Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 48: Using Conan as a guinea pig! ?

"Is this Kudo Shinichi? The famous detective known as the Sherlock Holmes of the Heisei era?" Haibara Ai asked with slight interest through the car window.

"What? Are you interested?" Kishida raised his eyebrows and asked coquettishly.

"Of course!" Hui Yuarai nodded without hesitation, looking directly at Conan's leaving back.

"Tsk! You..." Kishida tutted. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Haihara Ai.

"Don't you think he's very suitable to be a guinea pig?" Haiyuan Ai said casually, and her words matched her cold tone, making her look like an "evil" scientist!

? ? ? Kishida twitched the corner of his mouth, is that what you meant?

"Little guinea pig? What do you want to do to him?" Kishida asked curiously after feeling silently sad for Conan for a second.

"No, I just think he is very suitable as an observation diary for my medicine. Of course, if I can get hair or blood, that would be even better!" Haihara Ai explained softly.

"Drugs, oh, you mean the drug that makes you smaller, it's called 'APT' or something like that." Kishida nodded, indicating that he understood. As for the full name of the drug, he said it would be good if he could remember the first three letters. Just like when he watches TV, he only watches plot stories. As for the name of the character, unless it is an important role that appears repeatedly, he probably won't know the name of that person until the end! Just like some people, until they are about to graduate, they still can't call the names of their classmates!

"'APTX4869' is the name of the drug. Since the other person is like me and became smaller after taking the drug, then there should be some similarities between us. So he is very suitable to be a guinea pig for my drug research!" Haiyuan's mouth outlines. Starting arc.

"That's it! Well, it's quite smart. After all, you can't treat yourself like a guinea pig, doing experiments or something!" Kishida nodded to express his understanding, and praised Haibara Ai for this.

"Since you agree, can you help me get some of his blood?" Haiyuan nodded with satisfaction as his plan was approved by others.

"Well, I think you can go and get it from Conan yourself! He wants to turn back into an adult and have sex with his little girlfriend again, and he is going crazy! As long as you say that you are a researcher of drugs and need his obedient cooperation, Maybe he will give it to you!" Kishida said with a smile.

"Is it okay? Tell him that I am from the organization? Didn't you say that he has a strong sense of justice?" Haiyuan Ai frowned and asked.

"This is different from your sister's situation! Well, at most you will be hostile to Conan for a period of time at the beginning! But I think you are also a pretty good person, except for being a bit venomous, unforgiving, and cold. Apart from being a bit indifferent, looking a bit arrogant, etc., there is nothing wrong with him! As long as you get along with him for a while, he will no longer be hostile to you. Besides, with his help in fighting against the organization, you will be able to be more effective. Good handling of dangers from the organization!" Kishida praised warmly. He suddenly felt that it was very interesting to attack poisonous tongues with poisonous tongues.

Haibara Ai's little hand holding the book was clenched tightly, as if she was considering whether to hit someone with it, but after hearing Kishida's last words, her attention was immediately attracted.

"You say you rely on him? Against the organization!?" Haiyuan Ai frowned, his tone full of disbelief.

"What? Look down on him? Don't underestimate him!" Kishida raised his eyebrows, although he always liked to make fun of Conan, digging holes and so on. However, he has not underestimated Conan because of this. He is still self-aware. Conan's IQ and skills are far ahead of him. Of course, Kishida also has props to rely on.

"I really want to meet someone who can praise you with a maggot-infested mouth!" Haibara Ai lay on the passenger seat and squinted at Kishida coldly.

"A maggot-infested mouth? Are you trying to say that your mouth smells bad? Does it stink?" Kishida said, about to breathe on Haibara Ai.

"Bang!" The book hit him in the mouth.

"By the way, how are you going to tell him that you are from the organization?" Kishida took the book away as if nothing had happened and asked casually.

"Humph, thank you for your gift this morning! Now I have a good idea!" Not sure what came to mind, a sinister smile appeared on Haiyuan Ai's face.

It looks like it should be just like the original work, with a wicked sense of humor that scared Conan! However, you are obviously a person with a bad taste, so why do you still say that you owe me a gift! Kishida complained internally.

"Well, it looks like it will be interesting! I wonder if he will be the same as you this morning~" Kishida also showed a smile on his face, and the car slowly stopped in front of Dr. Agasa's house.

"..." Haihara Ai got out of the car silently, then opened the door of the back seat, picked up the clothes he bought in the morning, and walked directly into Dr. A Li's house without even saying goodbye.

"Hey, Haiyuan, close the car door!" Kishida shouted helplessly, but Haiyuan ignored him.

"Really!" Kishida reluctantly unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, and closed the back seat door. Then he drove the car towards the Metropolitan Police Department again.


"Brother Kishida, are you sure you only have one enemy?" As soon as he entered the Metropolitan Police Department, the oncoming officer Megure looked at Kishida with a strange expression and asked.

"Uh, maybe, maybe? What's wrong, Officer Megure?" Kishida asked in confusion.

"It's like this, brother Kishida! Our police now suspect that the person who hired a killer to avenge you is not only Kuroiwa Reiko, but also another person. In other words, this revenge incident is likely to be planned by two people!" Officer Megure explained with a frown.

? ? ?

"Two people? What's the situation?" Kishida also asked solemnly.

"Originally, when we summoned Kuroiwa Reiko and saw that she was panicked and hesitant when she spoke, we had basically determined that she hired a killer. Later, we also found that there was a large expenditure in her account." Officer Megure said slowly, then paused and looked at Kishida.

"Then what? Did you find any clues?" Kishida said very tactfully.

"However, when we planned to let Tachibana Maya point out Kuroiwa Reiko, she said that the person she traded with was not Kuroiwa Reiko, but another person! And Kuroiwa Reiko has been clamoring to deny the fact that she committed a crime." Officer Megure continued.

"In that case, can't you police draw a portrait of the character based on Maya Tachibana's confession? Then compare the appearance of Kuroiwa Reiko's friends with this portrait, and it will be possible to lock it down, right? Well, we can start with the family members of all the drug dealers this time." Kishida analyzed.

"Well, this is our plan. Although it will be more cumbersome, it can only be done this way!"

In fact, you can torture Kuroiwa Reiko. If you are burdened, you can also let me do it! Kishida complained in his heart.

"Oh, by the way, this time, brother Mori still owes you a favor!" At this time, Officer Megure said again with a smile on his face.

"Ding Ling Ling" Kishida was about to ask what was going on when the phone rang. When he opened it, the caller ID showed a few words of Mori Ran...

PS: I recommended a book to someone, "High School in the Science World", the protagonist is an excellent former killer, but since he set foot on the land of Japan, the world is not what he knows. It is a serious and relaxed Conan daily text, relaxed and happy. Reasoning, plot, winery, solving cases, life, everything is there~

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