Haibara looked at the carefree Conan beside her coldly, she knew that this simple detective had not yet figured out the situation, that huge organization, not a small detective can shake the existence.

Haihara knew that the organization would not let her go, and anyone who accidentally had something to do with her would die, just like in her dream, somewhere on the street, watching them...


"What's wrong?"

Conan noticed that Haibara suddenly stopped, looked overly frightened, and stared in horror at the Porsche parked on the side of the road not far away.

"Is there something wrong with this Porsche?"

Conan asked suspiciously, but Haibara was too busy breathing to bother him.

Conan casually walked up to the side of the Porsche and took a closer look inside and out.

Conan recognized this 50s Porsche 356A, it was really an old antique, he had only seen it on TV and in books, but he didn't expect that there are still people driving such antique cars now!

"Koto, ginsa...," Haibara said in a trembling voice, "This is the kind of car that Gin Wine drives!"

"What?!" Conan's face instantly showed the same expression as Haihara, "You said this is Gin Jiu's car?!"

Conan was so frightened that he withdrew his foot, but in the next second, the panic in his eyes turned to excitement, and he finally encountered the clue of the black-clad organization again!

Conan turned around and took out the earring-type phone in his pocket and quickly called Dr. Agasa.

"Kudo! What are you doing? Haihara didn't have time to stop it, Conan had already dialed the phone, "Hey, Doctor, hurry up and drive to the intersection of 4th Street with what I said, you must be fast!" Within

two minutes, Dr. Agasa arrived by car.

Seeing Dr. Agasa get out of the car, Conan rushed over and asked anxiously, "Doctor, what do I want?"

Dr. Agasa took a wrench and an iron hanger from the car and handed it to Conan, but he was confused and asked, "But Shinichi, what do you want these things for?"

Conan didn't say anything, skillfully used a wrench to break a notch in the hanger, then ran to the Porsche door, inserted the hanger through the gap in the window glass into the door, and with a gentle hook, the door was pried open by him.

This scene happened to be watched by Rabbit Chuan standing on the overpass, he subconsciously touched his pocket, well, it's not the information age, you can't shoot videos casually and send friends.

However, the new brother is also too tiger!

It was not dark yet, and the road was full of people, and he dared to blatantly pick the lock on the door!

It's really the world is getting worse, and people's hearts are cold! This is how their simple Yoneka Town walked step by step into the abyss.

Rabbitakawa is moved by his DNA as a resident of Yonekacho, and he wants to call the police and send the bear child who slipped the door and the owner of the car into the bureau.

Bitter main gin: ......

Enthusiastic citizen Rabbit Chuan: No thanks, this is what he should do!

Conan plunged his head into the carriage.

"Wait a minute, what are you going to do?" Haiyuan was dumbfounded, and quickly followed and climbed in, "Hey! Kudo! What the hell do you want to do?

"Installing a transmitter and a bugging device in the car, of course." Conan chewed a piece of gum in his mouth and glued the transmitter and bugging device under the saddle.

Haibara was speechless, she just seemed to have only said that the car of gin wine was a Porsche, and she didn't say that this was a car of ginjiu!

"Please, I didn't say this was his... Yes!

Haibara just wanted to persuade Conan not to be a demon, but at this moment, her afterlight glanced through the car window at the familiar silhouette across the road.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked casually.

Haibara said sadly: "Look at the opposite side of the road..."

Conan looked up out the car window.

Under the signal light across the road stood two people, black clothes, black hats, sunglasses and the long hair, these two people he would never forget!

"Gin wine! Vodka!

To Conan's horror, the incident continued, and Gin and Vodka ignored the instructions of the traffic light and crossed the road directly, and the passing cars braked sharply.

A truck driver poked his head out the window to curse, and Gin Jiu's eyes drifted over, and the man instantly prodded back.

Gin Jiu went straight to his car, found that the snow next to the car was full of messy footprints, and his eyes became vigilant.

Vodka came over and said: "Eighty percent are curious passers-by running over to admire, but big brother's car is rare."

Gin Jiu snorted lightly: "This German rain frog is not small."

Although Gin Jiu said this, he didn't actually take the vodka's words to heart, but he observed that those were the footprints of children, so he let his guard down.

Gin Jiu opened the car door, turned sharply and looked up at the overpass not far away, which was empty at this time.

Gin Jiu narrowed his eyes, and he just seemed to notice that someone was watching him on the flyover.

"Big brother?"

"Let's go!"

"Yes, big brother!"

Gin Jiu drove away in his car, the Porsche, and the two did not notice that there were still two small radish heads squatting behind the rear of their car.

Rabbit River also turned away when Conan pulled Haibarai to hide behind the Porsche car, and he now has to go home to change clothes for the memorial service.

It's a pity that Gin Jiu drove away, and the bugging device was getting farther and farther away from him, already beyond the signal range, otherwise he could still listen to what Gin Jiu was saying by the way.

But you don't have to listen to Rabbit to know what's next, Conan will eavesdrop on the phone calls of Gin Jiu and Pisco, learn the code names of a new member of the organization, and they are going to assassinate someone with that drug.

And Gin will find a brown reddish hair on the saddle, and at a glance recognize that this hair comes from the traitor of the organization - Shirley!

Organize the first manhunt for Shirley, which is coming!

Rabbit River returns home, changes into a black suit that Akemi Miyano specially took from the dry cleaner, fastens a black tie, and puts on a black top hat.

Rabbit Chuan looked at himself in the mirror expressionlessly, this dress seems a little not good!

Rabbit Chuan lowered his top hat and tried to make an evil and crazy expression, and even Miyano Akemi behind him gasped.

Rabbit Chuan finally knew that something was wrong, and he didn't look like he was going to a memorial service, but like he was going to an organizational party.

Although there is nothing wrong with Rabbit Chuan thinking so, after all, there will be four bottles of wine in today's memorial service, and the participants are all dressed in black, but after all, Conan is still there, in case the new brother becomes suspicious of him, it will not be good.

Rabbit Chuan was stunned for a moment, wait, why did he think that the new brother would be suspicious of him?

Just kidding, how could the new brother doubt his good brother, such a well-behaved and sensible little cousin.

And now that there is the gray plain mourning card organization radar, Rabbit Chuan no longer has to worry about his old brother recognizing the wrong person!

Rabbit Chuan wiped his face, took off his top hat, untied his serious black tie, pulled out a wide black ribbon and tied a lively bow in front of his collar.

This is a little safer, don't be too serious, Rabbit Chuan remembers that the atmosphere of this memorial service seems to be quite joyful.

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