Mitsuhiko tilted his neck and asked anxiously, "Brother Rabbitchuan, what is wrong with it?"

Rabbit Chuan also didn't sell the pass, and directly announced the answer: "Doyle found it in the audio amplifier in the living room, and this jewel name tag was found on the back of the pendulum of the wall clock in the Japanese room." Hearing

Rabbit Chuan say this, Conan immediately reacted, it turned out that the real target of the gangster was not the puppy, but the gem on the dog's collar.

Conan said, "So, the gangster is Mr. Tsunashima, who chose the wall clock.

Rabbit Chuan nodded.

Mitsuhiko asked suspiciously, "But if Doyle was in the living room, why didn't Arthur find it just now?"

Rabbit Chuan explained: "Actually, Arthur has just found the door of the living room, but because his feet stepped on the mud before and was scolded by the owner, he is afraid to enter now."

"So that's it!" Ayumi touched Arthur and praised, "Arthur, you are really good!"

The Yuan brothers hugged Arthur nicely and said with a smile: "Arthur, you are so smart, you are a detective dog!"

Mitsuhiko said excitedly: "That's right, although you are not as good as brother Rabbitchuan, you are definitely more powerful than Conan!"

Conan scolded with a smile: "Hey! Don't always compare me to the dog, okay! "

Hahaha!" The three little ones laughed.

Then, Rabbit Chuan sorted out the history of the case for everyone from the beginning.

Everyone was at the entrance of the hallway, and then the bell rang at 12 o'clock, and Doyle, hearing the bell, ran to the cheese room as usual.

But in fact, instead of going to the peace room, Doyle ran to the living room next door, because the bell was coming from the stereo in the living room.

The wall clock in the room was deliberately set up for 12 hours, and the time became 12 midnight, after Mr. Garner had said that his wall clock would not ring at 12 midnight.

And not only the bells, but the man removed the back panel of the audio amplifier, hollowed out the glass wool inside, put Doyle's blue cushion inside, and put on his favorite cheese, which Doyle ate every day at noon.

And just like that, Doyle, as usual, ran into the living room by mistake to the chime of the chime, searched for the aroma of cheese, found his own snack, sat comfortably on its blue cushion, ate his favorite cheese, and then, quack!

Doyle: Not good! This cheese is poisonous!

Doyle ate the sleeping pill hidden in the cheese and fell asleep.

After that, the man took advantage of the fact that everyone was looking for Doyle, went into the living room, cut Doyle's collar, and put the back panel of the stereo back.

Then quietly came to the Japanese room, adjusted the time of the wall clock back, and glued the jewel nameplate to the pendulum of the wall clock, but did not expect that the pendulum became heavier, causing the wall clock time to be inaccurate, one minute slower every hour, revealing a flaw.

Finally, he threw the extra collar rope and glass wool from the stereo into the incinerator and burned it, and opened the back door again, trying to create the illusion that outsiders were stealing dogs and escaping through the back door.

As long as he waits until tomorrow, he can get the gemstone name tag that was delivered to his door with the wall clock.

Teruya's mind was now as chaotic as a twine ball, and he unconsciously stroked Doyle's hand, his brows furrowed, and he said puzzled: "Mr. Tsunadejima... He obviously likes Doyle so much, he... Why the hell did he do it?

Rabbit River knew that Yoshio Tsunashima was too short of money, and his family adopted a lot of dogs, and all of them were some miscellaneous dogs that no one wanted, and no one wanted to give them away for nothing, so he had to choose the fastest way to get money.

Rabbit Chuan said to Garner Teruya: "The dose of sleeping pills is very light, and the board of the stereo is only lightly mounted on the box, as long as Doyle wakes up, he can run out." "

Alas, son, don't let evil be small, he is short of money today, so he will come to steal the jewel nameplate of his neighbor, and tomorrow he may rob the bank."

Rabbit River has to admit that Yoshio Tsunajima is really good for dogs, but really good for people!

People also gave him so many good things for nothing, and let him pick them at will, and he also secretly stole people's dogs' collars, which is really unauthentic.

"So..." Teriya Garner's mood was much lighter, great, Mr. Tsunashima, whom he knew, would not poison dogs.

"But why did Miss Hasumi's shoes appear next to the incinerator?" This is Teruya's last question, could it be that Mr. Tsunajima left behind and wanted to blame Miss Hasunoki?

"You said this..." Rabbit Chuan turned to sit on the steps of the entrance.

Seeing this, Arthur Dog immediately took Rabbit Chuan's shoes to Rabbit Chuan's feet, and then sat on the ground with one butt, happily sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail, looking at Rabbit Chuan expectantly: Big guy, are you leaving? Walk slowly, don't send it, see you again!

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the shoes at his feet and said, "Oh, that's it.

Mitsuhiko said disappointedly, "Huh? It turned out to be Arthur's prank!

Ayumi touched Arthur and said with a smile: "Arthur is really a naughty bag." Mrs

. Yuan nodded solemnly, "Mother said, good children can't play pranks!"

"Arthur!" Garner Zhao also made up his mind and shouted a lesson, "How can you play pranks on guests!"

"What's wrong? What happened? Hearing Teruya's roar, Shino Hazuki and several people hurriedly walked out.


Garner also said to Shino Hasunki with some hesitation, "It's Arthur, he hid your shoes in the backyard." "

Huh? Why? A little surprised, Shino Renki bent down to Arthur and asked, "Arthur, don't you like me?"

Conan stood by Arthur's side and explained for Arthur: "I don't think Arthur is playing a prank, because Arthur is very smart, it knows that humans will only leave when they put on shoes, and it deliberately hides Miss Lotuswood's shoes, but it just doesn't want Miss Lotus to leave here, right, Arthur?" "

Woohoo!" As if he understood, Arthur looked cautiously at his master.

"Arthur?" Garner Zhao also saw Arthur's pitiful little eyes, his heart softened, and the anger in his chest instantly dissipated, "I really can't help you, you can't do this next time!"

Rabbit Chuan held his chin and smiled: "Haha, I see that Arthur is reluctant to Christine, after he knows that he is moving, he will never see Christine again."

Shino Hasunoki touched Arthur's head and said with a smile: "Arthur, you don't have to worry, because Christine and I are going to London with your master!"

"Really?" Garner Zhao also suddenly became nervous.

Shino Renki blushed and said, "Yes, I came to tell you about this decision today.

Tosa Rinyaki rarely put on a good expression and said, "So, you decided to get married?" "

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