After the prayers and unremitting efforts of the Conan children, Mr. Matsumoto finally waited for the ambulance.

Although there is an element of pretending, Matsumoto-sensei still took a sip, in order to feel this heart-wrenching love, so he still needs to be rescued.

This is one of the few victims who can escape death from under the aura of death.

Rabbit River believes that this is mainly due to two points, one is the aura of the Shinigami relatives, Matsumoto-sensei is Kudo's favorite teacher, and the other is the childhood sweetheart halo, the murderer is the victim's childhood sweetheart.

Thanks to this, in the original plot, Sayuri Matsumoto was not only rescued, but also recovered and discharged from the hospital in two months, and even entered the wedding hall again three years later and the groom after being released from prison.

It's really off the beaten track!

But love this thing, like people drinking water cold and warm self-awareness, maybe Matsumoto teacher is good at this mouthful.

Rabbit Chuan had a headache and thought that he didn't wait for three years, he came here, he couldn't toss it in vain, he was still waiting for the banquet.

So Rabbit Chuan prepared to use props to create the illusion of the bride's poisoning, and then expose the truth to make the groom regret, and then at this moment the reversal came, the bride who was safe and sound suddenly appeared in front of the groom, and finally everyone welcomed the beautiful banquet together.

So, how did things get to this point?

Rabbit Chuan said that he didn't understand, but he really didn't want to break them up, and now even if it was snowing in June, today's wedding could not go on.

"Alas!" Rabbit Chuan sighed, tossing and turning for a long time he was hungry.

Conan thought that Rabbit River was worried about Matsumoto-sensei, and comforted: "Don't worry, the teacher will be fine!" "

Well, I'm okay."

Rabbit Chuan just found that he accidentally pitted himself, and sure enough, the wise man did not fall in love, it was better to stew a big goose in an iron pot.

Rabbit Chuan remembered that Conan was still holding bread and milk when he came in, and asked, "Conan, haven't you eaten breakfast yet?" "

Huh? Why ask this all of a sudden? Conan looked up but saw Rabbitakawa with an extremely serious expression, "Because students have to listen to the teacher, this is also an order, so absolutely bring the criminals who murdered the teacher to justice!" "

Hmm!" Conan was a little excited, his brother finally had the appearance of a detective!

The Conan Rabbit Chuan brothers here work together, and the Twilight Police Department over there is also trying to circle the suspect, which is probably the fastest case in which the Twilight Police Department has dispatched.

"In short, anyone who has entered the bridal lounge, that is, the six of you, is suspicious." The Twilight Police Department refers to Moriran, Sonoko Suzuki and Conan, as well as Kazumi Takenaka, Umenomiya and the groom.

"How could I harm Sayuri!"

"Twilight Police Department, why didn't you count this uncle?" Conan pointed to the Matsumoto administrator, "And brother Rabbitagawa, they are also in the room." "

The cold sweat of the police department is dripping, please that is his direct superior, and he doesn't dare to borrow ten dares... No, he firmly believes in the character of his superior, and he can never be a murderer!

"And Brother Rabbit Chuan is a detective, how can a detective be..."

The Matsumoto management officer reprimanded, "Twilight! You have to treat all suspects equally, and put me and Detective Rabbit River on the list of suspects. "


"I don't have to." Rabbit Chuan refused and gave a reason, "Look at this lemon tea can, it has a small opening and a straw plugged in, so if the prisoner wants to poison on time, he must get the can and carry the camera."

"And only four people took the can from Matsumoto-sensei, Miss Takenaka, Senior Umenomiya, Mr. Takasugi and Matsumoto Management Officer."

"Are there only these four people?" The Twilight Police Department quickly noted that Xin Chuan had Rabbit Chuan brother this time, and he circled four suspects so quickly, as well as the camera...

"Huh? There are cameras on the scene?! The Twilight Police Department was taken aback, "Why didn't you say it earlier!" Take a look, maybe you filmed the process of poisoning the prisoner! "

It's a pity that the process of poisoning is not filmed in the video, but it excludes the suspicion of Conan and Rabbit, one of them is too short, the other is too far away, and they have never been close to the can of lemon tea.

Twilight said regretfully: "I didn't photograph anything useful at all.

Conan said optimistically: "At least you can see when everyone visits the bride!"

And Rabbit's answer was: "I already know who the prisoner who poisoned is!"


They're looking at one thing, right? How is the gap so big!

"The prisoner who poisoned Matsumoto-sensei is you, Toshihiko Takasugi!"

Rabbit Chuan pointed directly at the bride's fiancé, and everyone present exclaimed in disbelief.


"How is that possible?!"

"It's you boy!"

The most incredible is Toshihiko Takasugi himself.

What kind of detective is this!

Why not look for evidence?

Why can't you see such obvious capsules as lemon tea!

He...... Where was it exposed?!

"I, how could I possibly poison Sayuri, she's my future wife!" Toshihiko Takasugi explained in a panic.

Senior Umemiya roared, "But you're the last person to touch that lemon tea!"

"This doesn't mean either..." Toshihiko Takasugi took two steps back, suddenly pointing to the lemon tea spilled on the ground and shouting, "You see, there seems to be a capsule next to the straw!"

The forensics clamped the capsule into a half-melted capsule shell.

Toshihiko Takasugi shouted: "If the murderer put sodium hydroxide into a capsule to poison, and it takes time for the capsule to melt, then you who came in before me are even more suspicious!" But

Twilight still trusted his brother more, and sure enough, his brother did not disappoint him.

"No matter how cunning you are, it is useless, because only you out of four suspects have the opportunity to poison." Rabbit Chuan felt that he didn't say it clearly enough, "It should be said that now there is only one suspect in you!"


Toshihiko Takasugi felt that there was something wrong with this detective's brain, why couldn't he take it!

"Well, look here." Rabbit Chuan tuned the video to after Senior Umemiya left, "You guys look carefully at this lemon tea jar." Everyone

looked at the video carefully, Toshihiko Takasugi and Conan stared at it even more, where did he see the murderer?

In the video, Sayuri Matsumoto puts lemon tea on the table, pulls out a straw to remove the bow on it, when the angle of the video tape changes, and then Sayuri Matsumoto picks up the lemon tea on the table.

Conan shouted, "The angle of the lemon tea jar label has changed!"

"But what does that say?" Toshihiko Takasugi still didn't understand.

Conan explained, "This means that Matsumoto-sensei took the wrong jar, which was Sonoko's sister's lemon tea jar. "

My lemon tea?" Sonoko Suzuki tried to recall, "Yes, I just put my lemon tea on the table and ran out to buy batteries.

Rabbit Chuan froze the video after Matsumoto-sensei picked up lemon tea, and then there was another can of lemon tea.

"In this way, it is impossible for the three people who came in before this to successfully poison it, and the only person who can poison is you, Mr. Takasugi who touched the jar after this."

Rabbit Chuan walked up to Toshihiko Takasugi and said with a smile: "To prove my reasoning, the method is very simple, just verify the fingerprints on the two jars, the other jar on the table will have the fingerprints of the previous three people, and the toxic one will only have the fingerprints of Senior Sister Sonoko and you."

Toshihiko Takasugi clenched his fists, his face turned pale, he didn't expect such a reason! God, why do you do this to him?

Rabbit Chuan said expressionlessly: "This is karma. "

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