Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 76: This is love, right?

"No need, I have paid for the car insurance, so I don't need to pay! But the car repair needs you to go there in person, Uncle Maori!" Finally, Kishida sighed and forgave Maori Kogoro.

Anyway, the car had to be taken for repair, and the money didn't have to be paid by myself. Now even I only need to make a few phone calls to the insurance company, and then I can save time and don't have to drive the car for repair! Thinking about it this way, it seems that I still make money! ?

Thinking from a different angle, Kishida's eyes lit up and forced himself to comfort himself.

"It should be, it should be!" Maori Kogoro was naturally very happy to save a sum of money.

"Since the matter has been resolved, let's take advantage of the time now and go to Shibuya for a stroll!" At this time, a young man who had been standing next to him, wearing blue and white striped clothes, dark skin, wearing a baseball cap backwards, and speaking with a strong Kansai accent, spoke out.

So dark, is this really not a black person! ? This was Kishida's first reaction when he saw Hattori Heiji.

And he really looks like the Kudo Shinichi I saw at the amusement park! Well, except for the skin color! This was Kishida Kishida's second reaction when he saw Hattori Heiji.

"What's wrong? Is there something on me?" Feeling Kishida's observation, Hattori Heiji asked curiously.

"You must have been shocked by the skin color of you, Heiji, haha~" Before Kishida responded, a girl with a high ponytail, an orange hairband, and amber eyes laughed.

"Hey, Kazuha, you idiot, don't say it!" Hattori Heiji looked at his childhood sweetheart with dissatisfaction.

"Ah, no! Although when I saw your skin color, I really wondered if it was because the sun in Kansai was so strong that you were so tanned, but I was staring at you mainly because I was wondering if we had met somewhere before!?" Kishida asked "confusedly".

"Haha~~" Toyama Kazuha laughed even more happily when she heard Kishida's words. Although she likes Hattori Heiji very much in her heart, in her daily life, she likes to see Hattori Heiji being embarrassed because of his skin color.

"Hehe, I think we haven't met before!" Hattori Heiji rolled his eyes, looked at Kishida unhappily, and thought for a while before replying.

As for why Kishida knew that he was from Kansai, he was still aware of his accent!

"Really, but why do I feel that you are a bit like a silly boy who likes to talk nonsense that I met in the amusement park a while ago?" Kishida scratched his head and said in pretended confusion.

He still hasn't forgotten that when Kudo Shinichi was in the amusement park, he analyzed that he didn't dare to ride the roller coaster.

"Amusement park, have I been to the amusement park recently? And what are you talking about, do I look stupid!?" Hattori Heiji was a little confused at first, but he roared after reacting.

A bit like Hattori, met in the amusement park? These two points are somewhat consistent with me, but I am not a silly boy and I don't talk nonsense! ? Conan held his chin with his right index finger and thumb and thought.

"Oh, by the way, I remember you were with Xiaolan at that time!" Kishida suddenly clapped his hands, suddenly realized, and said shockingly.

"What!? ×2" Conan and Toyama Kazuha who were present screamed.

"Heiji, what's going on!!" After being stunned for a while, Toyama Kazuha reacted, her eyes were about to burst into fire, and tears almost fell.

As early as today, when she saw Xiaolan wearing blue and white striped clothes, and thinking about the last time in Osaka, Xiaolan was also wearing a turtleneck like Heiji, she had already suspected whether the two had discussed it and then wore couple outfits together!

Now she heard that the two of them went to the amusement park without telling her, how could she bear it!

"Hey, Kazuha, you idiot, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense! How could I have been to an amusement park with Xiaolan!?" Hattori Heiji hurriedly explained, what he feared most was that Toyama Kazuha would cry.

"Brother Kishida, you got the wrong person! The person you saw with me at the amusement park last time was Shinichi~~" Fortunately, at this time, Xiaolan was the first to react and hurriedly explained.

"Oh~~ Really! Oh, by the way, I remember, that one was called Shinichi, and his skin was much whiter than this Heiji!" Kishida slapped his head and said in annoyance.

"Hehehe~~" Conan and Hattori Heiji sneered at the same time, the former sneered because he was a stupid boy who talked nonsense, and the latter wished he could take a sword and split this guy in two!

"Sorry, sorry! I made a mistake! I caused misunderstandings between you two lovers!" Kishida apologized insincerely, back and forth between Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha.

"A couple? You said I was with this idiot/idiot! ×2" Toyama Kazuha's face instantly steamed up, and her eyes became small. As for Hattori Heiji, who also exclaimed, because of the skin color, no change could be seen.

"Isn't it? You two really look like a couple!" Kishida looked at the two people who almost said it in unison and asked curiously.

"We don't look like one!" Although Toyama Kazuha was happy in her heart, she refused to admit it.

"You say that, but you actually like each other, right? I saw that when there was a misunderstanding just now, both of you were quite nervous!" Kishida narrowed his eyes slightly, looking like "Don't try to fool me"!

"I don't like it! ×2"

"I really don't like it!" Kishida frowned.

"It's annoying! ×2"

"You like it, don't you!?" Kishida stared at the two of them with a smile in his eyes.

"It's annoying! ×2" Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuki looked at each other with disgust, then each held their chests and turned their backs to each other!

"You like it, right?" Kishida, the repeater, insisted again.

"It's disgusting! How many times do we have to say this!!?" The two of them thought for a moment and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Do you hate it~~" Kishida raised his eyebrows, looking at the two people who were about to collapse, and asked for the last time.

"I like it!! Huh!!? ×2" However, this time, perhaps because Kishida got around him, the two of them subconsciously said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two of them realized what they were doing. Kishida felt that the smoke evaporating from Toyama and Haha's heads could cook eggs. As for Hattori Heiji, the dark skin on his face could no longer cover his reddish face!

"Hahaha!!" Everyone present, including Conan, couldn't help laughing.

After a moment of exasperation, Kishida, who felt very comfortable, couldn't help but chuckle. He was indeed a good person! !

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