Conan: Someone is always trying to murder me

Chapter 80 Is it possible that I, Maotai, am going to betray the organization? (Part 1)

The next day, when the snow fell outside, the snowflakes were like catkins, cotton, and goose feathers, dancing in various postures, and Kishida was wrapped in the quilt and sleeping soundly.

Because he slept too long yesterday afternoon, he was energetic all night last night. In addition to watching the TV to see if there was any news about the Morizono family, he also watched a wave of rumored late-night programs in the island country with a critical attitude!

But he was disappointed to find that not only did the TV not broadcast news about the Morizono family, but even the late-night adult dramas in the island country were not as bloody and violent as imagined. At least Kishida felt that those bloody scenes were quite suitable for rice!

"Hiss~ It's so cold~~" When the minute hand of the clock in the living room turned a circle again, Kishida came out of the room wrapped in a thick coat.

"I don't know if there will be breakfast at Dr. Agasa's house now!" Kishida looked at the clock, which showed: 11:25.

Uh, it should be lunch time now! In this weather, my breakfast should have been frozen long ago! Forget it, I'll go over and brush my teeth and wash my face and I'll know. I wonder how the "Kamen Rider Recording Card" is going?

Kishida thought as he turned on the TV, then shivered and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"It is reported that last night, the new successor of the Moriyuan Group, Kikuto Moriyuan, was involved in commercial bribery of the Councillor Tunkou... The police have already intervened in the investigation, and Kikuto Moriyuan was also summoned by the police this morning for questioning. According to reporters, Kikuto Moriyuan was originally scheduled to hold a wedding at noon today..."

When Kishida scooped up the cold water in the bathroom and splashed it on his face, he heard the news that he had been waiting for last night. He quickly pulled the dry towel hanging on the rack, wiped the cold water off his face, walked to the living room in high spirits, and listened quietly to the whole story in the news.

"You really didn't kill the butler? Interesting, really interesting! Conan-kun, come on!" Kishida laughed softly when the news anchor on TV turned to the next news.

According to the news just now, Morizono Kikuto, who was facing a scandal, was not suspected of murder. Not only that, he also canceled his engagement with his fiancée Katagiri Kaede. And just when he announced the cancellation of the engagement, the butler Shigematsu Akio also admitted to the police on the spot that he had instigated President Kikuto to bribe.

Oh, no matter how you look at it, it's a PY transaction! Kishida rolled his eyes and thought.

In other words, the final result of the incident is that the butler Shigematsu Akio faces imprisonment, Morizono Kikuto is resigned as soon as he takes office, and loses his fiancée! ?

Well, it's a good result! One who was originally going to die doesn't have to die, the other doesn't have to go to jail, and the couple can probably get married!

Tsk, I didn't expect that I could make a happy ending just by intervening! Sure enough, I was born with a kind attribute? But then again, is Conan's influence really that great?

Kishida put on a thick down jacket with doubts, walked out of the room, and walked towards Dr. Agasa's house.

He probably never thought that the butterfly effect caused by his intervention was just because Xiaolan did not go to Morizono's house, so she did not alarm the cat named Rebecca that Sakuraba Yuji had finally caught. And the cat that was frightened and ran away was later taken away by Morizono Yurie who just happened to return home.

Therefore, Morizono Mikio, who originally asked Sakuraba Yuji to find the cat at the dinner party, did not tell Sakuraba Yuji to find the cat again, but honestly followed the other servants to have dinner. He couldn't take the opportunity to find the cat to secretly date his lover.

Morizono Kikuto, who originally wanted to frame Sakuraba Yuji, gave up his original plan after seeing this. He planned to find another opportunity later to let Rebecca, the tool cat, get lost again, so that Morizono Mikio would order Sakuraba Yuji to find the cat again. After all, in his opinion, if he just ordered Sakuraba Yuji to go away, it would be too obvious.

However, he didn't expect that before he re-implemented his plan, a group of reporters had heard the news and rushed to his house like sharks smelling blood! So that he hadn't even started, he had been slapped by his old father!

And what happened afterwards was just as the news said.


"Dr. Agasa, where's my breakfast!" As soon as he entered Dr. Agasa's house, Kishida asked Dr. Agasa who was busy.

"I say, Yuichi, what time is it now, you still want to eat breakfast! And when Xiao Ai got up in the morning, she didn't make breakfast!" Dr. Agasa didn't even look back, holding a welding gun and didn't know what he was doing.

"Didn't you do it? Didn't you, Dr. Agasa, eat my share too?" Kishida looked at him suspiciously.

"How is it possible? Am I that kind of person? And speaking of this, it's all your fault, Yuichi!" Dr. Agasa couldn't sit still anymore, and turned to Kishida with dissatisfaction.

"Blame me? What bad things did I do?" Kishida blinked, puzzled.

"It's because Ai brought you dinner last night, and you slept too soundly, causing her to be outside in the cold wind for so long! Now, Ai caught a cold this morning!" Dr. Agasa shook his beard,

Oh my god, has my mouth been blessed? So effective! ? Kishida was subconsciously shocked.

"Where is Huiyuan now? Resting in the room?" Kishida frowned and asked worriedly. He felt a little guilty.

And the curry rice that Huiyuan made last night was really good. If she was seriously ill, wouldn't his dinner tonight be ruined? Although his arm is almost healed, it doesn't prevent him from not wanting to cook! Thinking of this, Kishida became more worried!

"Well, the cold is not too serious, so she insisted on going to school!" Dr. Agasa coughed and said with a dodgy look.

Insist on going to school? Does she like elementary school so much? And since she can insist on going to school, then as a person, she will at least make breakfast for Dr. Agasa, right?

Kishida stared at Dr. Agasa suspiciously and found that his eyes were dodging and he didn't dare to look directly at him.

Sure enough, you are the one who ate my breakfast! ? And you said you are not that kind of person! ? Dr. Agasa, you have become bad with me! ! At this time, Kishida knew it well and looked at Dr. Agasa straight.

"Okay, okay, I admit it, I ate it! Because you, Yuichi, didn't come to get breakfast at nine o'clock, so I thought you didn't need it, and it just so happened that Ai was controlling my food intake recently, so I couldn't eat enough in the morning~~" Dr. Agasa finally admitted it.

"Forget it, the breakfast would have been cold by now anyway!" Kishida shook his head.

"That's right!" Dr. Agasa smiled and gave a thumbs up!

Alas, this kind Dr. Agasa, was he secretly led astray by himself? Kishida held his forehead weakly!

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