, Kishida looked at Mingmei suspiciously and asked curiously.

"She said yes~"

Akira nodded and answered as a matter of course.

"...Have you maxed out your social skills?"

Kishida was completely speechless now.

She wasn't afraid that the woman would quarrel with her in the dessert shop!

Kishida suddenly felt a headache.

According to this development, he might really come into contact with that woman again.

Although the woman was in line with his aesthetics, her personality seemed to be really in conflict with his...

"You are worthy of being Sister Chinami!"

Sonoko and Xiaolan, who had been eating melons beside them, had to give a thumbs up.


"Hehehe~" Akimei laughed happily.

"Well, what's there to be happy about. You are just wasting time doing unnecessary things. There is no need at all."

Kishida came back to his senses, curled his lips helplessly, muttered in dissatisfaction, and then walked to the cashier.

Although he had already paid for the food, Mingmei had to pay for the couple's items in a separate designated area.

"Oh, maybe. But Miss Akiba Reiko is really nice. And only if you learn to avoid the tip of the knife can you prevent it from piercing your vitals. This is a little trick I learned~"

Mingmei followed him, gently poked Kishida with her elbow, and explained with a pleasant face and eyes.

No matter whether doing these things makes sense or not, they are done anyway. Moreover, because of Huiyuan, she has a natural liking for this type of woman, so it is always good to make one more friend.

May you treat the world gently, and then be treated gently by the world...

Mingmei vaguely remembers that when she was very young, her mother said something similar to her, and now, she is more and more convinced of the power of this sentence.

Looking at Kishida's profile, Mingmei thought calmly.


"So, you mean that according to the intimate behavior displayed by the couple, your Jiujitang will give corresponding discounts?"

A few minutes later, in the specially designated couple payment area, Kishida asked with a look of realization.

No wonder I saw so many "couples" with ambiguous actions when I came here just now.

"Yes, sir, this is the specific discount content."

The staff smiled warmly and pointed to a plaque standing next to it.

Kishida looked in the direction of his finger and saw that it was full of chalk words.

Kishida's eyes quickly passed, taking a quick look, reading ten lines at a glance.

10% off: Couples can cross their fingers and hold hands. This is very simple, Kishida passed it without thinking.

20% off: Couples hug each other tightly, lean on each other, and maintain for one minute. So, easy, pass!

30% off: Both parties face to face... pass!

60% off: Kiss each other on the cheek... well, I can consider it.

50% off: Lip kiss, maintain for three seconds. Well, this is good.

40% off: French kiss (tongues intertwined, saliva exchanged), cough cough, this is very nice, but it's a pity that the senior sister is unlikely to agree.

30% off: cough cough, the scale is too large, Kishida has given up thinking.

20% off: Damn, it's worthy of the island people, they really know how to play...

10% off: Well, there is no more 10% off!

Because he only saw a rough idea, Kishida thought and complained in his mind, and soon finished reading the chalk words on the plaque.

TNND, if it continues to develop at this scale, as long as you have a passionate two-person sports between lovers in front of your staff, you can get the whole venue for free! ?

This Moriyama Kyuichido, his mother is really a talent!

"It's a pity that you can come up with such an activity."

His face trembled a little, and Kishida looked at the staff speechlessly and said.

"Ha, ha, this is a plan thought up by our group's young master."

The staff laughed dryly a few times and explained in a low voice.

"How about it, Senior, how much discount do you want?"

Kishida naturally gave the choice to Mingmei.

"Well, let me see..."

Mingmei pointed at her chin with her green finger, her eyes wandering back and forth between 70% and 50% discount, hesitant.

"How about 40% discount? Is that okay?"

Sure enough, Mingmei finally chose the Dragonfly Point Face without much surprise from Kishida.

After all, no matter what, it was really too difficult for her to kiss mouth to mouth in front of Ai, Ran, and Sonoko.

She hesitated and considered for a long time before answering, mainly because she was worried that Kishida would think she was too hypocritical and that she didn't give him face, and other unreal things~~


Kishida nodded happily.

It turned out that Akemi was really overthinking. It was basically impossible for Kishida to force her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Then, Kishida and Akemi gradually approached each other. Under the eyes of Ran and Sonoko staring without blinking, Huiyuan seemed helpless, but actually had a cute expression with her eyes never leaving. The two of them kissed each other on the face like chickens.


"A little sweet!"

Kishida pursed his lips lightly, and said jokingly with emotion.

Speaking of which, this was his first time to taste Mingmei's smooth little face~~

"Hmph, you are so slick!" Mingmei shyly rolled her eyes at him.

"Am I slick? Didn't you know last time? Of course, if you forget, we can send Xiao Ai away tonight, and then I will let you recall it again~~"

Kishida stuck to Mingmei, his lips attached to her ears, full of interest and emotion, and whispered greasyly.

"You are looking for a fight!"つ﹏

Mingmei's originally rosy face instantly steamed ten times, and then she climbed up to Kishida's waist in an instant, and the two-finger Zen magic skill turned and started.


For the sake of face, Kishida remained silent in public.

Although Akemi didn't spend much money...


"I didn't expect it to be so expensive even with a 40% discount."

A few minutes later, in the parking lot, Kishida murmured helplessly.


In response, Akemi could only give him a look of "I'll pay attention next time". There was no other way. When picking things for Kishida, she subconsciously chose the best and naturally expensive things.

Of course, this time, the cost of these things was paid by Akemi at her strong insistence.

Kishida didn't need to think about it, he knew the reason for her insistence.

It's nothing more than that there should be a gift bought specifically for him tomorrow.

"Hey, what are you complaining about! This is obviously paid by Chinami. 's style. "

Seeing this, Sonoko stood up for Chinami.

"Do you think I want to? The staff member just now almost thought I was a gigolo..."

Kishida glared back angrily.

"Giving away money! ?"


"Hee hee~~"

The four girls, big and small, were obviously stunned, and then reacted with a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

They are all beautiful and intelligent girls. Although they don't understand the specific meaning of "giving away money", combined with the "obscure" look that the staff member just cast on Kishida, they can roughly guess what it means.

"There will be plenty of opportunities in the future~~"

Amei smiled and comforted.

"Well, if you just bought so many things...well, it seems that you can only send the things first Go home, send them back, and finally go to Jifeigoubiaozhuang. "

Kishida said slowly while stuffing the shopping bags into the trunk.

"Well, that's the only way..."

Amei counted the things in her apartment in her heart, and then nodded helplessly.

"Then get in the car." After putting the last bag, Kishida called.

Then, without any extra waves, Kishida drove the Bentley and sent Sonoko and Xiaolan back safely, and then emptied the goods in the trunk at home first, and then took Huiyuan and Akemi to Jifeigoubiaozhuang.......

PS: I am fickle, and these two chapters are counted as the update on the 18th! The book will be free tomorrow, and the free is the last chance to fail, so Lazy Fish plans to work hard. Well, for every 1500 Qidian coins reward received, Lazy Fish will add one chapter after the free period on Wednesday, which can be accumulated. Of course, due to limited capacity, the upper limit of the daily update is about 10 chapters. If there are extra rewards, they will be returned slowly the next day...

This is the last chance for Lazy Fish to recommend. For various reasons, if it really doesn't work, the friends who have joined the group will know and understand. Lazy Fish will probably speed up the completion of this book, and then consider starting a new book...

Oh, by the way, the group number of the book is: 1043170879, friends can join the group to discuss~

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