Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 372 Kishida: My kidneys!

Since there is a terrorist organization above them, let’s assume that the terrorist organization’s original anime has appeared in it, and that the communicator has a Siamese cat cartoon sticker inexplicably attached to it.

Excluding the girlish heart of the female robber, these three conditions add up...

Red Siamese cat! !

Of course, Kishida's mind came up with the name of this mysterious terrorist organization mentioned by Miyamoto Yumi!

This is a mysterious terrorist organization that appeared in the original theatrical version of "Sky Shipwreck". It is an island country terrorist organization that has disappeared for nearly ten years. It specializes in hunting major consortiums and group companies because of the organization's logo. It is a red Siamese cat, hence the name "Red Siamese Cat"!


Mingmei, who was pinned down, was stunned for a moment, and then asked with the same joy.

The unknown enemy is the most terrifying! If you know the specific situation of that organization, such as the number of members, you can at least make some preparations in advance! Or maybe you can strike first!

"Well, it's all thanks to you! Otherwise, maybe I wouldn't have remembered it so quickly!"

Kishida raised his eyebrows at Akemi beneath him and said with a smile.

"Me!? You mean 'cat'!?"

Mingmei hesitated for a moment, and then asked thoughtfully.

Because it happened so suddenly, she temporarily forgot the fact that she was being pinned down by her boyfriend.

"Bingo! This organization should be the 'Red Siamese Cat'. The cat you just mentioned just reminds me that the communicator of the female robber that night had the logo of this organization."

Kishida explained with a chuckle, and then looked at Mingmei's beautiful face, which suddenly became ambiguous and charming.

"Red Siamese cat? I seem to have heard of this organization, but they didn't disappear... Junior brother, you, what do you want to do?"

A look of surprise appeared on Mingmei's face, and her red lips opened slightly. She was about to say something, but she found that Kishida, who was pressing on her, was slowly bending down and leaning his head towards her face. She couldn't help but be frightened. Eclipsed.

Only then did she remember that Kishida had been sitting on her just now, and she couldn't help but want to reach out and push him away.

"Sure enough, I must reward such a smart girl who can bring me luck!" (﹃)

Kishida pushed Mingmei's hand away, because he was much stronger than Mingmei at the moment, so he could easily prevent her from breaking away. Then, when Mingmei was unable to resist, he said with a smile, and finally blocked her hard. Tender and rosy lips.

"Wait, wait a minute...uh!"

Junior Hundan, what kind of reward is this? ! It's obvious that you want to kiss me and take advantage of me! (っ*′Д`)っ

Mingmei, whose lips were sealed, murmured angrily in her heart, and then... she kissed her. Under the tenderness and affection, a pair of slender, boneless hands couldn't help but wrap around Kishida's. Waist...

A woman~~

You say you don’t need it, but your body is very sincere. It’s normal~~

Kishida also seemed to have forgotten that he seemed to want to "punish" Akemi at first. However, in less than a minute, the "punishment" inexplicably turned into a "reward", but the means of implementation were different. Still no change!

Of course, for young lovers like them who are in love, it is normal for you and me to have sex with each other...

The lights in the living room are dim and flickering, and the charming and ambiguous atmosphere is like the rose-colored mist in the night outside the window. It gradually dims under the twinkling stars in the girl's blue eyes, and then gradually brightens and becomes hazy. Then the spring light leaked out, and the holy light suddenly appeared. All kinds of rays of light came together to form an illusory and wonderful light.


"Tap tap tap!"

"Sister, the miso soup is ready. Have you finished applying the medicine on him?

Slight footsteps walked from the kitchen to the living room, and Haiyuan's cold voice also came from far away. However, when she walked to the living room, she saw the dim light in the living room, which made her feel suspicious:

‘Strange, why don’t you turn on the light tube and only turn on an electric light...ahhhhhh! ! "

With the icy blue eyes, the unsightly "living" scene on the sofa was reflected, a beautiful face turned pale, and a panicked scream pierced the entire small villa, and then Haiyuan quickly covered it with his cute little hands. My delicate little face.

But through the fingers of her little hands, her blue eyes were shining, completely unobstructed!

In less than a second, like a domino effect, a chain reaction occurred in the living room...


Akemi screamed loudly like a nightingale, and then she didn't know where she got the strength to push Kishida off the sofa.


Kishida was caught off guard and fell to the floor. Unfortunately, his waist accidentally hit the medical box.


Then there was a scream of pain.


Screams, collisions, and screams came one after another from the small villa. After hearing the sound, the passers-by who happened to pass by the small villa couldn't help but reach out and scratch their heads, then paused for a second, and then left directly.

If I go back later, my wife will be nagging again.



As soon as the dazzling row of lamps were turned on, the mist-like ambiguity of the previous moment suddenly dissipated. Haibara looked at the helpless Akemi with an embarrassed expression, and helped Kishida, who was screaming in pain on the ground, to the sofa.

"Hi~~ We just wanted to be gentle with each other, give each other a little kiss. His~ It's not like you haven't seen it before, eh~ why are you reacting like that!"

Kishida lay on the sofa instead, gasping in pain and complaining to Haibara with a sad face.

"Who told you not to wear clothes!" o( ̄ε ̄*)

Haiyuan pouted, looking embarrassed, wringing his fingers and looking elsewhere.

"Last time you put medicine on me, I was wearing clothes!!! Hiss~"

Kishida's forehead tensed up and he yelled in grief and anger.

"Then who told you not to wear clothes, and then you still pressed on your sister..."╮(﹀_﹀")╭

Haiyuan whispered again, as if he was innocent.

She actually felt that she was quite innocent in her heart...

exactly! He was not wearing any clothes and was still on top of his sister. He would subconsciously think that the two of them were doing that... that kind of permissive thing. It was normal!

"Do you think that when you are at home, hey, I will eat your sister..."

"Stop, stop, stop! That's enough!"

Mingmei, who was already very embarrassed and at a loss what to do, was told by the two guys, which made her cheeks stained with two pink peach blossoms, and then she completely collapsed.

"Pah! I almost forgot, the fire in the kitchen hasn't been turned off yet, I'll turn it off first!"

Seeing this, Haiyuan lightly slapped his white forehead, and then quickly slipped away to the kitchen with his small body.

Thirty-six strategies, taking action is the best strategy!

This was something Kishida taught her when she and Kishida were chatting.


After glancing at Haiyuan's leaving figure, the rationality in Mingmei's mind returned a little.

Then his eyes turned to Kishida on the sofa with a half-smiling look...

"Seeing how miserable I am now, just show your kindness and spare me! Hiss~~"

Kishida said with a depressed face, as if pitifully.

"You deserve it! Is it okay now? Everything is red and swollen!"

Mingmei glanced at the redness and swelling on Kishida's waist, and then glanced at the medical box next to her feet that was slightly deformed by her boyfriend, and she felt angry and distressed at the same time.

"How did I know that things would develop like this!"

Kishida muttered.

"Okay, okay, just lie down! I'll give you some medicine!"

Mingmei picked up the medicinal wine and motioned for him to lie down.

"Yeah, but I didn't expect that the two injuries on my waist were actually caused by you, senior!"

Feeling the pain coming from his waist, Kishida said in a faint tone.

"Oh, junior, are you blaming me!?"

Akemi poured the medicinal wine into her hand and glared at Kishida angrily.

"No!! I mean, I haven't done anything to you yet! You've already affected my kidneys a little bit..."

Kishida curled his lips and complained helplessly.


Mingmei's small hand with medicinal wine gently patted Kishida's "waist", then blushed and spat at him:

"It's already here, and you're still not in shape yet!"

"Ah!! Hey, please use some strength! It hurts me so much! My kidneys are not only related to myself, but also to your future happiness!"

Kishida let out another scream, and then quickly warned Akemi anxiously.


Mingmei was stunned for a moment, then realized what she was doing, and her pretty face turned red instantly.

"If you keep talking like that, I'll ignore you!"

Mingmei bit her red lips and said angrily.

However, the gentle rubbing action of her little hand on Kishida's "waist" seemed to be much lighter...

Probably, it won’t really have any impact on the future, right? (.﹏.)

Akemi stared at Kishida's left kidney and whispered in her heart.

"Well, that's pretty much it~"

Kishida groaned softly, but in his heart he couldn't help but wailed like a certain Mr. Lu:

I'm dripping with kidneys! ! ! ┭┮﹏┭┮


PS: There are only three updates tonight. I was forced to go to a small drinking party by my friends, so I can only add more updates tomorrow. Anyway, I will slowly add more updates in the future~~ヾ (′`o)

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