Emergency earthquake rapid report, at 2:15 a.m., a major earthquake occurred in Yonehana Town, Cuptocho, and Nishitama City in western Tokyo.


- buzz - buzz.... Knock - knock - knock....

Bell - bell - bell ....

Alarms, knocks, ringing phones, ringing sounds.

In the middle of the night, Rabbit Chuan was woken up abruptly, and muttered with his eyes closed: "What for, who doesn't sleep in the middle of the night..."

Hagiwara Kenji dodged the pillow that flew out and pulled Rabbit Chuan out of the bed: "My little ancestor, it's about to get up, it's an earthquake outside."

Rabbit Chuan shrunk into the bed, and said vaguely in his mouth: "Earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, I'm sleeping..." The

neon islands are located on the edge of the Pacific Rim seismic zone, where several plates below the surface meet, and they shake every three to five, and sometimes it rains frequently.

The room where Rabbit Chuan lived was very earthquake-resistant, anyway, he didn't feel any tremor.

But Hagiwara Kenji still took Rabbit Chuan out: "Wake up, wake up, the ground is shaking outside, you can't sleep, quickly answer your brother's call, and then hurry out, the doctors are all crazy outside the door." Kenji

Hagiwara shoved his phone into Rabbitikawa and wrapped him in another coat, carried someone downstairs, then opened the door, threw the child out, and Dr. Agasa, who knocked outside the door, answered him.

Dr. Agasa and Haibara set up Rabbit River and quickly ran to the empty avenue, picking up a phone call that kept ringing.

An anxious roar came from the other side of the phone: "Hurry up, earthquake!"

"Oh, new... Conan. Dr. Agasa immediately changed his tone and said, "It's okay, you don't have to worry, we're together and we're safe now."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief: "I see, you guys take care of yourselves." A

cold wind blew, Rabbit Chuan was full of excitement, sobered up, the outside feeling was more obvious than in the room, it was better to say that there was no tremor in his room at all.

"Oh, you're finally awake?" Haibara glanced at Rabbit-Chuan, alas, the earthquake didn't know how to run out, what a child who didn't make people worry.

Rabbit Chuan tugged on his clothes, rubbed his swollen head, frowned, and muttered: "Oh, this broken earthquake is annoying to death, most of the night, there is no end." As

soon as the words fell, the ground did not shake, and the mountain did not shake.

"Aha~ okay, go back to each house, go back to sleep." Rabbit Chuan yawned and walked away staggeringly.

Dr. Agasa and Haibara were uneasy and specially sent Rabbit River home, and Rabbit Chuan lay on the bed and slept for seconds.

When leaving, Haibara stopped and suddenly found the fragrant little white crow sleeping in the house, alas, who really has a pet like whom, this is also a big heart.

The white crow smacked his mouth, woke up in a daze, did something happen?

Rabbitagawa : It's much safer inside his house than outside.

When Rabbit Chuan woke up during the day, he heard an amazing news: "The Emperor Shrine has been stolen?!" "

It is said that sesame oil money was stolen." Kenji Hagiwara sighed and said, "The current people are so daring that they dare to steal even the money of the gods." "

The Didan Shrine usually doesn't even have a personal figure, how much sesame oil can there be?" Rabbit River thought that something was wrong, the small shrine's acceptance box was full of five-yuan coins, and if you took too much, you would die, who couldn't open it so much?

The white crow flew over and said, "I also heard from the little monsters outside, when the priest of the Didan Shrine came out to sweep the floor this morning, he found that a person had fallen to the ground, and the bell hanging above the worship box in the front hall of the shrine fell to his side, and the offering box was also pried open.

"Someone must have tried to steal money, but there was an earthquake, and the bell fell and fell on his head, knocking him unconscious."

The white crow spat and said: "This is called heavenly punishment, even the god lord's money dares to steal, bah, he deserves to be punished." "

Rabbit Chuan frowned, something is wrong, they learn the world, where did they come from?

"No, no, not at all!" A black figure popped out, "Good morning, Lord Shinmei~

" "Hanako-kun?" Rabbit Chuan looked surprised, "Why are you here?"

Hanako-kun took out a small handkerchief to wipe her tears, and said aggrievedly: "Lord Shenming is too much, I haven't met for such a time, is the first thing I said is actually this?" It hurts my heart so much~

" Rabbit Chuan turned a blind eye: "Well, it won't take long, after all, it's a holiday now."

Biting on the small handkerchief, Hanako-kun couldn't help but complain: "However, but your holidays are also a little too much!"

To this, Rabbit Chuan only replied: "Haha, it seems to be oh."

This topic was a bit profound, and Rabbit Chuan quickly changed the topic and said, "What the hell is going on with you?"

Hanako-kun threw away the small handkerchief and talked about the serious matter: "Oh, it's the thief who stole the sesame oil money, he was actually wronged, not only did he not steal the sesame oil money from the Didan Shrine, but he also stuffed 200,000 into the box!" "

Huh?!" Kenji Hagiwara and Hakuraku were both stunned, "Really?

Hanako-kun said triumphantly: "Really, wasn't there an earthquake in the early hours of this morning, and when I came out to evacuate, I witnessed this scene with my own eyes."

The white crow took the opportunity to diss and said: "Isn't it just an earthquake, you are weird and have nothing to come out to avoid anything?"

"Because I heard that Lord Kamime came out to take refuge." Hanako-kun said K.O. to the white crow, although he did not meet it.

"Adult~~~" The white crow was teary-eyed, "Why don't I know about this?"

Tuchuan said lightly: "Because you slept too hard." White

crow: "Hehehe, aren't I your favorite little white crow?" "

Rabbit-Chuan: ... Can I say I was thrown out? That's absolutely impossible.

"Next time, let Hagiwara call you along." Rabbit River squinted at Kenji Hagiwara, who refused to carry the pot.

Kenji Hagiwara said that it was no problem, and next time he threw it out together.

The white crow trembled its fur and stood up, and it knew that it was really a bastard who looked at it unfavorably, and did not want it to be close to adults.

Rabbit River turned to look at Hanako-kun and asked, "That person stuffed so much money into the shrine in the middle of the night, what wish did he make?"

Hanako-kun cleared her throat, clapped her hands together, and said in a passionate voice: "Lord Shenming, I accidentally killed a person just now, but I really didn't want to kill him, I really didn't mean it, I'm still young, I don't want to go to jail for the rest of my life, so, please Lord Shenming, please, please help me!"

After that, Hanako-kun spread her hands: "Oh, that's what he said at the time."

"This is really... Should I say it's a rice flower town? The corners of Rabbit Chuan's mouth couldn't stop twitching, "So, what's next?"

Hanako-kun pointed to it and said, "Because his wish was so bizarre, the bells of the shrine were stunned, snapped, and fell. At this time, as if the man was guided by the gods, he picked up the bell, slammed it on his head, and smashed himself unconscious. "

Knocked yourself unconscious?" Tu Chuan gasped, "This kid is quite cruel to himself, and he is not afraid to smash himself directly."

Rabbit Chuan sighed, got dressed, and prepared to go out.

Forget it, it's better to help the Didan Shrine, alas, it's not easy for the gods this year, 200,000 will help cover up the crime, this is the market price is too low.

The key is still a stolen money, the kind of money that will be returned when it is discovered, isn't this a white, a loss-making transaction, we can't do it.

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