Tiannu Venerable saw Rabbit Chuan take out a new gadget that he had never seen before, which was said to be the latest game console in the world, and his eyes suddenly lit up and he was eager to try.

Rabbit Chuan thought that it was really not interesting to play alone, so he took the initiative to tell the Heavenly Venerable the general gameplay, and the two fought online.

The result was naturally that Rabbit Chuan unilaterally abused vegetables, but a certain big vegetable goose was not hit at all, repeatedly defeated, and the more courageous the battle, the more invincible.

Rabbit Chuan obediently went to sleep before the sun came out on the 2nd day, and then did not sleep tomorrow... I can't get up at noon today.

And the Heavenly Venerable was still frantically exporting in front of the game console, as if he didn't stop if he didn't pass the test.

Heavenly Venerable felt that he would not get tired after playing for three days and three nights.

This gadget called the game console is so much fun, she really wants to buy one, but she doesn't know if the sesame oil money she saved is enough.

The fox lawyer looked at it in his eyes, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, alas, there are still people who worship monsters, in human society there is food and drink and money to take, even if the times are bad now, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and it is better than their group of wild monsters.

Like their group of demon foxes, tanuki cats and the like, monsters with the talent of turning into humans, and they can also work in human society to make money, and their small lives are quite moist.

Those monsters that cannot become adults can only be used as pets for humans, or go to the zoo, in short, they can mix and eat.

And the worst are those who mix themselves into rice, alas, the current world, it is not easy to live a demon life!

Lawyer Fox sorted out the information at hand and left quietly.

He wants to arrive at the court before the opening of today, hand in the materials as soon as possible to file a lawsuit, and strive to win this lawsuit before the winter comes, he wants to say no to the fox fur neck!

As soon as his eyes were closed, the time was noon, and His Holiness was still energetic after not sleeping all night, and Rabbit Chuan....

Heavenly Venerable looked back and saw that Lord Rabbit Chuan was still sleeping, but in addition to the alarm clock, how many people in this world dared to wake up Lord Rabbit Chuan in peace?

At least the Heavenly Venerable would never dare!

Seeing that the opening ceremony of the Domoto Tourism Company Aerial Cable Car was about to begin, the impatient Tennu Venerable transformed and the goose spread its wings and flew out the window.

When she flew to the foot of Tianbu Mountain, the Heavenly Venerable avoided the crowd, transformed into the appearance of an old nun again, and swaggered into the event venue of the opening ceremony of the aerial cable car with a low sense of existence.

The venue was crowded, and the first activity of the opening ceremony was naturally to invite the president to speak on stage.

President Domoto took the stage, thanked the guests who were here today, and then said with great righteousness: "In order to protect the cultural heritage left by our ancestors, Domoto Tourism, which shoulders the mission of leading the tourism industry in the 21st century..."

The old nun suddenly rushed out and shouted angrily: "You will be punished by heaven!" "

Heavenly Venerable is furious, what shit legacy, she is still alive!

"You dare to dig a tunnel under the lotus seat of the holy statue of the goddess, it is simply deceitful, and you blasphemous sinners will one day be punished!"

Machida Shuki, a reporter from the Tokai Daily, raised his eyebrows, patted the back of the head of junior reporter Yoshihito Nakano, and said: "What else are you stunned, hurry up and take pictures, this is tomorrow's headline!" "

Oh, okay!" Nakano Yoshihito hurriedly picked up the camera, ran to the old nun's side, and began to take pictures around the old nun.

At this time, two security guards came up, one left and one right, set up the old nun, dragged people down, and Nakano Yoshihito followed all the way out of the venue.

Outside the venue, a gust of wind blew, Nakano Yoshihito and two security guards looked at each other, what were they doing?

In the venue, Domoto Eizo seemed to have expected this scene, and said meaningfully: "I know that some irresponsible newspapers have published reports about the curse of the Celestial Statue, but what I want to say is that this is simply a demon!"

"Today, I, Domoto Eizo, myself will personally overthrow this superstition!" Domoto Eizo extended his hand in the direction of the front row of the audience, "For this reason, we have specially invited the famous detective, Mr. Mori Kogoro, to our opening ceremony today!" Hearing

the name of Detective Mori Kogoro, the people in the venue stood up one after another.

Nakano Yoshihito pressed the shutter furiously and said excitedly: "It's so cool, Machida-senpai!" They actually hired a detective!

Machida Shu tilted Erlang's leg and said impatiently, "Don't you think something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Nakano Yoshihito was a monk who was puzzled, "Isn't he Maori Kogoro, but he looks quite similar?"

"I didn't mean that." Machida Shu sighed, he shouldn't have expected this silly junior.

At the end of the ribbon cutting, the first to board the ropeway were the Tetsuto Maori family, the president of Rusui and his children, secretary Ayaka Yoshino, freelance journalist Tetsuya Aogagi, and two reporters from the Tokai Ilbo.

The old nun looked at the aerial cable car in the distance, and said with an old face: "What a group of ignorant people." Domoto

Rina, who was riding the ropeway for the first time, was very excited, but Tetsuya Aoyagi, who was with her, seemed very interested.

Domoto smiled hypocritically and politely said to Machida Shu, "The scenery here is not bad, Mr. Machida!" How about your company occasionally saying a few nice words for our company?

Machida Shu snorted coldly and said disdainfully: "Hehe, are you trying to bribe me?" If you do that, I will definitely publish it in the newspaper in its original form.

Domoto Ho was not angry, but said meaningfully: "Hmph, then I want to see how long your backbone can last." The

aerial cable car slowly drove into the rock tunnel in the statue, and suddenly the eyebrows of the statue cracked, its face was covered with cracks, and rubble fell one after another.

Heavenly Venerable secretly shouted that it was not good, she would not be able to control her evil power!

The Heavenly Venerable could only pray for their well-being.

But unfortunately, things backfired, after all, how can the statue of the goddess resist the power of death.

The aerial cable car entered the tunnel, and reporter Yoshihito Nakano discovered that they had actually made five hundred arhat statues under the tunnel.

Machida Shu saw it and shouted badly, "You crazy fellows dare to humiliate the Celestial Statue like this, you will definitely be punished!"

President Domoto was complacent and laughed: "To be honest, I really have to thank the merciful goddess, there is no gimmick this curse is eye-catching, hahaha!"

As soon as President Domoto's words fell, suddenly the lights in the car were all extinguished, and everyone suddenly fell into darkness.

President Domoto exclaimed, "What is the situation?

Maori Kogoro took his hand off his eye and asked, "Is there a power outage?"


Suddenly, there was a scream in the darkness, followed by the sound of the monk chanting in the carriage.

In the small space, Sanskrit sounds are endless.

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