"My family lives in Loess Gaopo~ My father is my mother's cousin~ They were sneaking around before we got married~ They accidentally ended up with me~"

Driving a white car with the sticker removed and replaced with the original license plate, Kishida remembered that Miyano Akemi's boyfriend Akai Shuichi was her cousin, so he couldn't help but hummed softly in the car. Funny songs that you know where you’ve heard.

Lovers really do become brothers and sisters! But it seems that Japanese cousins ​​can get married, but it doesn’t seem to be encouraged. Kishida’s thoughts are flying very far...

"Junior, what song are you singing?" Miyano Akemi couldn't understand Chinese, so she asked curiously.

"I don't know what this song is called. I heard it before and hummed these lines!" Kishida glanced at Miyano Akemi through the rearview mirror in the car, and then answered honestly.

"I feel like you're being rude to me by singing this all of a sudden!" Miyano Akemi frowned slightly. She felt that Kishida looked at her through the rearview mirror of the car as if he was watching a joke.

"Ahem~ What's the matter, Miss Masami!" Kishida almost choked to death on his saliva. Is a woman's sixth sense so accurate?

"It seems that I guessed it!" Miyano Akemi looked at Kishida and knew that she had guessed it right. She rolled her eyes and said.

"..." Sure enough, I'm not suitable for dealing with girls, Kishida complained in his heart.

"By the way, let's get to know each other again. My real name is Miyano Akemi!" Akemi said suddenly when Kishida didn't speak or care.

"Yes." Kishida nodded, indicating that he understood.

"..." Miyano Akemi was silent, and then there was a silence in the car.

"We're here!" After nearly fifteen minutes of silence, Kishida finally saw the villa. He turned back to Miyano Akemi, who had been looking out the window in a daze.

"You will stay in this villa for a few days, and I will send you food and clothes during these days." Kishida continued.

"Well, thank you!" Miyano Akemi nodded.

However, Miyano Akemi actually planned to leave after tonight, firstly so as not to drag Kishida down. Although he was very mysterious and didn’t know what method he used to save her, Akemi still didn’t think he could compete alone. organization;

The second is that she is still worried about her sister. Based on her understanding of her sister, if she knew that she was dead, she would definitely fight against the organization with her life for her own sake. If anything happened to her sister, she would definitely regret it.

So, she decided to wait until she felt better tomorrow and leave a note to say goodbye to Kishida.

"By the way, if you stay here honestly for a few days and don't go anywhere, maybe you can reunite with your sister in a few days!" After entering the villa and parking the car, Kishida suddenly thought What, he added.

Kishida was afraid that after he saved Miyano Akemi, a butterfly effect would occur, causing people who were supposed to die to live and people who were supposed to be alive to die. Therefore, the best way is to keep Miyano Akemi at home these days to prevent the butterfly's wings from flapping too quickly.

"What!? Ahem..." Miyano Akemi suddenly became excited, but she was too weak now, so she coughed violently.

"Hey, are you okay?" Kishida quickly got out of the car and opened the back seat door.

"Ahem, I'm fine. Don't worry about me for now. Is what you just said true?" Miyano Akemi's eyes were full of hope. She pulled Kishida's sleeves, for fear that he would say it was a lie.

"Well, of course it's true. As long as you stay here for a few days, I think you will definitely be able to reunite with your sister!" Kishida looked at her and comforted softly.

He suddenly felt envious in his heart. This kind of family affection was something he had never felt before. He didn't know if one day he had an accident or died of someone, who would worry and cry for him.

"Yeah! Yeah! Thank you, really thank you~~" Miyano Akemi's eyes turned red and she said gratefully. Since this person can save himself in a way he doesn't know, he should also be able to save Shiho. No, definitely can! Minmei thought as if to cheer herself up. Then she slowly breathed a sigh of relief, loosened Kishida's hand, and gently fell down on the seat.

"Hey!" Kishida hurriedly went up to check and found that she had just passed out because she had been tense and worried these past few days, coupled with excessive blood loss, and now her mind suddenly relaxed.

"Really!" Kishida complained, helplessly picking her up again and entering the villa.

However, what he didn't know was that at this moment, a man wearing a hood whose face could not be seen suddenly appeared not far from the villa. He stood there, staring at the villa for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking. .....


"Conan, Conan, wake up~~" Conan, who was lying on the ground, felt someone slapping his face. He slowly opened his eyes with difficulty and found that Officer Megure was looking at him with a worried look on his face. After realizing that he woke up , exhaled a breath.

"I'm not dead!? I'm still alive?" Conan couldn't believe it.

"Conan, what happened here? When I came here, I saw you lying in a pool of blood. I was really scared to death. Fortunately, I found out later that you were just stunned. Otherwise, I don't know how to talk to Maori. Brother, tell me!" Officer Memu said a series of words when he saw Conan wake up.

"I'm fine, Officer Megure, this blood is not mine, it's Sister Yamei's, she was killed by her accomplices, right, the key!" Conan's face changed, and he quickly searched for it on his body.

Found it? It's still there? Wasn't taken away by that person? Conan, who took out the key from his body, looked surprised. Oh, Officer Megure just said that he was just knocked unconscious, and the needle was just an anesthetic needle? He had no intention of killing himself at all? He didn't take the key away either? Why? And I remember what the man said when I fainted last? Moutai? Gin? Boss? Is this the code name of the black organization? Named after wine?

Conan felt that his smart head was about to explode. Many questions and guesses flashed through his mind, but there was no clue to tell him the answer, which made him feel very uncomfortable!

"Key, what key?" Officer Megure asked curiously.

"It's the key to the 1 billion yen that was stolen!" Conan said hurriedly, "Hurry up, Officer Megure, the money is in the safe east of Beika Station. Sister Yamei didn't hand over the real key when she was killed by her accomplices. Find the money before they react." Conan didn't know whether the people in the organization reacted when he was unconscious, but now he can only try.

"Okay!" Officer Megure nodded quickly, and then he didn't forget to take Conan with him. He planned to ask him more specific information in the car.

And Kishida, who ignored these things, can only sigh and cook the food he bought today in the kitchen of the villa.

Alas, why do I have to do these things~~

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