Rabbit Chuan was walking home and was forced to stop halfway there.

What to say about it? The robbers who blocked the road did not encounter it, but the police cars that blocked the road encountered several.

"Please let me!"

Rabbit River, who did not want to detour, directly passed through the crowd of onlookers, passed by the crime scene, did not squint, and planned to go home directly.

It's a pity that the sky is not as expected, and the twilight police department, which is anxious to get off work, automatically turned on the old brother's radar and accurately scanned this passing old brother.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, you're here!" Twilight came out of the house excitedly.

No, he doesn't want to be a dude, he's just a passerby.

"Ah, it's the Twilight Police Department, haha."

Rabbit Chuan's expression of being forced to open is quite sincere, but it can't stop the enthusiasm of the police department who wants to go home from work and have a candlelit dinner with his wife.

The main thing is that the strength of the Twilight Police Department is too great, and Rabbit Chuan can't break free, so give up.

"This is the cousin of high school detective Shinichi Kudo, Rabbitika-san, who is also a very good brother, no, I mean excellent detective." Twilight Police Department introduced the people in the house.

And now the composition of the personnel in the house is very simple, the Twilight Police Department standing next to Rabbit Chuan and the police who are searching around, the one, two, three, or four juvenile detective group that Rabbit Chuan sees looking down, and the only murderer in front of him.

The murderer, the honest-looking stranger in front of Rabbit Chuan, was shocked when he heard the words of the Twilight Police Department.

"Detective, detective!"

But quickly calm down, don't panic, just a little ghost, his plan is seamless.

Yes, there is only one stranger in this room, and it is clear that he is the murderer of this case, and this episode is a rare open-book reasoning.

After introducing each other, the Twilight Police Department began to present the case.

"Here's the thing..."

Today the juvenile detective team received a commission at school.

A schoolboy uses 4 gold Kamen Superman cards as a commission fee to entrust a team of juvenile detectives to help him find his lost cat.

The juvenile detective team searched and found a body.

To emphasize, it is a human corpse, not a cat corpse.

The juvenile detective team was shocked.

The current juvenile detective group is still very ordinary, has not evolved into the future heaven and earth to do the death group, as a group of ordinary children, they decisively chose to call the police to find the police uncle.

But when the police came to search, they found that the body had disappeared!

Two brothers Tanaka lived in this house, and Dairo Tanaka had a bad temper and went upstairs by himself after losing his temper.

And Jiro Tanaka is the person standing in front of Rabbitagawa, and he came home from work after Dairo Tanaka went upstairs.

Jiro Tanaka shouted, "But you can also see that there are no corpses here!" The

three little ones of the Young Detective Corps immediately chirped.

"We really saw it! Akira crawled out of this window covered in blood.

"Then we looked out the window into the house, and there was a bloodied corpse lying in the bath."

"Brother Tuchuan, you have to believe us, we didn't lie, it must be this old uncle who hid the body!"

After speaking, the three little ones turned their heads to look at Conan, who was silent, and their momentum was terrifying.

Conan, it's your turn!


One against three, Conan was forced to join.

"Hmm... Well! Yes, it was indeed a corpse, and I wouldn't look away.

"And I have been sitting in the doorway of this room after calling the police, no one has come out at all, and the body must still be in this room."

But why can't you find it? Where did the murderer hide the body?

The police department continued: "This is what happened, after we received the call, it only took 15 minutes for the police to get here, and then we carefully searched the whole house inside and out, and found no body or blood.

Rabbit Chuan thought for a while and said, "Twilight Police Department, let's go and see the scene where Conan said the crime was committed first." "

Rabbit Chuan and the Twilight Police Department came to the bathroom together, Conan is where they found the body, and the body is covered in blood, as long as you use Luminol reagent....

Rabbit Chuan opened the bathroom door and greeted him, a pungent smell of disinfectant water.

Twilight explained: "Because the bathroom was cleaned with disinfectant water and bleaching powder, we couldn't use luminol reagent for blood fluorescence tests.

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "Oh? Wash the bathroom at this time? After

Rabbit Chuan's reminder, the Twilight Police Department also found this doubt.

Because Dairo Tanaka was wearing a bathrobe when he opened the door for them, he didn't notice anything wrong with washing the bathroom after taking a shower, but now that I think about it, it was not time to take a shower.

Rabbit Chuan clapped his hands and said, "Let's ask Mr. Tanaka upstairs about this question!"

Hearing this, Jiro Tanaka quickly explained: "Because my brother said that the afternoon sun is good, he has always been used to taking a bath in the afternoon. Jiro

Tanaka couldn't help but wipe it dry, this detective kid does have two brushes, so you definitely can't let this detective go upstairs!

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