Conan and Hattori Heiji carefully walked with the police into the abandoned wooden house next to the waterfall.

Conan had previously found a convenience store receipt that had not been completely burned in the trash can next to the mountain road, the content of the receipt was a bento, and the date showed today, so he was sure that someone must be in this wooden house.

"Found it!" Officer Otaki stood on the beam and roared.

Conan was stunned, how was it so fast? The Osaka Prefectural Police are so powerful!

Officer Otaki raised his hands above his head and pushed hard to remove a piece of the ceiling, revealing the secret attic on the ceiling.

Soon after Officer Otaki entered the attic, he brought down Ōichiro Numabuchi, who was hidden in the attic.

The police officer next to him quietly said to Hattori Heiji: "It was Sakata who explained that he secretly locked Numabuchi in the attic." "

Hattori Heiji knew that Yusuke Sakata should have wanted to blame Numabuchi for the crime in the end, which left Numabuchi with his life.

At this time, Bourbon learned the location of his target Jiichiro Numbuchi through intelligence from the police, and was now ambushing on the opposite hill, watching every move in the wooden house through the scope of the sniper rifle.

Kenichiro Numabuchi, a former low-level member of the black-clad organization, was once trained as a killer by the organization because of his agile skills.

However, because it was not a device, the organization decided to use it as a test subject for human experiments, so Numbuchi was terrified of the organization's actions and took the opportunity to escape from the organization before being sent to the research institute.

After fleeing the organization, Numabuchi accidentally killed three people in a row.

If it is a murderous murder of this heinous crime, Bourbon will not blink his eyes.

But now that the police had taken the lead in arresting people, Bourbon hesitated again and again and decided to withdraw.

First of all, the police are so numerous that it is difficult for him to retreat alone; Secondly, why did he, an intelligence officer, carry out an assassination mission; Finally, as a public security officer, he wants this kind of scum to be punished by the law!

However, Bourbon has not yet evacuated the scene, and he is still watching to see if the police are capable of escorting Numabuchi back to the police station.

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in Bourbon's scope.

"Why is he here?"

Bourbon was shocked, he actually saw that little detective, gin, agave, Pisco's mission all died in his hands, is it his turn to Bourbon?

Bourbon was shocked, this little detective is about to become an organizational mission sniper, where did he come from to organize the nemesis?

That incredible idea came to Bourbon's mind again, otherwise... He try?

Rabbit River unhurriedly followed Maori Lan into the wooden house, and glanced at the faint red rope around Conan's neck, it seemed that Hattori Heiji still lent his amulet to Conan.

Rabbit Chuan gave a thumbs up, really worthy of being a good brother with a knife in two ribs, and the talisman sent by Ome he said to borrow it!

Although it's just an amulet, it doesn't feel like a big deal, but think about it, Conan wears the amulet of Hattori Heiji, and Conan carries the amulet that pairs with Toyama and Ye...

Hey? How do you feel that Miss Xiaolan's braincase seems to be a little green!

Mao Lilan is educating Conan: "Really, why are you running around casually!" You can't disturb the work of adults, got it?

Conan replied obediently, "Got it, Sister Xiaolan!" Officer

Otaki escorted Numabuchi to the outside, who was handcuffed, weak, his steps were floating, he stumbled when he walked, and he accidentally fell on the garbage heap.

Picking up a knife in the garbage heap, Numabuchi got up and rushed forward, yelling, "Get out of the way for me!" Conan

saw a dangling knife rushing towards Xiaolan, and without thinking, his body instinctively wanted to block Xiaolan behind him.


At this moment of crisis, Rabbit Chuan held Conan, who was fighting five scum, and shouted: "Sister Xiaolan! Kick him! Mao

Lilan's afterglow aimed at the prisoner, turned and raised his leg and flew and kicked, kicking the prisoner's knife broken.

Numabuchi Kiichiro was stunned, and looked at the broken knife in his hand, this knife is steel, right?

Conan and Hattori Heiji were both stunned, although they knew that this girl was very powerful, but kicking the steel knife was a little too much!

But now is not the time to be stunned, Hattori Heiji was picking up a wooden stick as a knife, Toyama and Ye shouted, grabbed the gangster's hand holding the broken knife, grabbed it with his backhand, and twisted the gangster to the ground.

Rabbit Chuan let go of Conan, turned around and patted Heiji Hattori's shoulder, kendo sounds powerful, but unfortunately the era of swords has passed.

Hattori Heiji felt that Rabbit River looked at him strangely.

Rabbit Chuan: You can't recognize your first love, and you somehow found yourself a fiancée's finished thing, so please ask for blessings in the future!

Ōichiro Numabuchi was also arrested, and the serial murders of Nanihua came to an end.

By the way, Osaka Castle is also known as Wave City.

Because the ancient people called the prominent peninsula of the wetland "Namba Lagoon", Osaka used to have other names such as "Namba", "Wave", "Namwa", "Wave Speed", etc., but from the 19th century onwards, it was uniformly renamed Osaka.

Officer Otaki was able to obey the momentum of the minister's son-in-law, handed over the escort task to his colleagues, and personally returned the group of large and small guests safely to the minister's house.

Both Hattori Heiji and Conan are safe and sound, and Rabbit Chuan eats the fugu hot pot made by Hattori's mother as he wishes.

Hattori's mother is a very traditional good wife and mother, she is quite young and fair-skinned, and it is really difficult for outsiders to recognize what she has to do with Hattori Heiji.

It's just bad luck, every time I go to a friend's party, I will encounter a little accident, so I have to let my son go for herself, and as a result, after Hattori Heiji goes, she will go to a friend's funeral next time.

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