Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 358: The peak that Mingmei


Kishida laughed heartily several times before continuing in a sincere tone:

"Actually, I really think you are cuter like this!"


Mingmei's blue eyes widened instantly, filled with confusion.

"Well, let me think about how to say that sentence... Oh, right!"

Kishida still rubbed the stubble on his chin against Akemi's cheek. After thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up and he continued:

"I show sympathy for your daily decency, and entertain your secret thoughts~~ Well! If I remember correctly, that should be it!"

"Walk, wave!?!"

The green smoke on Mingmei's head started to come out again, and her eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes.

"Ahem, you know that's not what I meant~"

Kishida choked. It was clear that his focus was not on this word.

"I was just fooled into buying one by the shopping guide, and I just tried it on that night. I'm really not that kind of woman..."

Akemi blushed and was ashamed, but she was still afraid that Kishida would misunderstand, so she murmured an explanation in a low voice.

"Okay, okay! Don't you know one thing?"

After Kishida signaled her not to be nervous, he deliberately raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Huh!? What happened?"

"mua~ For me, it's great news that you try to wear these sexy styles!"

Under Mingmei's increasingly confused eyes, Kishida lightly gave her a sneak attack on her rosy cheek, and then added with a smile:

"Of course, the premise of all this is that you can only wear it for me to see! And only I am qualified to give you a rating~~ Hehehe!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Kishida made a look like a pervert who was about to drool and salivate.


Then, as expected by Kishida, Akemi's pink fists like raindrops fell crazily on Kishida's body. Whether it is TV or experience in books, we all tell us that the best way to deal with a woman who is almost losing her mind is... ....

(3) (ˉεˉ)

Well, just seal her mouth!


However, a few seconds later, a painful scream came from the room!


A few minutes later, on the third-floor walkway of the apartment where Mingmei rented a single room, Kishida, who was leaning against the fence wall, rubbed the soft ribs of his waist. His expression was obscure and his eyes were complicated. He clenched and unclenched his palms and remained silent for a long time.


Haiyuan, who was also standing aside, chuckled and looked at him with gloating eyes.

"I was cheated!" (╥╯^╰╥)

Hearing the voice coming from his ears, Kishida woke up from his memories. He glanced at Haibara and murmured to himself, pretending to be about to cry without tears.


Haiyuan snorted in relief and asked curiously.

"Everything taught on TV and in books is all lies to me. This trick is useless! This is the first time your sister has been so cruel to me!"

Kishida was funny on the inside, but still looked sad on the outside, but he still felt that the soft spot in his waist was still aching.

This own sister is actually willing to beat him! ?

How can it be! ?

Seeing that Kishida's pain really didn't seem to be fake, Haibara showed unconcealable surprise on his face. He pondered for a while and couldn't think of a reason. Seeing that Kishida had no intention of speaking again, he finally couldn't help but be curious and asked road:

".....What tricks did you use?"

"I just used the forbidden water escape technique to seal her. But, obviously she is better than me!"

Kishida spoke freely.

In his opinion, isn't it just spitting when a certain second generation uses water escape...

Haiyuan:? ? ?

"What do you mean? Talk like a human being!"~~(﹁﹁)~~~

Haiyuan looked at him with cold eyes,

"Ahem, it's a French tongue kiss! Do you understand?"

Kishida coughed and gave her an easy-to-understand look.

"Bah~" ()

As soon as Kishida finished speaking, Haibara couldn't help but spat at him, and his delicate little face was stained with a cute blush.

So, that water escape is the exchange port...ミ●﹏☉ミ

Haiyuan was shocked again.

No wonder my sister would hit him... No!

Haven't they done similar things before?

According to this level of development, with my sister’s character of being followed by others, she shouldn’t get angry and hit him!

At least, I definitely won’t be willing to take a heavy blow!


There must be something hidden in this!

Haiyuan's little head was spinning rapidly, and he soon realized something was wrong, and immediately looked at Kishida suspiciously.


"Ahem, cough, cough. Although there was an accident, this is not something you, a little girl, need to know..."

Seeing this, Kishida waved quickly and turned his head to the distance in embarrassment, as if he could see the distant scenery from the third floor...

In fact, I'm already 18!

Haibara's mouth twitched, but seeing that Kishida obviously had no desire to explain further, he could only stand aside with him, waiting for his sister to pack the few luggage.


Kishida stared at the scenery in the distance without saying a word, his face looking relaxed and happy, as if he was intoxicated.

In the distance, the mud man seemed to greedily wrap around the plant that came in; the plant was encouraged and quickly grew roots;

Every grain of sand it touched trembled; the trembling grains gathered in dissatisfaction;

Then a towering mountain peak was formed; plants finally opened up on the top of the mountain;

As spring comes and autumn passes, it bears wonderful fruits;

It turned out to be a grapevine.

Kishida looked at his palm, then looked at the mountain peaks in the distance, and shook his hand.

The soft warmth from before still seems to be left in the palm of the hand, the fingertips still have a faint scent of grape fruit, and Mingmei's violent breathing seems to be echoing in the ears...

Just now, I was unconscious, and it seemed that I had done something very big! -(˙ー˙)-

Kishida squinted his eyes slightly, feeling uneasy for a long time. Although his waist was still hurting, his mood was extremely good now.

As for Mingmei, he had already made plans to stand on the aisle and wait for her for a long time...

After all, she has to calm down~~

Kishida had a thick smile on his lips.

He wasn't worried that Mingmei would blame him. Although he couldn't help but do something excessive when the two of them were in love, in the end he was a normal man. It was normal for him to be like this involuntarily after being stimulated by a series of stimuli.

Moreover, although the two have not been dating for a long time, they know each other's feelings clearly.

I just made this day come a little earlier...

However, when can I dock with Mingmei like Shenzhou 8 and Tiangong 1? ?

Can this day come sooner...

Kishida's thoughts glowed randomly, as if he was driving a car alone in the beautiful world of free fantasy.

"Diwu, diwu!"

It wasn't until several traffic police cars passed by on the street not far from the apartment that the rapid sound of sirens woke him up...


PS: Thank you very much for your recommendation votes, monthly votes, reward support, and thanks (′`). In addition, as I said before, one chapter can be added for 1,500 starting coins, of course, only for these two days.嘤嘤嘤

Well, the next update will be on Wednesday afternoon, and there will be additional updates based on rewards!

Stop talking and continue writing! Save the manuscript~~Don’t pity me, just give me the reward! (*/ω\*)

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