Haibara mourns back at the deep, dim corridor, like a soul-devouring monster, it seems that the secrets in this castle are not as simple as imagined.

And since they found Dr. Agasa here, that Rabbit River must have started looking for them from that place.

Haibara finally decides to return to Conan's missing room, perhaps now on her own, to prevent the tragedy before something bad happens.

It's just that Haihara didn't expect that Conan and they may not have tragedy yet, and a horror story did indeed stage on her side.

First, Motota Kojima was locked up in a secret passage, and Kung Fu Mitsuhiko Marutani, who turned around, disappeared again.

Haibara and Ayumi Yoshida turned to see the tower that had been abandoned due to the fire and should have been locked, and now the gate of the tower was unlocked.

They quietly came to the door of the tower, and at this time, in their eyes, the burned and dilapidated tower was like the tower of the demon king, but they were not brave people who braved the demon cave.

Judging by everything that has happened so far, once you enter the tower, I am afraid that there will be many bad luck, so Haihara decided to enter alone.

And Haibara mourned that Ayumi Yoshida hid in the grass, and if she didn't come out after 5 minutes, she would run for her life alone.

There is a good saying, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, the idea of a child is simple, her friends are in danger, how can she run for her life alone!

Now only she can save everyone!

So Ayumi Yoshida wiped her tears and bravely entered the Demon King Tower, she can't be afraid, she wants to become the princess who saved the prince!


The ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

The two little princesses find the secret passage of the tower, but they are constantly chased by the trackers in the secret passage.

On the other side, Mitsuhiko found Conan carrying the transmitter and Genta, who was locked up with Conan, through the tracking glasses left by Conan.

In the end, the five converged, worked together, and caught the murderer who was pursuing them... Well?

"Why are you again?!" Five pairs of eyes widened, "Officer Takagi???

Officer Takagi looked dazed, who else could he be?

Officer Takagi patiently explained: "Because Rabbitikawa Jun called the police that there was a tragedy in the castle, and the children who followed him suddenly disappeared, our police are looking for you in the secret passage!"

Officer Takagi used the walkie-talkie to report the discovery to the Twilight Police Department, after which Officer Sato and Officer Shiratori also climbed out of the secret passage.

The corners of Haihara's mouth twitched, no wonder she escaped so hard, it turned out that she was playing hide-and-seek with several people.

And according to the design of the castle, as long as a secret door is opened, a signal alert will appear in the castle owner's room, so they will be caught.

Conan was still most concerned about the case now, and he ran down the stairs, grabbed Officer Takagi and asked, "What about the murderer?"

Officer Takagi squatted down in good temper and said to Conan, "She has been arrested."

Officer Sato flicked the ash on his body and said, "It is said that the murderer planned to sneak up on Rabbit-kawa-kun, but was stunned by Rabbit-kun with a self-defense electric baton. "

Huh?!" The three little ones of the juvenile detective group showed an incredible expression, "Is Brother Rabbit Chuan so powerful?"

Officer Sato thought about Rabbitakawa for a moment, recalled the tragic situation of the murderer, and said uncertainly: "It's a self-defense prop that is more powerful."

Conan breathed a deep sigh of relief, it really scared him to death, fortunately the self-defense props that the doctor gave his brother were powerful!

The corners of Haihara's mouth couldn't twitch, don't you detectives and police officers think something is wrong?

Later, when Haihara saw the prisoners being covered by Conan with a murderous football, he realized that the brothers were all the way!

The murderers who were targeted by their two brothers, but those who survived were purely because of the beating!

Rabbit: No, that's Ke Xue's aura, this football can smash satellites, but it can't kick the heads of prisoners.

The Twilight Police Department did not close the team for the time being, definitely not because they encountered a landslide on the way here, but because Brother Rabbit River said that he wanted to solve the mystery left by Master Mamiya Tai.

The mystery is naturally the chess lawn that Mrs. Mamiya ordered to take good care of.

Conan is not surprised that Rabbit River can solve puzzles, because his younger brother is extremely good at all kinds of chess, whether it is chess, Go, or even mahjong poker, it is not only proficient, it can even be called the existence of a god!

He once single-handedly singled out all the chess and card clubs in the Didan Kingdom, which led to being blocked by all chess and card clubs, and had no choice but to create his own club.

At dawn, Rabbit River gathers the people in the castle in the hall.

Mrs. Mamiya also woke up, no, she should be called Mutsumi Nishikawa now, she was the maid who had worked here twenty years ago.

Rabbitagawa stands on the second floor of the hall, with a portrait of Mr. Mamiya behind him.

Rabbit River began to reveal the mystery: "The chess board is usually black and white, and the grid is represented by the English letters A to H, and the numbers 1~8.

"The chess pieces on the grass are in numerical order from the knight's position, and the white chess piece is "EGG HEAD", which translates to a reasonable intellectual." Rabbikawa stretched out his hand to the portrait of Mrs. Mamiya on the right, "That is, the nickname given to her father by the daughter of the Mamiya family." So

Rabbit Chuan said at the beginning that this is a priceless treasure left by a father to his daughter.

"And the black chess looks like a counterclockwise arrow, so the mystery is to rotate the portrait of the old lady of the palace counterclockwise."

Rabbit Chuan rotated the portrait 90 degrees counterclockwise, and a passage appeared behind the portrait, and the ladder could not see the end.

Mutsumi Nishikawa, who had plastic surgery into an old lady, had strength out of nowhere, bumped away from the police officer next to him, and frantically rushed towards the passage.

"It's mine!"

"The treasure is mine!!"

"That's my treasure!!

The Twilight Police Department wanted to send someone to hunt down Mutsumi Nishikawa, but Rabbitikawa reached out to stop him, closed his eyes and shook his head.

Nishikawa kept climbing up, constantly climbing up, he spent 20 years in this castle, not hesitating to make himself an old lady, for this long-awaited treasure!

Yes! Sparkling treasure... Hide?

The rising sun, shining, awakens the sleeping forest.

"What about my treasure?" Mutsumi Nishikawa roared heartbreakingly, "What about my treasure?!"

"Isn't it written on the door?" Conan climbed up, "I'm going to give the beauty of this castle to the first to arrive."

Nishikawa collapsed to the ground, numb, like an old lady who was really dying.

Rabbit Chuan looked at the ladder, so high that he couldn't climb it.

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