"Which one is Mr. Rabbit-Kawa? There's your phone here. The waiter shouted.

Rabbit Chuan walked to the bar and answered the phone and said, "Hello? It's Miss Xiaolan! Huh? Is the cash register in the cake shop broken? ...... Yes, the man has arrived.

"Don't! Sister Xiaolan don't date that kind of person! Conan jumped up and said to Maori Lan on the other side of the phone.

As soon as Conan thought of what the man said that girls would absolutely die after only possession, he wanted to directly kill this scumbag!

"I see." Rabbit Chuan heard the opposite side hang up the phone and said to Conan regretfully, "Sister Xiaolan said that the cash register is repaired and will be back immediately."


Conan slammed into the bathroom door imposingly, ready to kick him out as soon as that scumbag came out!


It was a man's scream.

Rabbit Chuan spread his hands, this world is really fast, provoking the fate of death, who can be blamed.

Conan rushed to the bathroom first, the middle-aged strong man followed, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw a handsome guy trembling in the corner, his fingers trembling and pointing majestically to the toilet cubicle in front.

"Blood, a lot of blood!"

Conan ran to the toilet and pushed the door, the door was unlocked but blocked by something and could not be opened.

In a hurry, Conan twisted away Zhi Lijian, jumped on the toilet door, and looked down from the gap, it turned out to be the bloody corpse of the irascible big sister who blocked the toilet door!

The speed of the police department became faster again, and a police call came faster than Mao Lilan who came out of the cake shop next door.

Hurried back, Maori Lan was directly blocked at the door of the café by the police cordon.

The police department looked at the photo in his hand with a solemn expression, the photo showed the deceased with his back to the toilet door and fell to the ground, the contents of the bag were scattered all over the place, and there was a large amount of blood on his chest, blood all over the ground, and even spread outside the door.

The Twilight Police Department sighed with emotion: "The deceased Himeno Yayoi, 24 years old, a freelancer, was killed by a knife in the heart... What a cruelty! "

Twilight Police Department!" The forensics officer pointed to the neck of the deceased and said, "There is a fine strangled mark on the neck of the deceased.

The Twilight Police Department looked over and asked, "Is it strangled?"

"No, after death, the heart is stabbed, and the blood will not splatter so far."

"So the murderer may have strangled the deceased first, and then stabbed him to death." The police department speculated, "The deceased's wallet was looted, it seems that it should be robbery and murder, the robber hid in the toilet door, murdered and robbed, and finally escaped through the window in the toilet."

"Very well, Takagi, go outside and ask if anyone sees a suspicious person?"

"Wait a minute, Twilight Police Department!" Conan pointed to the window in the toilet and said, "Don't you think the windows are too clean?"

The police department asked rhetorically, "What's wrong with cleanliness?"

"This kid is right, Twilight Police Department supplement." Fei Yingli stood up and said, "Oh, it should be the Twilight Police Department now!" Seeing

Concubine Yingli, the police department was surprised: "This is not a concubine lawyer, why are you here?"

"It's not important." Concubine Yingli continued, "Judging from the amount of blood of the deceased, the prisoner must have been stained with the blood of the deceased, and if he escaped through the window, the window would definitely leave blood spots."

"So it's just a trick for the criminal, he's actually still in this coffee shop, did you just want to say this, kid?"

Concubine Yingli looked down at Conan with sharp eyes, Conan trembled, this feeling is so familiar!

The police department was stunned when he heard this, and asked, "But how did the prisoner leave?"

Fei Yingli replied: "I think he should have climbed through the gap above the toilet to the next door, and then generously left through the bathroom door."

"Twilight Police Department, the murderer is in this shop now, please catch the murderer as soon as possible and release us innocent people!"


The Twilight Police Department subconsciously stood upright, worthy of being the undefeated queen of the legal world, what an imposing momentum!

"Takagi, immediately go and check who left the bathroom after the deceased came in!"


Conan volunteered, "I know who there are! Conan

walked out of the encirclement of the concubine's lawyer with Twilight Police and came to the hall.

The Twilight Police Department took the opportunity to secretly wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, he felt that he urgently needed an old brother, old brother, where is his old brother?

The Twilight Police Department looked up, huh? The one sitting at the bar is not Rabbit Chuan brother!

"Hello, Twilight Police Department." Rabbitikawa who was sitting at the bar greeted.

"Brother Rabbitchuan!" The Twilight Police Department stepped forward excitedly, "Why are you still sitting here!"

"Where else should I sit?" Rabbit Chuan asked with an innocent look, did he look at the murder scene with the toilet?

"Haha, that's what I said..." The

Twilight Police Department thinks that he and Brother Rabbit Chuan are old friends, and he knows that Brother Rabbit Chuan is not the kind of detective who is as reserved as a dog sees a meat and bones when he sees a murder.

Therefore, the Twilight Police Department directly put the photo of the crime scene in front of Rabbit Chuan's brother, and told Rabbitchuan's reasoning to Concubine Yingli.

At this time, Conan also took Officer Takagi to bring the three suspects here, Conan saw that Rabbit Chuan also reacted, the old brother did not enter the scene this time, could it be that he lost enthusiasm for solving the case.

No, never enthusiastic!

"It's just the three of them, and..." Conan said, pointing to the concubine behind him, "That aunt."

"Remember well, little friend."

Concubine Yingli clasped her hands in front of her chest, still imposing, Conan couldn't help but shrink.

One step ahead of the deceased is the college student Huang Yuichi who rushed to catch up with the thesis, and after the deceased entered was Concubine Yingli, followed by the middle-aged strong man Dianshan Thirteen, and finally the Ruo Prince Shirou who found the deceased.

"There are only four suspects." Twilight said, "Well, now please try to climb over the toilet."

"Compared to this, Twilight Police." Rabbit Chuan protruded and said, "Don't you think it's too clean?" "

Toilet windows?"

"It's not a window, it's blood!" Rabbit Chuan picked up the photo and pointed to another point, "The shape of this blood stain is too clean, the blood droplets flying on the edge are completely unobscured, I think the murderer must have been far away from the deceased when he pulled out the knife." "

Twilight Police Department and Conan looked at the scene photos together, and the blood on the photo was intact, even splashed on the edge of the toilet.

Indeed, unless the murderer was standing on the toilet, it would not have been possible to form such a perfect blood stain.

However, the deceased fainted by the toilet door when he died, and there was no trace of movement, and the murder weapon was a short knife, and the murderer committed the murder at a distance of only one arm's length, so it was impossible for the murderer to stand so far away and sit on the toilet to commit the murder.

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