"Ha – chirp!"

At the Maori detective agency, Maori Lan, who was on the phone, moved the phone away from her ear in disgust.

Complained: "Really, I finally waited for your call, you actually had a cold, so how can we talk properly!"

In the phone booth outside, Conan, who turned into Kudo's voice with a bow voice changer, reluctantly replied, "I can't help it!"

This is all to blame on the thief last night, who actually lied to him that Xiaolan was in a lifeboat, and he ran around the deck in the middle of the night, and every lifeboat searched and found no one.

He was so frightened that Xiaolan fell into the sea, but fortunately Yuan later found someone in the bathroom.

He ran on the deck in a sweat, was frightened into a cold sweat, and blew the sea breeze in the middle of the night, it was strange not to catch a cold!

Mao Lilan shouted into the phone: "I don't care, anyway, you come back quickly!" "

'Don't be vexatious, okay.'

Mao Lilan continued to roar in dissatisfaction: "Am I being vexatious? Do you know that one, two, three, today's history quiz failed again! "

I came to Maori Lan under the pretext of tutoring homework, and Rabbit Chuan, who was obediently writing his homework.


, why did he hurt?"

"Miss Xiaolan..."

Mao Lilan turned around and made an apologetic gesture to Rabbit Chuan, whispering, "Sorry, sorry! "

'Haha, it's rare for him to pass, it's all the result of my tutoring.'"

"Really, do you want to come back?"

"I can't help it, there are still a lot of cases to deal with here, ha!"


doorbell rang, Rabbit Chuan put down the pen in his hand, and the others looked at the door.

It came, and the Osaka black chicken came, bringing his old white trunk with him.

Morilan quickly said to Kudo Shinichi, then hung up the phone and immediately went to open the door.

Mao Lilan simply hung up the phone neatly, leaving Conan in the phone booth completely confused.

"Hey! Xiaolan! Feed! How did it hang up so quickly?

Conan left the phone booth with a depressed look and thought as he went.

I really don't understand her, I don't call for fear that she is worried, and when I call, she looks like she doesn't care again, muttering and muttering.

Walking downstairs to the Maori detective office, Conan couldn't help but sigh, "Alas! Women have needles in their hearts, and they really don't understand what women are thinking. In

the Maori detective agency here, Osaka Black Chicken, also known as Hattori Heiji, asked Mori as soon as he came in: "I came to find Kudo Shinichi, where is he now?" "

Looking for Shinichi?"

Maori Lan looked puzzled, why did Kudo Shinichi come here?

Although she is now angry at the mention of Kudo Shinichi Maolilan, she still replied seriously: "Kudo Shinichi is not here, this is the Maori detective agency."

"I'm looking for a Maori detective agency, and you're Maori Lan, right?" You must know where Kudo Shinichi is. "

Huh? How will I know where Shinichi is?

"Don't lie to me, you must know!"

Hattori Heiji's tone was tough, and Mao Lilan's temper rose when he heard it perfectly.

"I told you I don't know, I just don't know!"

Rabbit Chuan didn't say a word, and the two of them quarreled over every word.

Rabbikawa looked back at Maori Kogoro and saw that he had already put on his headphones and leaned back in his chair, looking like he didn't care about himself.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the two in front of him again, silently picked up the textbook and continued to write homework.

Forget it, the war between B-class combat forces, he this pure combat waste should not be blindly mixed.

But even if it really fights, Hattori Heiji, who has no weapons, will definitely not be able to beat Miss Xiaoran.

When Conan returned, the two were still arguing with each other.

As soon as Conan pushed the door, he heard Hattori Heiji yelling at Moriran: "Hurry up and call Kudo Shinichi out!" "


Conan sneezed again, and Mauriland quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe his snot off his nose.

"Conan and Shinichi both have a cold, is the influenza serious now?"

"Kudo caught a cold?"

Hattori Heiji seems to have caught evidence of Kudo Shinichi's derailment, no, it is evidence of Kudo Shinichi's appearance.

"You're not saying Kudo isn't here, how do you know he's cold?"

Mao Lilan said speechlessly: "It's a phone, and when he just called, he sneezed several times." "

Kudo called you?"

Mao Lilan asked rhetorically: "So what! Doesn't it work?

"Then I didn't find the wrong person, you really are Kudo's woman!"

"Woman, woman!?"

Mao Lilan and Conan were red in the face and unable to speak shyly.

Hattori Heiji laughed: "Your friend Suzuki said that Kudo didn't go home and didn't go to school, so he must be tired of being with you!" Maori

Lan was so shy that smoke rose above his head, but the anger in his heart gradually dissipated.

Rabbit Chuan expressed understanding, he saw the end from the beginning, and felt that this Hattori Heiji did not look for someone, but more like the main palace came to catch the adulterer.

Hattori then asked, "Hey! What did Kudo talk to you on the phone? Mao

Lilan's face sank again, why did this person care so much about Shinichi!

"Let's just talk about the mystery novels he read recently, ask about what happened in school and so on."

"That's all?" Hattori Heiji hurriedly asked, "Didn't he ask about you?"

"No, he speaks directly about his own business every time."

After getting Maori Lan's answer, Hattori Heiji immediately rushed to the front of the window, startling Maori Kogoro and opening the window to look for it.

"What are you going to do?"

"Don't you think it's strange?" Hattori leaned against the window and said, "Since he likes you, he must be curious to know about you, so why not ask you?"

"This..." Mauri looked down at Conan.

Hattori Heiji reasoned confidently, "He must be watching you from a corner around here!" "

Rabbit River looks at Mao Lilan's eyes at Conan, no, this distance is close!

"By the way, I don't seem to have introduced myself yet." Hattori Heiji took off his hat, "My name is Hattori Heiji, and like Kudo, I am a high school detective!" "

Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan are not shocked, after all, the kid who came to their house today to make up for his homework is also a high school detective.

Rabbit Chuan silently put the finished homework into his bag, sorry, he pulled down the score line of high school detectives.


Conan sneezed again, and when Hattori saw it, he immediately remembered that he had something good in his backpack.

"Hey! Little ghost, I have a special medicine for colds here. "

The exciting time has arrived!

Rabbit Chuan saw Heiji Hattori take out a glass bottle wrapped in paper from his backpack, pour out a glass of transparent liquid, and hand the cup to Conan.

Conan didn't think about it, and he was afraid of his trust in their detectives, deep feelings, and a mouthful!

Readily! Massive!

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