Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 379: The damage is not great, but the insult is great! (Part 1)

"...What did you remember again?"

Haiyuan was already a little numb, and his tone was no longer wavering.

"The phone number where you can call a girl."

Kishida raised his eyebrows, suppressing a smile on his face. After looking at the direction of the kitchen from the corner of his eye, he explained in a low voice.

"You actually kept this kind of phone number?"∑ (O_O;)

Haiyuan was really surprised now and looked at Kishida in stunned silence.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually meant it? Moreover, he actually has reserves of resources in his brain! ?

No, I must...

"I must tell my sister about this!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and the sound was so familiar that Haiyuan was immediately taken aback.

When did I make a sound just by thinking about it in my mind! ?

As soon as doubts came to her head, she happened to see Kishida's closed mouth, and her eyelids twitched.

"I don't have to think about it to know what you are thinking. Please, you have said this several times just now!"

Kishida glanced at her angrily and said speechlessly.

"...Don't you have to change your voice to have a male voice?"

Haibara's attention has been attracted by Kishida's vivid imitation of her voice just now. She just feels that she is really confused tonight.

"Even I would like to take a step closer! But unfortunately, after practicing so far, the female voices can only imitate a few of you that I am familiar with. There is still not enough time..."

The cold voice sounded again, and there seemed to be a hint of helplessness in the indifference, just like the tone of a certain pseudo-loli who had always spoken.

"....Don't use my voice to talk to me!!"

Haiyuan's forehead was covered with black lines and he said very displeasedly.

It feels weird to think about a grown man talking to you in a little girl's voice. Not to mention that this voice is still my own!

"Well, I understand."

Another deep magnetic voice came from Kishida's mouth. After he nodded, he continued with a smirk on Haibara's surprised and amused expression:

"Don't talk yet. Next, let you watch the show again!"


Haibara held his belly with both hands and watched as he finished speaking in Akai Shuichi's voice, then pressed the buttons on the phone with his fingers, obviously making a call.

"Du~du~du! Moxi Moxi, this is Kirishima Eimi, who is she?"

The phone didn't ring for long before the call was connected. Then, before Kishida could speak, a sweet and charming female voice with a hint of joy came into Kishida's ears from the other end of the phone.

There was no mistake, it was indeed the voice of the waitress. My memory is really good!

The corner of Kishida's mouth curled up, and then the same low and magnetic voice just now, still the tone of Shuichi Akai, came unhurriedly from his mouth:

"The little pink card, I typed it to you according to the above. Didn't it say that you can help solve men's problems?"


Kirishima Eimi was stunned. Anyone who can call her this mobile phone number is basically her customer!

However, what surprised her was that the appearance of the owner of this magnetic voice did not immediately appear in her mind. You know, she usually only secretly gives those little pink cards to some "high-quality" customers.

As for the handsome guy, she was the handsome guy who had given out small cards, so she should be more or less impressed. It is this kind of good memory that allows her to always remember the customers who call in the first place, giving them the feeling that she is thinking of them, so that her reputation in the industry and repeat customers are all Pretty good...ahem.


The male voice on the other end of the phone seemed to become cold all of a sudden.

"Yes, of course! It's just that I might..."

Although she was not sure whether the other party's card was given by herself, and she was not sure whether the other party was a handsome guy, Kirishima Eimi quickly agreed, but after finishing speaking, she hesitated again, as if she wanted to say something else.

“Price is never an issue!”

Kishida immediately understood that she was worried about the price, so he interrupted her without hesitation and agreed.

Anyway, this is just talk, and he doesn't really need to pay...

It's just that this is a bit bad, because when I teased Shuichi Akai, I also teased her, so I feel sorry for the innocent girl...

"Okay! When do you need to solve the problem?"

Kirishima Eimi immediately asked with a chuckle.

In this way, no matter whether the other party is a handsome guy or not, he will definitely not lose money on this trip.

Of course, if it’s a handsome guy, I can still give him a discount~~

“Need it now!!”

Kishida glanced at the computer time, and his tone was filled with urgency.


This guest seems to be... troubled and angry now! !

Kirishima Eimi took a breath of hot air in her heart, and then spat at herself inwardly, still feeling a little embarrassed:

"But, I just have to go to dinner now..."

"Eat!? Haha, I'm in Liumuxuan Apartment. You can come directly here now, and I will feed you directly later. That's it! I'll hang up first!"

Kishida's face flushed red, and he tried not to laugh, making his tone more stern and overbearing.

Anyway, he tried his best to make himself closer to the tone of Akai Shuichi.

Huihara: ? ? ?

Feed! ? What does this mean?

I always feel that this guy seems to be saying something very perverted again! !

"Gurgle, wait a minute sir..."

Even though she is experienced in the industry, Kirishima Eimi was embarrassed by the blunt words of this customer. I don't know what unhealthy picture she remembered. She rolled her throat slightly, with excitement on her face, and then hurriedly called Kishida.

This impatient anger, this blunt confidence, and the high-end apartment "Rokukiken Apartment" prove that this man is both powerful and rich!

Therefore, it is very likely that I can develop him into one of my long-term meal tickets! Then I have to take this business no matter what!

"Anything else?"

Kishida asked impatiently.

"Sir, you haven't told me your room number in Rokukiken Apartment!"

Kirishima Eimi kissed her rosy lips and said in a pleasant voice.

(⊙o⊙)... Uh!

Kishida was stunned.

Damn, this "Rokukiken" is an apartment, and now he can only locate Akai Shuichi there.

However, Kishida really has no idea which floor and room he lives in...

Well, what should I do! ?

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