Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 370: The Red Siamese Cat that Stumbles into the Skyscraper (Part 1)

"Sure enough, I knew you must be involved in this kind of thing."

Ten minutes later, Kishida, who was half-slumped on the sofa, was weakly communicating with Conan on the phone.

"Haha~" Conan's noncommittal laughter came from the other end of the phone.


Kishida couldn't help but shudder, and subconsciously looked towards the kitchen. Even with the wall blocking him, he felt that he was freezing to death. God knows how long it took him to coax the awkward girl back.

"My head hurts. I brought all these troubles on myself!"

Kishida groaned in pain and pleasure.

But no, if you are a happy frog, you will not be able to live a happy life alone.

No wonder a magical species like the green frog can live a long and peaceful life!

"what are you saying?"

Hearing Kishida's emotion, Conan asked in confusion.

"No. Anyway, I've told you everything. There will be fireworks over there at ten o'clock in the evening. You should make good use of the time." Kishida replied slowly.

"I understand. But why didn't you let me tell Dr. Agasa that there was someone inside the Aideto Art Museum? And you specifically asked me to wait until the last few minutes to tell Officer Takagi?"

After Conan answered, his doubtful tone came over again.

"I think Officer Takagi, who knew that there was going to be an explosion tonight but couldn't get there in time, must have a very horrified expression, right?"

Kishida's tone was quiet and he replied very pleasantly. Then he suddenly remembered something and continued to add:

"Oh, by the way, if you can, remember to take a photo and send it to me. Maybe I will take this photo, write a letter, and send it to the news media together with the photo, so maybe tomorrow's "Daily "News" newspaper can also publish a 'commendation' to Officer Takagi!"

"...Are you the devil?" ( ̄□ ̄;)

Conan squinted his eyes and subconsciously glanced at Officer Takagi who was not far away. He couldn't help but hold a second of silence for Takagi who shivered at the same time.

When I think about the fact that Officer Takagi let the suspect escape when he was escorting the suspect, and the whole of Tokyo knew about it, then Officer Takagi really doesn't have to hang out in the Metropolitan Police Department.

This guy definitely wants to take the opportunity to retaliate, what Officer Takagi did last night!

Sure enough, it was still the Kishida he knew.

"Just take pictures. That's it. I'll hang up now if I have anything else to do!"

Kishida responded casually and then hung up the phone.

Because he knew that Conan was probably still holding back some anger towards him and had a series of questions, so it was better to hang up the phone as soon as possible.

Of course, he also knew that Conan would not take pictures of himself...

"This guy, ha!"

Listening to the busy signal from the phone, Conan shook his head helplessly.

He still refuses to reveal the information about that black organization to himself, ε=(′ο`*))) Alas!

Conan sighed softly in his heart, and in the blink of an eye, he forgot what Kishida had just told him.

After all, he felt that his heart should still be pink when cut open, so there was no need to add insult to injury.

However, if you don't take pictures, you won't take pictures. As long as you don't leave anything behind, Conan is quite willing to see Officer Takagi's expression later.

As for the real murderer, he now has a certain clue...


"A mysterious terrorist organization? What kind of organization is it? Is the man talking to Mio Tokiwa in the conference room related to this organization?"

On the sofa, it was only now that Kishida had some free time to clear his mind.

Since this organization was able to kill the lawyer, it proves that the other party is quite powerful in Tokyo. There may even be personnel who have infiltrated the Metropolitan Police Department. Otherwise, it would not have been possible to discover the police plan so quickly and then do it in the lawyer's car. He then killed the lawyer.

"This Metropolitan Police Department is really full of holes! It feels like anyone can go back and forth through it..."

Kishida covered his head and muttered again.

The police in this island country are really hopeless...

"Interspersed with what?"

A confused voice came from the side, and Kishida realized that Akemi was standing beside him silently, holding a medical kit in her hand.

"No, I'm thinking about that organization."

Kishida replied casually.

"The organization you just mentioned?"

Mingmei's eyes contained worry. She was sulky and jealous just now, so she didn't think deeper. Now that her rationality has returned, she inevitably becomes worried.

"Yeah. Aren't you cooking? Why are you suddenly coming to apply medicine on me?"

Kishida responded, then glanced at the medical box and said puzzledly.

"It's almost ready. Now I'm making miso soup and cooking. There are only a few stoves in the kitchen. I'll just have Xiao Ai to take care of the stoves."

Mingmei explained with a smile.

"Actually, I, okay, come on..."

Kishida was about to say that his waist was already fine, but suddenly he saw Akemi's little hands rubbing her pussy, so he wisely chose to close his mouth, and directly lifted up the corner of his clothes, revealing that he was strong...

Uh, okay, the strong muscles given by the original body have begun to show signs of relaxation after Kishida traveled through time, stayed up late every day, and drank Fat House Happy Water every day. Although there are still abdominal muscles, they are obviously no longer strong. .

Mingmei glanced at Kishida's abdominal muscles casually, then blinked. No one knew what she was thinking, but she suddenly reached out and pressed his stomach lightly.

Kishida: ? ? ?


Kishida was stunned, feeling the residual warmth from his palm on his stomach, and then he smiled evilly:

"If you want to touch it, send Xiao Ai back to the doctor tonight, and then I can let you touch it enough, but I also want to, hey..."


Mingmei slapped his stomach with her little hand, interrupting him, and then blushed slightly, and said unhappily:

"You are not in a good shape all day long, and you think Xiao Ai is not angry enough! Really! Also, drink less Coke in the future! This kind of calorie and sugary drink, it is better to drink less! No wonder your stomach feels loose."

She just found two boxes of Coke that Kishida put in the kitchen cabinet, and there were also several cans scattered in the refrigerator, so it was inevitable that she had some complaints.

After all, it's fine if I didn't see it before, but now that I know, I naturally won't allow him to drink these junk foods every day and damage his body.

"Well... I can exercise occasionally, I don't like drinking boiled water."

Kishida hesitated and explained with some embarrassment.

If he was asked to exercise, it would be fine, but if he was asked to drink boiled water every day with his picky taste, it would be embarrassing for Fat Tiger...


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