Rabbit Chuan picked up this fat ball black cat that fell from the sky, and pinched it with his hands, fluffy, good Q bomb and honest meat!

Look closely, the black cat's head and body are swollen and fat, with a short tail unique to lucky cats, and orange and gray patterns on the back and head, respectively.

A pair of half-moon eyes, three red spots at the corners of the eyes, two red spots on both sides of the cheeks, a bell unique to Lucky Cats on his neck, and a small package on his back, except that the coat color is black, which is exactly the same as the cat teacher in a pamphlet.

It seems that this should be a youkai, but because it is sealed in a black lucky cat, it cannot speak yet.

Rabbit Chuan put down the black cat and beckoned to the side, and Hagiwara Kenji consciously came over.

Rabbit Chuan pulled the unknown Hagiwara Kenji aside and quietly asked the Kirito dog next to him: "Na, Kiritengu, have you ever heard of a person named Reiko Natsume?" "

Reiko Natsume?" The Kiritengu thought for a moment, "It seems that I have heard that it is said that it is a human who specializes in collecting monsters as his subordinates. "

Sure enough, it's a friend's account!

Garbage World Consciousness didn't say hello to him again this time!

World consciousness wants to say to Rabbit Chuan, let's reason well or not, who is too annoying to say hello one by one, and waved his hand and said that if it was not a dangerous fragment, there would be no need to say hello.

Rabbit Chuan was going to ask for an explanation from the world consciousness, but after thinking about it, he still forgot.

The monsters in the friend's tent are similar in strength to the monsters in Ke Xueshi's family, but they have no strength and are very kind to humans.

Yokai is not a problem, the problem is another, except for youmen.

Well, after all, natural enemies are an indispensable part of the biological chain, just like sheep on the grassland, if there is no wolf predation, it will also lead to food shortage due to the proliferation of reproduction, and finally go to extinction.

And Rabbit River only has one can not keep an eye on all the monsters, such as the existence of the demon exterminator Yin-Yang Master, is an inevitable result, and the benefits always outweigh the disadvantages.

Rabbit Chuan set his sights on the small package behind the black cat, which, if he was right, contained the stolen friend's tent.

The name of this black cat teacher is...

Rabbit Chuan touched the black cat's head and comforted: "Don't worry, I won't say it."

Then Rabbit Chuan found that the black cat's half-moon eyes were a little more helpless.

"Huh? Do you want me to say your name? Rabbit Chuan pinched his cat's paws and smiled, "No, the name is a curse, once I call out that name, I will immediately break the contract of the friend's account, which is the precious bond between you and Reiko Natsume."

"Human life is very short, dissipating like morning dew in an instant, but the warm memories left in the heart will never fade."

So said the young god.

"That's the thing, so Reiko's grandson, can you give it back the cat's name?" Rabbit Chuan directly found the son of the human who was mixed in with the Yokai Nocturnal Party and said to him.

Natsume Takashi, who was simply found out, was now a little confused, and unconsciously raised his hand and asked, "That... May I ask you who are?

Rabbit Chuan stood up, took off the mask on his face, and looked at the human son in front of him.

"I am the guardian of the world order, the god of wisdom who knows all things in the world."

"Welcome to the world over here, Reiko's grandson, the successor of the Friend Account, Natsume Takashi."

Natsume Takashi's eyes widened, and the child in front of him, who looked a little younger than him, turned out to be a god... My lord?


The white lucky cat at Natsume Takashi's feet instantly exploded, startling Natsume Takashi.

"Cat teacher, what's wrong with you?" Natsume Takashi asked nervously.

The cat teacher jumped on Natsume Takashi's shoulder three or two times, and quietly shouted to Natsume Takashi close to Natsume Takashi's ear: "Run quickly!" Natsume! Hurry up and run! Natsume!

"Cat teacher, what's wrong with you?" Natsume Takashi covered his ears with a puzzled look.

"Stupid Natsume!" The cat teacher slammed his head on Natsume Takashi's head, "This is not a weak god, the God of Wisdom is a very murderous god, the slightest mistake will provoke him, it is said that the monsters and humans who provoke the God of Wisdom will end up very miserable, and will be him..." Natsume Takashi's

forehead couldn't help but drop a drop of cold sweat, and turned his head to look at the Lord God of Wisdom sitting there, he looked like an ordinary child, and he didn't feel as ferocious as Teacher Cat said.

"Okay, cat teacher." Natsume Takashi took the cat teacher down, "Don't say such disrespectful things in front of the gods-sama."

"yes, it's not that I can't hear it."

Rabbit Chuan unknowingly walked in front of Natsume Takashi, put the black lucky cat in Natsume Takashi's arms, and then picked up the white cat in Natsume Takashi's hand.

The God of Wisdom smiled and said, "I happen to be short of a piggy bank, such as... The piggy bank of the white lucky cat is good. "

Babbling——! The cat teacher petrified instantly.

Rabbit River puts the petrified cat teacher back on Natsume Takashi's shoulder, and Natsume Takashi raises his hand to touch the terrified cat teacher.

Hey? How does it feel so hard to the touch? Was it really turned into a lucky cat piggy bank by Lord God?

Seeing Natsume Takashi's stiff appearance, Rabbit Chuan burst out laughing and said, "Don't be deceived by it, although I am a god of wisdom, as the name says, I only have a little bit of wisdom, no other special divine power, and my appearance is a human like you." "

Human?" Natsume Takashi subconsciously asked.

Rabbit Chuan nodded and said, "Uh-huh, my name is Rabbit-Chuan, a sixteen-year-old active high school freshman!" Natsume

Takashi replied dumbfounded, "This way..." Wait

, Natsume Takashi calmed down, 16 years old high school freshman, isn't that the same as him.

"What! It scares me to death! The cat teacher instantly revived, "It turned out to be just a child!" Ah! What are you doing? Natsume!

Natsume Takashi slammed a punch on the cat-sensei's head and said, "What a faux pas, cat-sensei!" The

cat teacher jumped to his feet and fried: "It's a Natsume!" Ah! Rabbit

Chuan looked at it with relish, this cat teacher's mind was very bad, obviously knowing that the God of Wisdom had no combat power, and pretending to be bullied by him to look like a pitiful cat, he didn't know what he originally looked like, and he deserved to be sanctioned by Natsume Takashi's iron fist.

It's a pity that the time is too late, and Rabbit River stopped Natsume Takashi.

"Natsume, you need to return the cat's name as soon as possible, return the power in the name to him, and help him break through the seal, otherwise..."

Natsume Takashi heard a bad premonition from Rabbitikawa words.

"How else?"

Rabbit River picked up the black cat and held it up to Natsume Takashi's eyes and said, "Otherwise, tonight, this guy's youkai will go to the human village at night." "


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