The staircase on the second floor of the villa is just opposite the entrance of the first floor, and the Doi Tucker tree that came down from the second floor happened to see Rabbit River standing at the door, and the fat red herring unconsciously took a step back.

Ma Yay! Is it him? How did he see this kid?

Shouldn't that "disciple of the enchanter" be a girl?

"Hello, Doi Tucker!" Rabbit River happily waved to Doi Tucker and said, "Finally met, and you were touched to see that it was me?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Doi Tucker immediately shook his head and stepped back one after another, accidentally bumping into the person behind him, "Ah, I'm sorry, Miss Tanaka."

"Really, what's wrong with you?" Kikue Tanaka, who was hit, asked puzzled, "Why are you so flustered?"

"Hahaha, I guess he probably thought the other party was a young and beautiful little girl, so he said strange things on the Internet, right?" Toshi Hamano also laughed and guessed, "I also always thought that the "Ikasama Boy" was an old man, but I didn't expect it to be a beauty like Miss Tanaka.

"I didn't pretend to be a man." Miss Tanaka said calmly, "It's Mr. Hamano, I thought the "Vanishing Pani" was a woman!"

"I also thought this person was a woman, and I discussed cosmetics and clothes with him." Naoko Kuroda, who goes by the screen name "Phantom", complained, "Looking back now, it's really humiliating!" The

uncle who opened the door suddenly remembered and said: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I am the owner of this villa, Ara Yoshinori, and my screen name is "Silent Ventriloquist".

Then Ara Yi introduced the young man beside him who looked a little gloomy with a lid.

"He's the beard who works here."


Ara Yi looked at the group of people behind Rabbit River and asked, "By the way, you are?"

Suzuki Sonoko replied, "We came to play with this kid, I'm Suzuki Sonoko." "Resolutely do not admit that I am a real netizen.

Mao Lilan smiled and said, "I'm Mao Lilan, I'm bothering you."

"I'm the father who sent her here." Maori Kogoro cleared his throat, stepped forward and grabbed Arashi's collar and warned him viciously, "I already remember you, don't hit my daughter's idea, you know!"

"Yes, yes!" A drop of cold sweat fell on Arashi's cheeks, what kind of person is this!

"You boy..." Maori Kogoro looked at Rabbikawa for two seconds, "Just take care of yourself."

Then he turned to his daughter and said, "Xiaolan, pay attention to your own safety." "

Rabbitagawa is speechless, what does Maori Kogoro mean by this?

"Don't worry, Uncle Maori, I will take care of Miss Xiaolan."

Maori Kogoro put down his suitcase and turned to leave, taking Conan, who refused to leave, by the way, he took Conan, who refused to leave, and did not forget to turn around and shout when he left: "The three children will trouble you to take care of."

Sitting in the car on the way back, Conan worriedly said to Maori Kogoro, "Is it really okay to let the three of them spend the night with strangers?"

Maori Kogoro took a cigarette and said, "Don't worry, I just let go of the cruel words, and in case of encountering gangsters, Xiaoran will also go karate." Maori

Kogoro was not worried at all, he had observed, just those weak chickens in the villa, her girlfriend could kick a football team, what was there to worry about.

"And there is also the kid in Rabbit River, that kid is ghostly, ordinary people can't play him."

Conan was relieved, but Maori Kogoro's words were correct, but why did it sound so awkward?

At this time, Maori Kogoro laughed viciously and said: "And there is a New Year's party at the bar tonight, and Xiaolan is not at home, I can finally be free!"

Conan smiled, it turns out that this is the real purpose of Uncle Maori ah!

Doi Tucker is definitely a nimble fat man, and he can quickly dodge wherever Rabbit River goes.

Doi Tucker knew that he would hide any longer, let alone the sensitive little detective, even outsiders would think that he was a little strange, so he simply did not hide.

It doesn't matter, he didn't do anything this time, who would have thought ...

"Kidd the Thief!"

The Doi Tucker tree stiffened.

"What weird thief Kidd??" Suzuki Sonoko's handsome radar beeped, "Where is the strange thief Kidd?"

Rabbit Chuan casually pointed and said, "It's the Doi Tucker tree!" "

The Tucker tree is still humble on the outside, but cold sweat on the inside.

"Huh? You say he's the weird thief Kidd? Sonoko Suzuki narrowed her eyes and looked incredulous.

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Look, just rearrange and combine the order of the Roman sounds of the words Doi Tucker, won't it become..."

Doi Tucker took the lead and revealed himself, "It's quite a coincidence, people often say that I look like the strange thief Kidd, hahahaha..."

Sonoko Suzuki couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Really, she just wants to meet a good man, why is it so difficult!

Ara Yi took the phone and muttered, "Strange..." Mao

Lilan asked worriedly, "What happened, Mr. Arashi?"

Ara Yi frowned and said to Mao Lilan: "I made several calls to Nishiyama as the "Escape King", and the calls were all forwarded to the voicemail.

Hamano optimistically guessed: "Then he should be almost there!"

Miss Tanaka took the list of parties and said, "It's time that the 'Escape King' and the 'Shadow Mage' have not yet arrived.

"There's no way, since we can't contact them, let's play by ourselves first!" Araki hung up the phone, turned to the others, and said, "Sukami and I will go to prepare dinner, you go back to your room and pack your luggage first, and you can eat immediately." Mao

Lilan picked up his suitcase with one hand, and wanted to help Rabbit Chuan carry his bag with the other, but was stopped by Rabbit Chuan.

"It's okay, Brother Doi Ta said to help me with my luggage." Rabbit River's gaze fell on Doi Tucker's body, "Huh? "Kidd the Thief?

Doi Tucker saw Rabbitakawa 's last lip shape, and this kid really recognized it.

I had to reply: "Don't worry, Miss Xiaolan, leave this child to me!" Doi

Tucker took Rabbit River to the room and put down Rabbitakawa 's small backpack.

Because Rabbit Chuan knew that a trip like this would only last one night and then call the police home, he only carried a bag containing toiletries and a spare set of clothes.

"How do you know, little detective?" The monster thief Kidd also does not pretend, he has a showdown.

Rabbit Chuan sat on the sofa, looked at the strange thief Kidd's hand and said, "The hands of a fat man of more than three hundred pounds will not be as slender as yours. "

The monster thief Kidd stretched out his hands, and transfiguration on his hands would affect his flexibility, his ten fingers were slender and slender, and a snap of his fingers would conjure a small red flower, which was a pair of magician's hands at a glance.

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