In this way, this memorial meeting murder incident ended with the murderer's suicide, and the police later found evidence of Kenzo Toyoyama paying bribes to Swallow Shigehiko through investigation, from which it can be judged that this is the motive of Kenzo Toyoyama to kill Shigehiko Swallow.

The soldiers divided into two ways, and Conan's side also successfully rescued the scarred Shirley from under the gun, and finally saw the terrifying winery model.

Even without Pisco's support, Conan still broke the bottle and set it on fire in order to stop Gin Jiu's pursuit and warning, triggering the fire alarm of the wine house.

Gin Jiu knew that the police were next door, so he had to retreat and pick up Belmode by the way.

"Pisco is dead?"

On the Porsche 356A, this time it was vodka driving, and Gin sat in the co-pilot to bandage the wound.

On the rooftop, in order to resist the sleepiness from the anesthesia needle, Gin Jiu had to shoot himself in the arm to stay awake with pain.

Belmode sat in the back row, looking out the window without saying a word.

Vodka, who was driving, asked: "Big brother, do you want to order a search for that woman nearby?"

Gin Jiu bandaged the wound, took out a cigarette to refresh himself, and said: "No need to waste time here, she is not stupid, now she must fly away with the man who came to rescue her." After

saying the ginjiu, the atmosphere felt a little strange, Belmod usually heard him say this and already said two words to him, why is it so quiet today?

This woman has a bad stomach, and she doesn't know what she is thinking?

Gin Jiu asked Belmode directly, "Why are you so quiet today?"

"Pisco is dead." Belmode also lit a woman's cigarette, took a sip and said calmly, "The police saw the photo on the Internet, and when they wanted to arrest Pisco, Pisco committed suicide in fear of the crime." "

Hmm." Gin Jiu snorted to indicate that he knew, "I was here to deal with this matter, and the boss also saw the news and directly ordered me to execute him, but I didn't expect it... Hehe!

"I didn't expect this old guy to be quite loyal." Belmod laughed, "He's really useless, thanks to me I gave him a handkerchief, but this saves you hands!"


Gin Jiu snorted, Belmode didn't believe a word of Gin Jiu, he didn't believe that the old guy would commit suicide in fear of sin.

Gin Jiu knew that this matter was Belmode's hand, and the little rabbit cub was also there today, maybe the old guy in Pisco moved his mind that he shouldn't move with his hard work, and was directly killed by Belmode.

How could Belmod not have guessed what Gin Jiu was thinking, but she said it on purpose, and this secret must rot in her stomach.

That little bunny is too close to Cool Guy and Angel, she must keep this secret, and absolutely must not let the organization set its eyes on this little rabbit, even if she can find that person!

"By the way, you said that a man saved the woman, and that man should not be..." Belmode said lightly on his lips, "rye whiskey." "


The conversation at the distillery broke up unhappily.

The next day, Conan finally couldn't help but call the Twilight Police Department as Kudo Shinichi and asked the Twilight Police Department about the case of the memorial service last night on the grounds that he was worried about his brother.

Conan originally wanted to track down the news of the organization through Pisco, but he didn't expect that he committed suicide in fear of sin!

The Twilight Police Department couldn't withstand Kudo Shinichi's soft and hard bubble, so he had to reveal a little news to Kudo's brother, who was distressed by his younger brother.

"The family of the murdered Swallow legislator has disappeared, and the property of the suspect, Chairman Fengshan, has all been burned down, and we don't know exactly what happened."

The police department whispered to Kudo Shinichi, "In short, the water here is very deep, and it is not something that you children can mix in." "

What the Twilight Police Department didn't say is that they can't even participate in the next search lesson, all the information about this case is now on the public security side, and the water is not ordinary deep!"

"I see." Conan hung up.

"You know now!" Haibara walked up behind Conan on crutches and said, "It's their way to get rid of all suspicious elements, so our true identity must not be exposed."

"Well, I see."

Conan finally saw the cruelty of the organization, and at this time he was extremely sober, he would never allow such a criminal organization to exist.

If Conan had just wanted to arrest Gin and Vodka to get the antidote from them, now he has a bigger goal.

Conan assured Haibara, "I will absolutely defeat them completely!" "

Haihara mourning: .


Tuchuan lay listlessly on the sofa at home, because the police department took a week's leave for him and did not have to go to school today.


He hates doing psychological assessment tests!!

Go to the hospital every day to report, it's better to go to school!

Isn't it that a murderer committed suicide in front of him, and the Twilight Police Department believes that this scene caused serious damage to his young mind.

Rabbit Chuan really didn't, he just didn't react for a while, the distillery still has such a loyal and fearless real wine, it's really scary!

Winery: Are you polite!

"Rabbit-kawa-kun!" Akemi Miyano shouted, "There's your phone!" "

Since Rabbitagawa was hurt by his young heart, Akemi Miyano put down the work in her hand and specially came back to supervise... Accompany him to the hospital for examination.

Akemi Miyano handed the phone to Rabbitikawa and said, "It's a person named Heiji Hattori" Rabbikawa

took the phone, why did Osaka Black Chicken look for him?

"Hello? Hattori, what's going on with you?

"Hey! Boy, be polite, call me Hattori brother! "Hattori said proudly, even your brother has to call me brother!

"Boom! Defeated men!

"You boy, really!" Hattori Heiji expressed his disbelief, but that time after all, he lost, and he admitted the gamble and accepted defeat.

Rabbit Chuan asked, "What do you have?" "

How to grind this Hattori Heiji with a phone call!

"Ah, by the way, I almost forgot to get down to business, your brother said that you have been in a bad mood recently, how is it, do you want to come to Osaka to play?"

"Hmm..." Rabbit Chuan thought for a moment, it seemed good to go out and relax, "Okay, then when do I go?"

"It's set for tomorrow, I've already bought my tickets!" Hattori said cheerfully, "You guys come on the shinkansen, and I'll pick you up at Osaka Station over here." "

You guys?"

"Yes, I also invited Kudo to come with me!"

"You also invited the new brother?!"

Rabbit Chuan is happy, this Osaka black chicken will inform the whole country of Conan's identity sooner or later!

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