The autumn waves are enchanting, and the spring is slender and charming.

On the computer screen, the beautiful dealer was posing on the big white bed, doing all kinds of graceful postures wantonly, and the two taillights of the car were flashing with dazzling light, so bright that it made people's eyes open. Squint slightly.

Well, to put it simply, there are just a few more beautiful photos and real photos on the computer screen. Although it may be because the girl in the photos is a professional sumo wrestler, she is wearing one or two less clothes. , but probably still green, fresh and healthy.

Well, probably...

"Ahem, I just want to get some pictures of beautiful girls, and then I'll get a text message like an adult advertisement later, wrap it up and send it to Shuichi Akai!"

Kishida explained with embarrassment that he was operating very quickly because he wanted to finish it while Haibara was editing the text message. However, he didn't expect her reaction to be so big after hearing "Batman". She raised her head and looked directly at the computer screen. , so that you don’t have to cut it off even if you want to.


Haiyuan covered his eyes with his small hands, and even his earlobes were slightly red.

"...I said, you are a girl after all! We are of the same gender, why do you cover your eyes when you look at this!? And it's not like they are not wearing clothes, and there are no men on them... .”

Kishida was silent for a moment, turning Haibara's red ears aside, and asked after a long while of "choosing every word carefully."

Hey, no man! ?

Haiyuan, who was covering his eyes, was stunned for a moment, and then he hesitated for a moment. He opened his little hand slightly, revealing a little between his fingers, and looked at the computer screen secretly with his ice-blue eyes.

It turns out there are really only women... Phew~~

Haiyuan breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She just took a glance and thought that Kishida was looking at small pictures of men and women about to fight, but she did not expect that all the pictures above were women.

Of course, even so, this guy is still a complete pervert! I must accuse him in front of my sister!

Huiyuan gritted his teeth secretly and thought fiercely.

However, this guy actually calls such half-covered things clothes?

But... having said that, why does the woman above look so big? Is this really something that humans can have...

As he thought about it, Huiyuan, who was also a woman, couldn't help but be dazzled by the light of the astonishing car taillights on the computer screen under her fingers. (ω)

"If you want to watch it, just watch it openly. I'm not embarrassed. Why are you embarrassed?"

Kishida noticed her gaze under her fingers, shook his head, and said in a very calm tone.

"Don't compare me with guys like you. I'm seriously doubting whether you have any sense of shame."

Haiyuan said expressionlessly, with a cold and helpless tone.

However, as she spoke, she still put her little hands down from her eyes.

"Heh, did you give these things to that guy for another bad idea?"

Haibara forced his facial expression to appear calm, and then looked at the sexy girls on the computer screen. He glanced at Kishida lightly from the corner of his eye, and found that his eyes did not stay on those girls. , said with satisfaction and curiosity.

"Well, that's about it! Don't delay any more and edit the newsletter as I said."

Kishida nodded slightly and focused on a series of codes again.

"Huh~ tell me!"

Haiyuan snorted lightly before agreeing angrily.

Then, amid Kishida's gentle voice, she quickly pressed the buttons on her phone.

"The man who calls himself Batman told me about your existence. He said that as long as I am willing to be your FBI's tainted witness, you will protect me and save me from the gunpoint of that organization. That man, that code name The scary man named Gin has found me and appeared in the newly built twin towers skyscraper in Nishitama City today!

I think he hasn't taken action against me yet, he must be worried about getting into my hands and hiding some information in the organization! Yes, when I was in the organization, I secretly hacked into their computers and browsed and downloaded certain information. I think this should be very useful to you!

Room 407, Ruhua Building Apartment, Setagaya, Nishitama City. This is the address where I live now. Please come and get me! "

When Haibara's cute little fingers finished typing the last letter, seeing that Kishida didn't speak any more, Haihara raised his head and asked:

"Is this okay?"

"Yeah! Bring your phone!"

Kishida nodded, looked away from the computer, opened the small drawer of the computer desk with his big hand, and took out a data cable from it.

"It's easy for you to expose yourself like this. As long as they pick up the former Jiaming game engineer, they will naturally understand that someone else is operating all this. Then as long as they check the mobile phone number, they can..."

Haibara handed the phone to Kishida while recounting his concerns.

"Who told you that I was using my original number?"

Kishida gave her a strange look, and under Haibara's blank expression, continued to explain:

"When you and your sister went to the black market over at Abedo, we happened to see an Erdao vendor selling mobile phones. The price was very cheap and they came with a card number, so I bought one."

"Isn't this your original mobile phone?"

Looking at the phone that Kishida took over, which was exactly the same as his original phone in her memory, Huiyuan was puzzled.

"I bought the same one on purpose, but if you look closely, there is actually a little difference. Here, you will know when you take it out and take a look."

Kishida held the phone and the data cable to connect to the computer, while moving his buttocks. While bending down to plug the data cable into the USB port, he smiled and gestured to Huiyuan to take the phone out of his trouser pocket by himself. The two can be compared and you will know.


Huiyuan was not polite and stretched her little hand into Kishida's trouser pocket.

Sure enough, her little hand touched something hard at the root of Kishida's thigh.....

Then, she reached out with her little hand and took out a mobile phone, but it was a little older than the one in Kishida's hand.

"You are quite well prepared!"

Huiyuan glanced at Kishida and said with some amusement.

However, the worry and scruples in her words were naturally less.

"It's just a precaution. When I bought the phone, I never thought about using it here."

Kishida sat up again, his big hands quickly operating on the keyboard and mouse.

When he bought these things, he didn't dare to guarantee that they would come in handy. He just bought them because he thought they were interesting and might be used. Just like before in the mall, he bought something similar to Akai Shuichi, that outfit.

Of course, the premise of all this is that these useless things must be relatively cheap.

"Then we are lucky."

Gray chuckled.


Kishida heard that she used "we" instead of "you", and he was a little relieved in his heart, but he still showed an awkward smile. Under Gray's puzzled eyes, he continued to add:

"You think too much. Although I don't want to admit it, as long as that guy's head hasn't been hit by a car, with his IQ, he will sooner or later suspect me."

"Hehe, it seems so..."

Gray thought about it for a while, and roughly understood the joints.

"Okay! It's done!"

PS: Thank you very much for the tip and support from my old friend RENOWN1917, a familiar face~Thanks (ω)

PS: PY mutually recommend a book by a great writer: "I Don't Want to Be a Hero" is good!

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