Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 375: Little daily playfulness between siblings

"...I will definitely join forces with my sister to teach you an unforgettable lesson!"

After being silent for a while, Haihara looked at Kishida expressionlessly, his ice blue eyes filled with helplessness.

I made it clear that I was worried about him! But this guy clearly knew what she meant, but he always liked to let her speak her mind, as if he could get greater satisfaction in this way.

Haibara is not clear about this, because the feeling of satisfaction in "forcing" a little girl with an arrogant personality like her to say embarrassing words is enough to give Kishida twice the happiness!

"Ha, haha~"

However, Kishida couldn't help but laugh after hearing the lesson.

"You were told that you were just teasing me?"

Haiyuan's expression instantly became even more ugly, with black lines all over his face.

"No way, have I ever regretted what I promised you? Really..."

Kishida shook his head and reached out to stroke her head.

"Aren't you going to code or program?"

Haiyuan's pupils rolled up and glanced at his big hand, but he didn't break away at all, he just asked curiously.

After all, she has gradually gotten used to it.

And subconsciously, she also enjoyed Kishida's intimate actions towards her. This reminded her of a long time ago when she was pampered like her sister. But her sister is only seven years older than her.

So Mingmei herself was just a little girl at that time, so when facing the organization, both of them were so weak and helpless. Shiho, who was still a real loli at that time, was very eager to have an older brother to protect them.

Well, it's just that when Haiyuan grew up, he understood that ten more brothers wouldn't be enough for Ginjiu to kill alone...

"It's almost ready. It's just a little disguise added to the doctor's positioning program, and then a little more "spice" added along the way."

Kishida explained softly, then rubbed Haibara's head with both hands before returning to the keyboard.

"Oh, you got it during dinner in the afternoon, right!?"

Haibara took a closer look at the code, and then remembered that Kishida seemed to have chatted with Dr. Agasa for a while during dinner in the afternoon.


"Why do you want to locate that guy? Don't you want to trouble him yourself?"

Haiyuan suddenly noticed the important point again and glanced at Kishida suspiciously.

"Of course...impossible!"

Kishida deliberately teased her with his accent.

"...Then what do you want to do?" Haiyuan complained helplessly.

Kishida was preoccupied with two things. While typing the code, he told her his plans for the morning in detail.

He would answer almost anything Haiyuan asked, without deliberately hiding anything.

As long as this girl doesn't ask what she was laughing at in the first place, that's fine!

Along with the clicking sound of the keyboard, Kishida muttered in his heart.

Just now, Haibara almost heard that he claimed to be Akai Shuichi's cousin-in-law.

As for the fact that Shuichi Akai is their cousin, Kishida is not going to tell the sisters if it is not necessary. This can be regarded as a small selfish move on his part!

He didn't want them to think differently about Akai Shuichi. Especially Mingmei, if she knew, she would probably be depressed to death!

Of course, she might be even more grateful that nothing happened between her and Akai Shuichi, and that she is now in love with herself.

However, even so, Kishida sincerely hopes that she will just treat Shuichi Akai as a stranger and never interact with him again!

Moreover, this way they won't try to dissuade them if they act cruelly in the future.

Anyway, in terms of closeness, they might as well be "relatives" like themselves who are not related by blood!

Kishida was muttering in his mind, typing codes with his fingers, and answering Haibara's questions from time to time.

"I see, that's a good idea. In this case, at least he can restrain Gin. It would be even better if the FBI can gain something!"

After hearing Kishida's words, Haibara's eyes couldn't help but light up, and he praised with a chuckle.

In her opinion, as long as Gin is in a little trouble and can't just think about finding herself, that's good news!

As a former high-ranking member of the organization, she was well aware of how determined Gin, a traitor like her, would be to send her on her way. What's more, that scary guy seems to "care" a lot more about himself than other members!

"There should be gains. As long as we get a hold of Yuan Jiaming first and let him be a tainted witness, plus the organization-related information in the computer host of the Changpan Group, we can let them take a bite of the winery!"

Kishida explained with narrowed eyes.

"I'm really curious, how do you know about so many organizations?"

Haiyuan flashed his ice blue eyes, tilted his head and asked curiously.

"Xiao Ai, if you want to act cute, please remember to add the title 'Onii-chan'. Then maybe I will tell you the answer subconsciously when I am happy!" (,,′???)? " (′っω?`?)

Kishida touched Haibara's little head again and couldn't help laughing.

This girl is now starting to subconsciously do these cute and flattering actions to herself...

But it's a pity that it's not enough to give me a perfect critical hit! Hum~~(@ ̄ー ̄@)

"If you don't want to say it, forget it!"

Haiyuan curled his lips slightly and muttered pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Ah, call me 'Onii-chan'. Is it really that difficult for you? You still don't want to call me!"

Kishida knew that she was not really dissatisfied, so he smiled and joked.

"I'm not a sister. I'll just spoil someone. In my opinion, the easier it is to get something, the less it will be cherished. After all, the heart of the human species is deeper than Goldbach's. I guess it's still difficult to prove..."

Haibara curled his lips, with a slight smile on his face, and teased Kishida.


Just as she finished speaking, Kishida raised one hand quickly and neatly, then put his thumb against his index finger and gently flicked it between Haibara's eyebrows.


Haiyuan was slightly frightened, and covered his head with his hands. Although it didn't hurt very much, he still gave Kishida a fierce look with his eyes, and said angrily: "Why are you hitting me!"

"You can't conjecture or prove or prove anything. It makes my head hurt. Besides, you are questioning my character! So, don't let me hear you say such things again! Tell your heart honestly. Just come out, and next time, I won’t hit you on the head~~ Hehe!”

Kishida rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Ha, although I am different from my sister in that I don't want to listen to you on everything, but in one respect, I am similar to my sister! We sisters don't like it. When others don't want to, we still choose to break the casserole and ask the end. Even if it is an exchange No conditions!

Therefore, either someone is willing to say it himself, or don't use this exchange as a condition. This seems to be not sincere at all, and it will also appear that the way I call you in the future is extremely cheap! "

Haibara sighed softly, then turned his head and pouted. His eyes did not meet Kishida's. His legs hanging on the computer chair were dangling slightly, and his face seemed to be getting more and more dissatisfied... ..

PS: At three o'clock in the morning, Lazy Fish will code another chapter! Then, I beg my friends who are still cultivating immortals to vote for recommendations and monthly votes~~ Of course, if there are rewards to support and encourage Lazy Fish, that’s fine, hehe (#^.^#)

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