The next morning, Akemi Miyano woke up from her bed, as if she had a nightmare, but she couldn't remember the content of the dream.

She turned to look at the alarm clock at the bedside.

"Ah! I'm going to be late! Akemi

Miyano hurriedly sorted herself out, picked up her coat, carried her handbag, and hurriedly left the house.

On the road, I hurried to catch up, but fortunately I finally clocked in before going to work.

"Miss Hirota!" The manager shouted sternly, "You've been here for so long, why haven't you changed into your work clothes?" "

Didn't I..." Didn't I just arrive?

This manager has always looked at her unfavorably, forget it, don't explain so much.

"Yes, I'm very sorry!"

After Akemi Miyano bowed and apologized, she immediately ran to the dressing room.

Changing into the uniform of a bank clerk, Akemi Miyano looked at herself in the mirror, closed her eyes and secretly cheered herself up, and she will definitely succeed today.

When she opened her eyes again, Akemi Miyano noticed that another self appeared in the mirror, and she turned back abruptly.

"Are you...?"

"Sorry, but I have to!"

Akemi Miyano's eyes darkened, and she instantly lost consciousness, while remembering what the child said yesterday.

According to legend, only you can see your doppelganger, but you can't.

After meeting, the two cannot coexist.

To see another self is a foreknowledge of death or doom.

When she woke up again, Akemi Miyano found herself still in the dressing room of the bank staff, with no physical discomfort except dizziness.

Didn't that doppelganger actually kill her?

She heard a noise outside the bank, and she immediately ran out of the dressing room, just in time to be stopped by a colleague at the door.

"Miss Masami, where did you just go?"


her colleague quickly pulled her to squat.

"Don't walk around now, there are robbers outside robbing the money truck, and it is said that there is 1 billion cash on that money truck."

Hearing this, Akemi Miyano rounded her eyes, now someone is actually robbing that 1 billion cash?

Don't...... Someone else eyeing this cash?

"Yes... What people?

"How do I know that?"


—boom—just then two gunshots rang out.


There were screams inside and outside the bank.

Akemi Miyano glanced at the time on her watch, 1:40 p.m., this is obviously the action time they agreed upon, could it be that the person who robbed the money truck outside was her accomplice?

But she herself is obviously still here, and who is robbing the money truck outside?

Or did those two accomplices act without waiting for her?

This is impossible, without her most critical internal information, it is impossible for those two people alone to successfully rob the money truck.

Akemi Miyano had a hypothesis that terrified her.

No, she has to go out and see!

Colleagues who were frightened by the sound of gunshots and closed their eyes and screamed, opened their eyes to find that there was nothing around them.

"Huh? What about Miss Masami? Before

Akemi Miyano could sneak up on the main entrance, a white van sped past the door.

Akemi Miyano was stunned in place, the white van was exactly what she had planned, and one of her accomplices loaded the cash evacuation vehicle.

Immediately afterwards, police personnel came to investigate, and each internal employee of the bank had an alibi.

One officer reported to a police department: "The robbers were three men, all wearing black hoods and holding guns, who suddenly appeared after the money truck was loaded with cash. Fortunately, they only injured one security guard in the money truck, and there were no other casualties. "

That's right, that's their plan.

Could it be that the person she saw in the mirror was...

If that person really went on a mission in her place, then they would definitely converge in that place by now.

"Sorry, I have an urgent need to leave now."

Akemi Miyano spoke to the colleagues next to her, picked up the bag, and immediately ran out without even changing her clothes.

"Huh? It's not time to leave work yet, you go now, the manager will definitely get angry ... That's running too fast! Akemi

Miyano arrived at the planned meeting place and saw one of his accomplices and the other of himself.

She hid on the side to observe secretly, but there was also an accomplice in charge of the evacuation of the banknotes, but he did not appear.

It was clear that the last part of the plan to rob the money carrier had gone wrong, and the accomplice in charge of the money had planned to swallow the money alone and disappear completely.

Now the other thing of the self is no longer important, what matters is the 1 billion cash!

If you don't get that $1 billion in cash, it's all over.

Not only will she be abandoned by the organization, but even the accomplices she has found will be killed by the organization, and the ruthless killer will not spare anyone.

The accomplice who swallowed the stolen money must be found as soon as possible and the $1 billion in cash must be recovered before the organization discovers that something is wrong with the plan.

Akemi Miyano had a figure in her mind, if she asked him for help....

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