Embarrassing, this face is really embarrassing, Kudo Shinichi's feet are about to cut out a school building, who is this?

Probably Rabbitikawa played too well with this black feather quick fight, and accidentally let everyone fall into Kudo Shinichi's 3-to-1 link.

Question: The high-school detective in front of him, the magician from Eguta High School, the black-clad knight who guarded Xiaolan's side, who is the murderer... Wrong, wrong, which is the real Kudo Shinichi?

Kudo Shinichi, who took off his baseball cap, walked up to Morilan and said with a grin, "Conan called me and invited me to come to your show, right?" This

Kudo Shinichi looked down and asked Conan for confirmation, and Conan didn't even give him a look, yes, it's not all fake.

Mao Lilan was about to die of embarrassment, but he still kept smiling and said: "That, you are Kuroba Kuaidou-san, right?" "

Huh?" This Kudo Shinichi was stunned.

"That..." Black Feather Kuaidou stood up and raised his hand to prove his innocence, "I am Black Feather Kuaidou, and I've been sitting here without moving." "

Kuroba Kudoto is a long insight today, this is called Kudo Shinichi is still a public face, isn't it, so to speak, then isn't he also a public face himself?"


Kuroba Kudoto found a flashpoint, could he really look exactly like that high school detective Kudo Shinichi, then wouldn't he be able to next time...

"What are you doing, Heiji?" Toyama and Ha walked up behind a high school student who called himself Kudo Shinichi, "With so much powder on your face and a different hairstyle, are you going to perform kabuki?" "

Hattori Heiji yelled bad in his heart, how is it Kazuha? Didn't you tell her not to come?

Hattori Heiji also wanted to rescue again, pointing to his face and laughing: "You can see clearly, I am not Hattori Heiji, I am Kudo..."

Maori Kogoro's voice almost sent Hattori Heiji away.

Hattori Heiji immediately rubbed his hair and wiped the powder off his face again, trying to fool through with a big laugh, saying, "Hahaha, I just want to pretend to be Kudo to scare everyone, isn't it fun?" "

It's fun, a big-headed ghost! Why are there so many Kudo, Kudo Shinichi cosplay contest today?

Mao Lilan sighed, if she didn't know that the real Shinichi was Conan, maybe she was really deceived by these people!

Hattori Heiji was unwilling, he originally wanted to pretend to be Kudo and deliberately let Ran see him appear with Conan in order to dispel Xiaoran's suspicions.

Damn it! He disguised himself so well, as a result, everything was ruined by Kazuha!

"Ahem!" The Twilight Police Department kindly reminded, "Now continue the investigation of the case, who bought this drink?"

"I bought this." Another colleague of the deceased, short-haired nurse Hongshang Mai, said, "I bought drinks for 4 people at the stall over there, then returned to my seat and handed the drinks to Mitani, and then I went to the bathroom, right, Mitani?" "

Now the pressure is given to the last colleague who came with the deceased, the fat Yota Mitani.

The police department asked, "You brought that drink to Mr. Putian?" Mitani

Yota quickly denied: "No, I left my own oolong tea and Hongshang iced coffee, and then handed the other two cups to Noda next to me." Yota

Mitani looked at Yumemi Noda, and Yumemi Noda had to admit: "Yes, Mitani handed me my orange juice and Putian iced coffee, and I directly handed over the iced coffee to Putian." "

The deceased Kohei Puda, and nurse Yumemi Noda, Mai Honggami, and Yota Mitani, a security guard, all three of whom are employees working at Yona General Hospital.

That's right, it's the Mihua General Hospital that was locked up for more than ten days and released this morning.

What's more coincidental is that these four are all graduates of Didan High School, and they are all members of the drama club, so every time they go to the Didan High School Garden Festival, they will go back to school together to watch the performance.

Maori Kogoro asked Honggami Maii, "Why are you going to buy drinks alone, and you don't have a hard time taking 4 cups alone?"

Hongshang Maiyi replied: "Because there are many people, I asked everyone to take a position, and then Putian came to help me, but I don't know why his face suddenly changed and left."

"He probably saw me buying drinks." Saiko Makikawa, a third-year student at the Teidan High School Drama Club, walked over.

Yumemi Noda said in surprise: "Isn't this Miss Saiko, you are also a student here!" "

Ayako Makikawa is the daughter of the director of Yonehana General Hospital and the ex-fiancée of the deceased, who recently refused to marry the deceased for some reason.

Hattori concluded, "So, only the four of you have touched the cup of the deceased, that is, the prisoner who put potassium cyanide in Mr. Putian's drink is one of the four of you.

"Wait, wait!" Hongshang Maiyi excitedly defended, "Putian and I ordered iced coffee, if it was my poison, I would definitely give the iced coffee directly to him, otherwise what if I drank it wrong?"

The police department said, "You can poison both cups, as long as you don't drink it yourself..." "

But I've already drunk all of them!" Hongshang showed his empty cup to the Twilight Police Department, "And I never left my seat during the performance."

"Then you drank really clean!" Rabbit Chuan sighed, "The iced coffee in our Didan High School is really iced coffee!" "

Rabbit Chuan didn't want to stand up, and it didn't matter if he let the new old brother show the limelight.

Now it's like the story of the wolf coming, a fake Kudo Shinichi comes out, and another fake Kudo Shinichi comes out, then when the third Kudo Shinichi comes out, even if he says that he is the real thing, there will be people who wonder if he is real or not.

This is also the purpose of Rabbit Chuan to find Kuroba Kudo, there is only one fake Kudo is not too few, at least make up one of the three!

The police department did not understand, and asked, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what do you mean by this?"

"I mean ice!" Rabbit Chuan explains, "Because the stadium is not air-conditioned, in order to prevent the heat and cool down, the ice drinks provided by our booth are eight points full of ice cubes! "

Huh? Eight points full of ice! "The Twilight Police Department is shocked, your school really dares to earn it!

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