“29, 30! Time’s up!”

As soon as the baby cried, the three flags were raised at the same time, and Vermouth on the podium stopped the stopwatch at the same moment, and the watch accurately displayed the time of “30s”.

"That's amazing! We actually have three guests who raised their flags at the same time!"

Vermouth showed a bit of exaggerated surprise, her aqua eyes scanned the flag raised at 30 seconds, and when the guests turned their heads to look for the winner of this game, she pointed at the three "lucky ones" in the audience with her slender and well-proportioned fingers, and said with a smile:

"Okay, the guest holding the blue flag over there, the guest holding the yellow flag on the right, and the little girl in the front, please come to the podium together."

"Hey! Is it me?" ミ●﹏☉ミ

Everyone followed the direction of Vermouth's finger, and saw Maori Kogoro, one of the "lucky ones" who won the prize, pointing his finger at him with disbelief and his eyes wide open.

"It's him!"


Originally, Xiaolan, who was still a little frustrated about her bad luck, saw this, and immediately showed a surprised smile on her face.

You know, because of Maori Kogoro's personal reasons, her family still doesn't have a car, so every time they go on a long trip, they basically need to rent a car.


Sonoko smacked her lips, glanced at Maori Kogoro in surprise, and then turned to look at the other two "lucky ones", suddenly chuckled and continued:

"Haha, Xiaolan, don't be too happy too soon. Although there are two prizes, there is only one car. It's not just your father who guessed the seconds. Maybe he will laugh at the end."

As soon as the voice fell, Sonoko used her mouth to signal the lucky guest on the other side.

"It's Brother Kishida! Eh..."

Xiaolan turned her head and took a look. As expected, she saw Kishida, who was smiling and gradually walked to the stage. There was no fluctuation in her heart. Then she looked at the last little girl, and then she was surprised again.

"Ayumi also guessed it!? So amazing~~"

Looking at Ayumi who was surrounded and praised by Mitsuhiko and Genta, Xiaolan exclaimed.

"You're amazing, Ayumi. I remember you didn't guess it right in the car just now!"

"Yes, yes, why did you suddenly become so amazing, Ayumi?"

"This, this is because... Oh, I'll go up first."

Faced with the praise and doubts of Mitsuhiko and Genta, Ayumi, who had been half-squeezed beside Conan, was hesitant to answer, and could only trot up to the podium at the signal of Vermouth on the stage.

However, after trotting a few steps, Ayumi stopped again, with a slightly red face of shyness, but looked at Conan and whispered: "Because this is all Conan's credit~~" `(*^﹏^*)′

Before the voice fell, without waiting for the three people to respond, Ayumi trotted straight up to the podium.

( ̄口 ̄)!??

Conan scratched his head with a confused look on his face.

"Conan, your contribution?"

"Conan, did you just secretly remind Ayumi?"

Genta and Mitsuhiko glanced at Conan with complicated eyes and asked in a low voice.

"How is it possible? I just counted to 29 seconds, how could I secretly remind Ayumi..."

Conan explained with a smile.

"Really?" Genta asked suspiciously.

Conan rolled his eyes and said no more.

"... But then again, Conan, you were only one second away. What a pity! Just like my sister was only one point away from passing the exam and didn't have to go to the teacher's office for tutoring."

The three of them were silent for a few seconds, and Mitsuhiko suddenly said with regret.

"... Hearing this, Conan also looked helpless, especially when he saw Kishida walking up to the stage, raising his eyebrows and looking happy, he became even more depressed.

"Yeah, it's a pity. If it was only one second, Conan could have gone up and played rock-paper-scissors. But it's not a pity for me at all!"

At this time, Genta also put his hands on his waist and raised his chin, smiling and echoing.

"Oh? Genta, how many did you count just now?"

Looking at the slightly proud Genta, Conan asked curiously.

"Hehe, twelve seconds!"


So, what's there to be proud of?

Conan and Mitsuhiko looked at each other, and while their mouths twitched, they saw two words in each other's eyes.



"....So, according to the rules of the prize, the three of you need to play rock-paper-scissors in turn! Well, just now we assumed that the guest who lost the rock-paper-scissors game could only ride this bicycle. But now, the third guest who lost the rock-paper-scissors game can only congratulate you for getting this short happy moment now!

So, who will be the final winner? Let's wait and see!

Vermouth on the stage blinked her eyelids, looked at Kishida and the other two, and said what she thought was witty words, which attracted symbolic laughter from the guests below the stage, and then stepped back a few steps, leaving the space for the three game winners.

It's just that, I don't know if it's an illusion, Kishida always feels that Vermouth's eyes stayed on his face for a little longer when he stepped back.

Haha, I think it should be the last rainy night, when I met her by chance, which left her with a very good impression!

With a disapproving sneer in his heart, Kishida set his sights on the prize, and finally fell on Mouri Kogoro and Ayumi, his eyes rolling a few times in his eye sockets.

"When I count to one, you start guessing!"

Belmode reminded.


"three two...."

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, before Belmod could read "one", Kishida suddenly interrupted.


What else is this person up to?

Not only Belmod was on the stage, but even Mouri Kogoro and Ayumi, who almost dropped the jianken with their hands raised, also had this idea in their minds at the same time.

Well, maybe everyone on the field who knows Kishida...

"I have a suggestion!"

Kishida's eyes fell on the people on the stage, and then, amid the puzzled looks on their faces, he continued to explain with a smile:

"Uncle Maori and I don't think we need to use that bicycle, so I think it's better to do this. If you agree, Ayumi, you don't have to guess. The bicycle will be given to you directly. What do you think?"

"Huh? That's a good idea!"

Mouri Kogoro's eyes lit up, and Ayumi also fell into hesitation.

There's drama!

Seeing this, Kishida quickly struck the railroad while it was hot.

"You can't drive a car anyway, Ayumi, so this bicycle is just right. And..."

Kishida squatted down and whispered in Ayumi's ear:

"And, as far as I know, Conan seems to like this kind of bicycle very much!"

"Okay, then I want this bike!"

Before she finished speaking, Ayumi's expression that was still hesitant suddenly became firm.

"Is this okay?"

Seeing that Ayumi agreed, Kishida set his sights on the organizer, Mio Tokiwa.

"As long as you agree with it."

Tokiwa Mio nodded without any objection.

After the incident, after eliminating Ayumi, a strong competitor, the final winners of the new sports car were Kishida and Mouri Kogoro.

"Kishida boy, don't you already have a car? Why don't you just give this sports car to me! Then I can say goodbye to my car rental career!"

Mouri Kogoro, who raised his hands and clenched his fists, making a guessing gesture, looked at Kishida seriously and suggested in a serious tone.


The audience laughed instantly.

"Dad is really..."^_^|||

Xiaolan muttered with a slightly red face.

Haha, you still have such beautiful thoughts!

Kishida curled his lips, shook his head and refused directly:

"That's not possible. This sports car is different when it comes to driving, and I promised my wife that when I get this sports car, I will take her for a ride!"

After saying that, Kishida even gave Akemi a wink in the audience.


The audience burst into laughter again, and the banquet hall was filled with happy air.

"Junior is really..."(^~^;)ゞ

Mingmei half-covered her face in embarrassment, feeling Xiaolan's "embarrassed" mood just a moment ago.

Doesn't this "annoying" junior student of his own hate that the situation is not chaotic enough?

Mingmei glanced at Hitomi Hirokawa next to her, and without any surprise she saw the look on Hitomi Hirokawa's face that was so dark that it seemed like ink was about to drip out.


At the same time, Mingmei seemed to hear three disdainful chuckles sounding next to her at the same time.

We are outnumbered and outnumbered!

Her heart tightened, and the five white jade-like soft jade fat that Mingmei covered on her face grew bigger under Kishida's probing eyes.

Five suspicious characters! ?

There are so many. It seems that my popularity is still as good as ever...

Muttering in his heart, Kishida looked back thoughtfully, but his face still looked like he was smiling.

"Going for a ride? As far as I know, Kishida-boy, you've never driven over eighty yards, right? It's a waste to have this sports car!"

Mouri Kogoro's beard trembled, but he still disdained Kishida's explanation.

"...Haha, you still have the nerve to accuse me? It seems that Uncle Maori, you are also known as the 'Car Terminator'! I heard that all the vehicles you have driven have more or less malfunctions. Oh. , by the way, a few of them exploded! Whose hands would this sports car be more wasteful in?"

Kishida raised his eyebrows and retorted deliberately.


Mouri Kogoro was furious.

"Okay, okay! This is the match point to determine the final winner of the car, not a stage for you two to undermine each other. I don't remember that President Tokiwa not only invited me as an actor, but also specially invited you two to be funny. Artists will perform sideshows!”

Belmode on the side scratched his head and made a distressed expression.


The cheerful air in the banquet hall almost exploded on this floor.

Only Mingmei and Xiaolan, the guests who came with the two comedians on the stage, closed their eyes in embarrassment.

What a shame! !

"Ahem, Kishida boy, stop talking nonsense and let's get started!"

Mouri Kogoro realized that he had been embarrassed unintentionally. He felt that he was a well-known public figure and a famous detective in Tokyo. He could not compete with Kishida, a rogue boy, so he adjusted his clothes and spoke in a serious tone. said.


Kishida nodded.

"Three, two, one!"

Seeing this, Vermouth was satisfied and started counting down.

Then, as the word "one" fell from her mouth, Kishida and Maori Kogoro started at the same time, and the raised hands fell instantly.

However, in this instant, the world in Kishida's eyes also changed quietly.

Slowly, as slow as a snail crawling, Maori Kogoro's movements seemed to be frozen in time, and the subtle changes in his fingers were quietly visible.

"Scissors"! ?

Kishida nodded in his heart, but his eyes looked at the guests next to Mingmei who did not participate in the game.

He swore that cheating with Maori Kogoro in the rock-paper-scissors game was just a by-product. He was mainly for the prop [Yinyan·See the beginning and know the end] When the sixth sense is greatly enhanced, he can judge whether the people Mingmei mentioned are dangerous.

Huh? !

Suddenly, Kishida's eyes condensed and his eyebrows sank.

He saw a burly man, who was looking at his girlfriend with a filthy and greedy face, as if he wanted to swallow Mingmei in one gulp.

Hehe! (╬ ̄俣)

A faint blue vein popped up on his forehead. Kishida silently labeled this man who brought him a sense of danger as at least "severely disabled", and then set his sights on another acquaintance.

Well, the squinty-eyed acquaintance that Kishida, who had a sixth sense amplification, could see at a glance...

Okiya Ao?

Did he prepare this vest at this time?

Kishida curled his lips inwardly. The appearance of Akai Shuichi was both within his expectations and surprised him.

Kishida expected that he might come back, but was surprised that he appeared in the appearance of Okiya Ao.

And this ordinary man, it seems that he is not easy to mess with...

The red side and the black side have appeared, and there may be a kitten in the middle!

This game is really getting more and more chaotic...

I hope Officer Takagi can be of some use!

Kishida sighed slightly as he scanned the suspicious people around Akemi and felt the danger coming from his sixth sense.

Then, he clenched his fists, shut down the power of the props, and the "stone" fell...

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