Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 41: Haibara and Kishida compete in acting skills

"Because today is January 7th, I specially made some seven-herb porridge!" At the dining table, Dr. Agasa looked at Kishida staring at the pot of porridge on the table and explained.

Uh, seven-herb porridge? Kishida looked at the pot mixed with celery, shepherd's purse, cabbage and radish, as well as three other plants he didn't know, and couldn't help feeling a little nauseous. As for why today is January 7th, he didn't intend to dwell on it~~

But under Dr. Agasa's expectant eyes, he had to scoop a small bowl for himself with a spoon, and then scoop a large bowl for Huiyuan Ai and Dr. Agasa, and the pot was empty.

"Huiyuan just had a fever last night, and now she needs to eat more!" Kishida asked Dr. Agasa to look at him in confusion and explained.

"Then how about I give you my bowl?" Dr. Agasa said kindly.

"No, no! My appetite is not as big as yours, doctor, that's it!" Kishida quickly picked up his small bowl and sat down.

"........" And Huihara Ai watched this scene silently from beginning to end.

"By the way, Doctor, Huihara said that the clothes I bought last night are not suitable, and she plans to buy them herself. I happen to have nothing to do later, so I will go with her." Kishida took a sip of porridge and found that it was not as bad as he thought.

"Then thank you, Yuichi. I will give you the money later." Doctor Agasa said after looking at the clothes Huihara Ai was wearing now, which were indeed a little unfitting.

"No need, just a few children's clothes, how much can they be worth!" Kishida shook his head and said something that he would regret later.

"Well, okay!" Doctor Agasa thought about it and thought so, so he nodded.

"......." Silent Ai continued to be silent, and neither of them saw a smile on her lips when she lowered her head to drink porridge. Who said that children's clothes are cheap! ?

"By the way, Doctor, how is the development of the 'Kamen Rider Recording Card' now?" Kishida, who was unaware, talked with Doctor Agasa about the inventions of the past two days.

"It's almost there, because Yuichi hasn't come to help much recently!" Dr. Agasa immediately said that it was not because he was too bad, but because his teammates were too bad.

"Well, I've been too busy recently, as you know, Doctor. I've been busy with my father's funeral, the company's affairs, and the library and Moon Shadow Island's affairs a few days ago!ε=(′ο`*))) Alas" As he spoke, Kishida felt that he was about to cry.

"Father's funeral?" The silent Huiyuan Ai suddenly started and asked curiously, but her tone was as cold as ever.

"Well, Yuichi's father passed away a few days ago!" Dr. Agasa briefly explained, and then stopped talking, fearing that he would bring up Kishida's sad memories.

"......." Huiyuan Ai didn't ask any more questions after hearing this. After giving Kishida a strange look, she continued to drink the porridge in silence.

"Don't worry, when the 'Kamen Rider Recording Card' becomes popular among children, you don't have to worry about the company's funds anymore." Dr. Agasa comforted.

"I hope so~" Kishida said weakly. The company's affairs are trivial. What he wants most is to stay at home or develop some interesting things with Dr. Agasa!

However, as early as yesterday, he received news from the company. It is said that the construction company affiliated with the Suzuki Group is willing to take over the renovation of the art museum, and the renovation fee is extremely cheap, basically the same as free.

Therefore, Kishida will go to the art museum from time to time in the next few days to see the progress of the matter.

As for why the Suzuki Group will help, he thought it must be related to Suzuki Ayako.

"Come on, this 'Kamen Rider Recording Card' was proposed by you!!" Dr. Agasa said to the young man in front of him unhappily.

Sorry, although it was my proposal, and now it is developed by you and me, but this was originally invented by you, so I don't know whether the child likes it or not! I just simply enjoy inventing some gadgets! Kishida complained.

"Then, Doctor, let's go!" Kishida quickly solved the breakfast problem, and took Huihara Ai out to say goodbye to Dr. Agasa, and walked towards the parking direction.

"Before going to your sister, let's buy your clothes on the way!" Kishida started the car and said to Huihara Ai in the co-pilot seat.

"Yeah." Thinking that she would see her sister soon, Huihara Ai suppressed her excitement and nodded gently.


"I'll wait for you here, go in and pick a few pieces yourself!" In the department store, Kishida stood in front of the children's clothing store and said to Huihara Ai.

Huihara Ai looked at him unexpectedly, then nodded and walked in. Her impression of this person changed a little bit. After all, even if she looks like a child now, if there are other men present when buying underwear and other things, it will feel awkward.

"Okay!" After waiting for less than ten minutes, perhaps because she was anxious to see her sister, Huihara Ai quickly came out with a few small bags.

Kishida took a few bags and went to the cashier to pay.

"So expensive!? Did I make a mistake?" As expected by Huiyuan Ai, Kishida exclaimed to the cashier under her interested gaze.

"Sir, this is the price, there are a few items in it from the Mikihouse brand Black Bear series, which are also the most expensive." The cashier explained in his heart.

"Mikihouse!?" After hearing the cashier's explanation, Kishida, who had heard of this brand, looked down at Huihara at his feet with a frown on his face.

"It's too expensive. I don't have so much money! Even if I have it, I can't buy you something so expensive. Go choose a few more!" Kishida rolled his eyes and said to Huihara Ai without feeling embarrassed at all.

"But, but, didn't my brother promise to buy it for me?"

Under Kishida's stunned expression, Huihara Ai's bright tears rolled in her eyes. She lowered her head and wiped her eyes with her hands, sobbing.

Oh my God! Although I know this woman is an Oscar winner and a thief can act! But now it's only the first day of becoming small, can she act like a child so well? This vivid sense of grievance really impressed me!

Kishida's face was full of black lines. Those who have read the original novel know that this pseudo-loli with small feet is very good at acting. She can cry when she says she will cry, and she is also very treacherous. Wait? Why do I say "also"?

"There is no way, it's my brother who is useless! It's just that my brother's company is about to go bankrupt. Even the brand-name clothes on my brother are actually borrowed from others. Woohoo!!" Kishida cried and cried. Under that sad face that was about to cry, even the cashier who just looked at him with contempt couldn't help but sigh in his heart, misunderstanding him.

"......." Huiyuan Ai looked at this shameless man with a blank face. She didn't expect that he was better at acting than herself. She lost again...

"Except the first bag, return the others!" Helplessly, Huiyuan Ai said coldly, and her expression returned to the indifferent face just now. Although she didn't really want to buy such an expensive one, she still felt inexplicably unhappy after losing to this man for the second time!

While the two were competing with each other in acting, a woman had been quietly observing them in the corner since the beginning...

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