Afterwards, Conan used Kudo Shinichi to secretly ask the Twilight Police Department about the follow-up investigation results of the explosion of the Daiko Building.

Due to the staggering amount of gunpowder, everything in the bar was reduced to ashes, and it was impossible to find out whether there were any victims.

Whether the gin wine and vodka died in the explosion or the explosion they made, the truth of everything is sealed in this dark fog.

The only clue left by this incident is that they bought a list of the world's famous computer programmers from Nakajima for a large sum.

Conan can't figure it out when he thinks of tying knots in his brain, what is the connection between the smaller poison and the computer programmer, these two things that can't be beaten?

Damn it! Once again missed the opportunity in vain, what is the true face of that organization!

Although Rabbit River has experienced another explosion, life will continue to pass.

"Welcome to the detective observation agency this week, and the one who meets you today is still me Takashi Matsuo..."

"Assistant host Ashiko Nagai, good evening everyone~

" "The difficult cases submitted to the program team from all over the country, we will reveal the mystery for you one by one in the program."

"Because our special guest today is a case-solving expert, let us applaud and welcome, Detective Mori Kogoro."

"Hahaha, hello everyone! I'm a detective, Maori Kogoro!"

"Huh? Mr. Maori on TV? Akemi Miyano, who passed by the living room, said in surprise.

Rabbit, who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, pouted: "Yes, because Uncle Maori has been in the limelight recently, so the program team of the detective unit of Nisago TV specially invited Uncle Maori to be a special guest of the program."

Miyano Akemi smiled secretly, she thought that Rabbit Chuan was gambling, speaking of which Rabbit Chuan Jun has also solved many cases recently, but there are no news reports.

"Although the Maori detective is very powerful, in my heart, Rabbitikawa Jun is even more powerful detective!"

Rabbit Chuan was a little crying and laughing, he knew that Miyano Akemi said this to comfort him, but he really envied it at all.

What Rabbit Chuan said before was right, it was indeed Maori Kogoro specially invited by the program team, but not because of the reputation of the detective sleeping Kogoro, but because of the reputation of the Maori uncle who was confused about the detective, so he was specially invited to help make an alibi.

However, in this way, he not only did not achieve his original purpose, but made this little-known Maori detective famous throughout the country.

"That's because I wasn't fit on TV that I turned down the offer."

"Not suitable?" Akemi Miyano was a little puzzled, is there any hidden secret in this?


Rabbit Chuan pointed to Maori Kogoro on the TV, and Miyano Akemi looked over, only to see Maori Kogoro on the TV putting on a pensive look.

"Ask me the most difficult thing I encountered in solving the case, how to say, every time after the matter is resolved, I will be enveloped by a pang of sleep, so I don't remember anything, sorry!" Hahaha!'

Maori Kogoro said jokingly, and then laughed himself, and the audience laughed along with him.

"Sure enough, it's Uncle Maori who is best suited for this kind of variety show." Rabbit River knew that Uncle Maori was telling the truth, he was originally sleeping, but it sounded really funny.

Akemi Miyano also smiled, indeed, this sense of variety comparable to that of funny artists is not something that everyone can learn.

But that's fine, although that organization probably won't pay attention to these entertainment news, but if someone accidentally sees Rabbitikawa kun's appearance, it will always be troublesome.

After an ad, the show continues.

"Although I used to be a police officer, my marksmanship is really... Hahaha!' Maori Kogoro scratched his head with a smile.

Rabbit Chuan opened a bag of potato chips, Uncle Maori is really modest, obviously very powerful.

The female host turned back to another host, Matsuo, and said, "I heard that Mr. Matsuo's marksmanship is very good, I heard that he has specially practiced abroad, and his marksmanship is comparable to that of a professional gunman!"

"Nothing, not actually!" Matsuo was startled, waved his hand in embarrassment, and then admitted with a proud face, "Haha, you're right, I'm a sharpshooter!"

"Haha, this host is also so funny!" Akemi Miyano laughed loudly, and then saw Rabbit Chuan next to him holding potato chips with a solemn expression and pondering something, "What's wrong?"

"I was thinking..." Rabbit Chuan didn't know what to say, "Although I know that I can learn marksmanship abroad, but... Guns are banned in China, right?

"Well..." Akemi Miyano, a former member of the organization who had robbed the bank at gunpoint, "it is true."

So a TV host shot a TV program producer, this is outrageous, where did he get the gun!

And the name of the program producer of that TV station is still Suwa Michihiko, which is yes, the real name of the anime producer of Meike.

Quietly told a secret, it is said that in retaliation for the producer Mo changed the animation, he lost the gin wine on the animation Shinkansen.

There was another burst of laughter on the TV, and Rabbit River and Akemi Miyano looked at the TV again, and Maori Kogoro in the TV held up his big brother's pig's head wolf face.

"Hey, Miss Koizumi, I'm Kogoro!" I haven't been to your store for a long time, tonight~" '

What? My wife? Don't worry about her, we have long separated, let's have a good party tonight!"

Maori Kogoro hung up the phone handsomely and raised his hand to the camera.

"Thieves across the country remember that the content of this big brother's call is likely to be eavesdropped by detectives, so pay attention!"

"Hahahaha!" Akemi Miyano couldn't stop laughing, "Detective Maori is so hilarious!"

Rabbit Chuan laughed, Uncle Maori must have forgotten, this is a national live broadcast.

Sure enough, Maori Kogoro on TV, after playing handsome, said to the program team: "Trouble cutting this paragraph when it is broadcast."

"Uh, but we're broadcasting live across the country..."

Akemi Miyano smiled and suddenly stopped and said, "So, are Miss Xiaolan's parents separated?"

Rabbit Chuan smiled and said, "Well, they have been separated for about ten years.

Miyano Akemi said in disappointment: "In this way, Miss Xiaolan is quite pitiful."

"Indeed." Rabbit Chuan replied casually.

However, this is also a unique little interest of Maori couples, parents are true love, children are more surprised.

The Maori couple and the Kudo couple married at about the same age, but if they were 20 years old, they would have married and had children at a young age.

It's just that when the Kudo couple got married, one side was a world-renowned mystery novelist, and the other was a world-famous Hollywood actress, which can be called the wedding of the century.

The Maori couple were university students, and at that time Maori Kogoro worked part-time as a tutor to support his family.

The wife gave up her studies and future in order to get pregnant and give birth to a daughter, and the difficulties can be imagined.

After that, Maori Kogoro entered the police academy to graduate, the Metropolitan Police Department paid more, but overtime pay was more, the burden of the family was on the wife alone, plus the wife's own ability and personality were not suitable for being a housewife, naturally ...

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