Conan's gaze moved with the man in black, a little strange, why was this man holding a black briefcase full of Heaven's company?

Mr. Nakajima said that he had not seen this person at the company, and that this person did not bring a tie clip and watch unique to Paradise ...

Rabbit Chuan's little eyes looking at Conan were almost glued to the body of the man in black, and as the man in black gradually left, Conan's footsteps slowly followed him.

Rabbit Chuan thought about it and decided to go shopping with Conan and test it again to see if the bottle of wine recognized him.

"Ko..." Rabbit Chuan swallowed Conan's name, did the bottle of wine come to call, or didn't let him notice Conan's little friend, "What are you doing here?" Hearing

Rabbit Chuan's voice, Conan realized that he had unknowingly walked to the corner with this strange person, forget it, don't care.

Conan glanced at the vending machine in the corner and said to Rabbit, "I'll buy a can of tomato juice for Uncle Maori to get a hangover."

"In this case, then I will drink a can of Coke too."

"Huh? Drinking this carbonated drink often is not good for bones, easy to osteoporosis, and will also affect calcium absorption. "So there's still a reason why someone isn't tall.

Rabbit Chuan complained casually: "It's really verbose, you know a lot at a young age, and sometimes you feel like a new brother when you speak."

Oops, unconsciously using a brother's tone on his brother, Conan covered up his mistake with immediate laughter, and said, "Hahaha, because the teachers in the school often say this to us, so... Ha ha!

Rabbit Chuan snorted softly, without parental restraint, the days of Coke freedom are so good!

Rabbit Chuan and Conan walked to the vending machine, and the tall man in black behind them was making a call on a public phone.

Conan consciously took out his wallet and handed Rabbit Chuan a 500 yuan and two 100 yuan coins, and just about to put away the wallet when he heard the man in black behind him say on the phone.

"Well, it's me, Tequila, the deal went through, Vodka!"

Conan stiffened, the wallet in his hand fell directly, the change was scattered on the ground, and he turned to stare at the suspicious man in black.

This guy turned out to be an accomplice of the man in black! He finally found it!!

Conan couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart, great, the clues of the black-clad organization suddenly appeared in front of him again, and he would definitely not miss this good opportunity.

"Are you all right?" Rabbit Chuan asked casually, and then chose tomato juice and grape juice, or let the new brother worry less, and the old brother will have to face the dramatic ups and downs alone for a while.

The man in black who heard the voice glanced at Rabbit Chuan and Conan, who was squatting on the ground to pick up coins, turned back to the other side of the phone and said: "It's okay, it was the little ghost who dropped the change on the ground, you tell Gin Jiu, I will go to join you before the evening." Tequila

, also known as "tequila", has an alcohol content of 40 proof, is a Mexican specialty and is known as the soul of Mexico.

Tequila is the pinnacle of the tequila family, and only tequila made from a plant called blue agave grass in Tequila is eligible for the name Tequila, and tequila made in other regions is called Mezcal.

Tequila is also one of the eight major categories of distilled spirits, usually the eight categories of distilled spirits refer to gin, whisky, brandy, vodka, rum, tequila, spirits and sake.

By the way, since 2021, the English name of baijiu has changed from Chinese distilled spirits to Chinese Baijiu.

Having said all this, I just want to show that some of the wine looks tall, and it is on the same level as gin and even rum, but he is gone in less than three minutes of appearance, and it is not even as good as Ireland and Curacao, at least people have finished a theatrical version, just because he made a wrong decision.

Conan squatted at the feet of the agave and said in a child's cute voice: "Uncle, let it be good, my 10 yuan coin was stepped on by you!"

Tequila kicked over unceremoniously and scolded: "Get out of the way, stinky little devil!"

Rabbit Chuan's eyes widened, he dared to kick the Grim Reaper, he was really impatient.

"Hey! You uncle! Conan quickly interrupted Rabbitchuan's words, "Brother Rabbitchuan, I'm fine." "

And he just glued the bugging and transmitter to the sole of the man in black."

The agave walked past Rabbit Chuan without squinting, and Rabbit Chuan silently drew an end in his heart, it seems that this Agave really does not know him.

Is it because the status of this agave is not high?

After all, I still have to use a public phone to report work, and I don't even have a mobile phone, and now even Conan has a mobile phone.

And the object of the call is still vodka, not even the phone of ginjiu, it is estimated that the status is similar to the status of the driver of ginjiu, no, maybe the status is not as good as vodka, vodka is a crony of ginjiu.

Rabbit Chuan does not agree with the statement that all the liquor in the distillery is a level cadre.

For example, in a class, the students in the class are of course equal, but there will be class presidents, deputy class leaders, and various class committee members among the students, even the study group will have group leaders, and some people are leaders, and some are followers.

Moreover, this side also pays special attention to seniority, even if it is the same position in the company, the people in the advanced company are the seniors, and they can also order the juniors to do things like the superiors.

In short, there is no absolute equality anywhere, at least gin and vodka are obviously not equal, although everyone is a brother in the mouth, but being a big brother and being a younger brother can be the same!

Rabbikawa took tomato juice and grape juice from the vending machine and said to Conan, "Let's go, let's give the tomato juice to Uncle Maori."

Conan immediately replied, "I still have to go to the toilet!"

Rabbit Chuan asked rhetorically, "Didn't you just go there?"

"Uh..." Conan quickly covered his stomach, "My stomach hurts, oops, I can't help it, I'm leaving!"

Rabbit Chuan watched Conan run away with a cigarette, and then looked at the two cans of juice in his hand, forget it, since Tequila didn't know him, he didn't need to get involved in danger and stick bombs.

Rabbit Chuan, who was walking on the road, couldn't help but sigh in a low voice: "Alas! There have been too many explosions recently, so annoying! Here

Conan tracked the agave all the way, trembling heart excited hands, the excitement in his heart is beyond words.

It's great that this man just called and said that he was going to find vodka and gin, so that he could follow this person all the way to find vodka and gin, the two men in black who turned him into what he is now!

Wait, how did this person really come to the toilet? Did they meet in the toilet? Or do you simply want to go to the toilet?

Can't figure it out, Conan decided not to want to, he still has a bug, hurry up and listen to what this person is doing.

Conan turned the temple receiver, adjusted the channel, and a rustling sound sounded in his ears.


..." "Why can't I get in..."

It turned out to be on...'


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