New Year's Day, New Year's Day.

"How cute! Conan, look at the courtyard of this house! Ayumi excitedly pointed to the yard next door and said, "The snow in the yard has been pinched into a little snow rabbit." Genta

and Mitsuhiko ran to Ayumi's side and threw themselves on the fence door and looked into the courtyard.


"There look like there are hundreds of snow rabbits!"

Conan put his hands in his pockets and walked over unhurriedly, and at a glance he saw that it was really a yard of little snow bunnies.

Smooth and round snowballs for the body, two long thin leaves for ears, and red beans for eyes and mouth, some gathered on the ground, some hung on the branches, and even on the window edges and roofs, the whole courtyard is like a paradise for little snow rabbits.

Hehe, who is so idle ... Wait, how this yard looks a little familiar!

Conan took two steps back and looked up at the door number, which had the words "Kudo" written on it.

Oh, it turned out to be his family's.

Conan subconsciously guessed, "Did Miss Akemi pinch it?"

"Not Sister Akemi." Haibara mournfully denied, "Sister Akemi took me to the shrine last night, how can I have time to pinch this." "

Hatsuki is a New Year's tradition here that refers to visiting a shrine or temple for the first time of the year, and in order to pray for peace and good luck in the new year, most people choose to queue up all night a day in advance, similar to going to the temple on the first day of the new year to burn incense.

Haihara was wearing a red Tang costume on the upper body, a red pleated skirt underneath, and two red cloth bags combed on his head.

Conan complained: "Your clothes, there is no difference between changing them and not changing them?" "

Huh? How come there is no difference! Haibara was not happy, "Give me a good look with wide eyes!" I used to wear a kimono from Hatsuji, but now I'm wearing a Tang costume that Akemi's sister specially bought from Chinatown! "

Although Haihara doesn't like such a bright color, but this is the dress that Akimi's sister specially bought for her, what can she do, she can only give a face to wear!"

Akemi Miyano: Rabbitikawa-kun is right, sure enough, children like to wear bright clothes.

Conan said indifferently, "It's not all red yet."

Conan's words directly left Haibara speechless, just such a straight man, whoever is his girlfriend can be angry to death, and it is impossible to make a girlfriend when he returns to the furnace and remakes!

Conan looked back at the little snow rabbit on the ground in his yard again, and the picture of his brother pinching snowballs alone in the New Year came to mind, cute... But a little pitiful.

Conan once again vowed in his heart that when he found the group of men in black and turned back into high school student Kudo Shinichi, he would never let his brother spend the New Year alone in the future!

What a lonely ghost!

Rabbit Chuan yawned and walked out of the house, the beginning of the new year was the head of that bastard!

He slept soundly in the middle of the night last night, but when it was past zero, waves of goblins ran over to greet the New Year and died of noise!

As for the little snow rabbits in the yard, they are naturally their masterpieces.

Rabbit Chuan sighed helplessly, he is in arrears, what to smash to steal Kidd is not good, I have to secretly catch a snow boy's snow rabbit as a snowball to hit Kidd, so that the snow boy thinks that he likes to take snowballs to snowball fights, and now he is full of little snow rabbits.

"Brother Tuchuan, Happy New Year!"

"Happy New Year, Brother Rabbitchuan!"

"Happy New Year!"

The three little ones enthusiastically beckoned to Rabbit River.

"Happy New Year! Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Conan. Rabbit Chuan finally looked at Haihara and said, "Xiao Wei, Happy New Year, you are so cute today!" "Like a big red envelope, it really has the atmosphere of the New Year.

"Happy New Year." Haibara greeted politely, always feeling that what this person said and thought in his heart did not mean the same.

"Brother Rabbitchuan, did you pinch these snow rabbits yourself?" Ayumi asked curiously.

"How is that possible!" Rabbit Chuan opened the iron fence door to let a few small ones in, "So many snow rabbits, I have to pinch myself until when I can finish pinching, these are all pinched by visiting guests." "

Visiting guests? Pinch snow bunnies?

Conan couldn't imagine how these two things were equated.

Who would build snowballs in someone's house when they go to someone's house to play?

Several children visited the circle with great interest, and then left with Rabbitakawa because they would go to the National Stadium to watch the final of the Emperor's Cup.

The first shot of the new year, armed robbers took 56,000 hostages in the stadium online, and the victims of the shooting turned out to be... A football.

The stadium is full of people, and the football final between BIG Osaka VS Tokyo Soul is now underway.

Rabbikawa and four children lay on the railing to watch the game, and just four minutes into the first half of the game, Hero Akagi of Tokyo Soul scored the first goal.

"What a hero!" Ayumi cheered.

Mitsuhiko said: "Well, my dad said that if he hadn't been injured, he would have been able to make it to the national team for the World Cup.

"Why do adults talk about the World Cup?" Yuan Tai looked at the question mark, "What about participating in the World Cup?"

"Of course, the World Cup is the world's highest honor, the highest standard, the highest level of competition, the highest visibility of football competition, and is one of the two top sports events in the world." Conan dragged his chin and said seriously, "It's a little frustrating that we haven't won once, but it's still exciting."

"Conan, what cool are you pretending to be there!" Ayumi complained, "Wasn't it you who couldn't accept the result of the game the most after watching the game?" Genta

added, "And you're still rolling around crying on the table at Dr. Agasa's house." The

three little ones looked over together, with obvious contempt on their faces.

Conan was slapped in the face at the speed of light, blushing his cheeks and saying: "No way, it is my dream since childhood to see the national team enter the World Cup!"

"A dream from childhood?" The three little ones were very puzzled, "But you are not big now?"

"Uh... This..." Conan tried to fool through, "Haha..."

Rabbit Chuan looked at the stadium, although the Emperor's Cup is hot, the neon national team is really not good, even the group stage has not been qualified, it is not as good as the national football team!

In the final of the Emperor's Cup, the main player of the BIG Osaka team was foreign aid Ribeiro Rams, while the main player of the Tokyo soul team was Hero Akagi.

Alas, Akagi Hero, this is also a regular visitor.

Rabbikawa remembers that once his younger brother was kidnapped by his teammates and then threatened him with match-fixing and losing the game.

But this man's young taming is a ruthless stubble, and he runs directly to the Maori detective office and says that he is Kudo Shinichi's girlfriend, and he has lost contact with Kudo Shinichi, and now wants to entrust the detective to find Kudo Shinichi.

Can this Maori Lan endure it!!

Found the thieves' den, kicked the door and the robbers kicked and flew together, but unfortunately, I didn't find the scumbag Shinichi.

Kudo Conan Shinichi: He almost disappeared at the time!

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