At the beginning of the dinner, the organizer had been waiting for a long time, and the eight invited guests were seated in turn.

The organizer of his later years covered his face with a purple triangular hood, his eyes glowed strangely red, and he sat motionless on the main seat.

The organizers invite the detectives to play a game with him, a game of life at stake!

At the same time, the cars parked outside the door and the wooden bridge leading to the outside world were all blown up.

The organizer said that as soon as they solved the puzzle of the Dusk Mansion and found the treasure that had been dormant for more than 40 years, he would tell them how to get out of here and give them half of the treasure.

Conan knew that it was wrong, it was just a lie made up by the organizers to trick them into finding the treasure hidden in this mansion, but the owner here had no intention of letting them leave alive, and they would all die here.

And the host who invited them is not the metaphorical monster thief Kidd in the Phantom Boy abandoned by the gods, but just a dummy with a tape recorder and a megaphone, and the real monster thief Kidd is sitting next to him.

Maori Kogoro couldn't help but yawn, he was tired of hearing these words.

Conan asked speechlessly, "Uncle Maori, are you sleepy?"

"Since coming to this dusk mansion, I haven't slept for 12 nights in a row, and today is the 13th night." Maori Kogoro said weakly, "13, what an unlucky number." "

Not only did he not sleep for 13 nights, but these 13 dinners were all hairy, boiled fish and mapo tofu, his belly, he didn't feel anything, but his stomach was about to vomit!

"Huh?" Conan was dumbfounded when he heard this, "Uncle Maori, what stupid thing are you saying, we obviously just came today!"

"Is that really the case?" Maori Kogoro showed a different expression than usual, "Little detective, Edogawa Conan."

Conan's eyes were sharp, staring at Maori Kogoro in front of him, and said, "You really are..."

Maori Kogoro put his index finger in front of his mouth, "It's about to begin, the 13th game, a tragedy shrouded in incredible gorgeous magic."


In the familiar scream, gourmet detective Okami Zhuzen collapsed to the ground.

Hakuba and Haruki Motegi immediately stepped forward, but the person was already dead, and the cause of death was potassium cyanide poisoning, but cyanide was not detected when the 10 yuan coin was placed in the cup of the deceased.

The organizer continued: "You have fallen into the magic I cast, and you sacrificed your life to repay Detective Okami, so that this game can start lively, please do your best to find the treasure!" While you're still alive..."

"Bastards! No kidding! Haruki Motegi rudely picked up the dummy to the collar, and the dummy's head fell to the ground and fell out of the tape.

Conan has no intention of participating in this murder, his mind is full of the words of the strange thief Kidd, and he has a hunch that those words are hidden behind the real mastermind.

While the other detectives went to check on the car blown up by the organizers, Conan and Mori Kogoro were left alone in the mansion.

"What do you mean by those words you just said?" Conan stared at the Maori Kogoro in front of him like a torch, "Monster thief Kidd! Maori

Kogoro asked unhurriedly, "So little detective, what evidence do you have that I am the strange thief Kidd?"

Conan smiled and said, "Of course, because Uncle Maori has a big addiction to smoking, you haven't smoked since you entered the door, don't you think it's strange?"

"But it's only been two hours since we entered the door, and my cigarette was confiscated by Senma's mother-in-law on the way." Maori Kogoro spread his hands helplessly, "Where can I find a cigarette to smoke!" "

Huh?" Conan choked, and then said teasingly, "Then you let me pinch your face, you are definitely the thief Kidd!" "

Okay, okay, no more trouble." Maori Kogoro stepped back again and again, "I admit that I am the strange thief Kidd, but for now let's not talk about this, I have a more important thing to tell you." "

What's going on?" Conan pointed his anesthesia watch at the strange thief Kidd, and if the thief couldn't say a word, hum!

The monster thief Kidd also did not sell the pass, and said directly: "This is the 13th time we have experienced this magical night. "

Magic night?" Conan looked at the strange thief Kidd with the eyes of a fool, this fool was hit in the head by a gem when stealing gems, right?

The monster thief Kidd took a deep breath, unable to calculate with the ignorant person, and said, "I know what I said next, you will think it is ridiculous, but your intuition will tell you that all this is true." "

The strange thief Kidd swapped identities with Maori Kogoro at the gas station, and he attended the dinner as Maori Kogoro.

As happened tonight, the organizers of the banquet began to blow up the car and bridge, telling the story of the tragedy of the Karasuma family 40 years ago, and asked them to find out the treasure of the Karasuma family, and then poisoned Okami Zhuzen to kill the chicken monkeys, and then Senma was blown up and fell off a cliff.

After that, the rest of them began to search the Dusk Mansion, and found in the piano the code word of Renye Karasuma 40 years ago and the blood left by the victim.

After speculating about the truth of the case, they collectively staged a good show of cannibalism and deceived the murderer, that is, the long-dead Senma descendant.

Senma Shuzen and Ōgami Zhuzen are the ones who invited them, Senma Shishiyo just wants to solve the mystery that killed his father 40 years ago, and Okami Zhuzen's goal is only the treasure, he intends to kill everyone after obtaining the treasure, Senma Shuzen has to strike first.

At this time, Conan simply unlocked the secret content of the treasure, that is, rotated the hour and minute hands of the only clock in the order of the code, and finally they got a golden clock.

Senma finally got his wish and began to repent of his sins.

Just as the detectives thought the incident was over and were about to leave the Dusk Mansion, an accident happened, and the blond deacon took his AK47 and left them here forever.

When the monster thief Kidd opened his eyes again, he returned to the Dusk Mansion, and just when he parked his car in front of the Dusk Mansion, Conan, Morilan and Senma in the car were still talking about the Dusk Mansion, only he remembered the dreamlike tragedy.

The monster thief Kidd held the silver coin necklace in his clothes, which was a talisman given to him by Koizumi before leaving, and said something inexplicable, only by believing in the power of love and magic can he break the predicament.


The strange thief Kidd is an unbeliever, where is the magic, he was obviously surprised by that AK47!

Yes, he is obviously suddenly, why is he still alive now? And also came back the day before?

So, just happened, he must be dreaming.

Yes, that's it... In the second, third ... It's not more than three!

So far, tonight he is dead and alive, alive and dead, a total of 13 times!

Why can't I get by tonight!

This is not to learn!

In fact, the strange thief Kidd really wants to say a word from Deacon Golden Retriever, why?

Deacon Golden Retriever: All this for my lover! For my lover, incarnate Shura, at all costs!

Kidd: Who is that?

In order to save the world, Guan Rabbit River of the protagonist group Xiaohei House, praised the valley zero space, this is the ultimate realization!

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