In the Thames, Erin came out of the water, looked at the legs hanging from the dagger, and fell into deep thought, is this river?

The guys were stunned!

Mao Lilan stood on the roof of the car with a pair of beanie eyes, and the stars Hideki had been scared to float in the air.

Conan...... Conan, he doesn't understand! It is also Dr. Agasa's props, why can the brother open and hang?

Rabbit Chuan said that he did not open the hanging, but the buckle was loose and automatically separated from the leg tissue, which is just the basic function of the prosthesis.

After all, Rabbit Chuan pays the most attention to the spirit of contract, playing games or something, even if it is difficult, he has never used plugins.

Conan ran over to pick up his brother, his face was tangled, and he had too many things he wanted to say, but in the end it only turned into a sentence: "Are you okay?" "

I'm okay~" Even if he only has one leg, Rabbit Chuan stands very steady, "Stars Hideki is still hanging on the side of the train, if you don't save him, he will fall!" Conan

looked back at the stars Hideki, who used his hands and feet together, climbed on the train in three or two clicks, and was now helping Maori Lan untie.

Morilan and Hideki ran over to join Rabbit River and Conan, and said excitedly: "Great, we won, right?" Stars

Hideki shook his head and said, "No, the game is not over yet. "

Huh? We've got Jack the Ripper out, haven't we? Maori Lan was puzzled.

"It doesn't look like it's over yet." Conan frowned, looking at the fading scenery, "The last level of the game should be escape, we must stop the speeding train now."

Rabbit Chuan nodded: "That's right, only the one who survives to the end is the winner." Mao

Lilan carried Rabbit River on his back, and several people returned to the carriage.

The train is constantly increasing, the speed of the train is about 100 kilometers per hour, it will take less than five minutes to reach the terminal, and now the only way is to forcibly disconnect the connection between the locomotive and the passenger car, so that the front and the car are separated.

Maori Lan tried to pry the hook lock at the train link, but the two hook tongues were firmly locked together, which is not pure manual work, and requires some skill.

Rabbit River directs from the side, and Conan and Hideki the stars help.

"Hah!" Maori Lan gulped, gripped the crowbar, clicked, broke, and the crowbar it broke.

"Huh?!" The three were dumbfounded.

Conan volunteered, "I'll go find another one in the other carriage!"

"It's too late." Rabbit Chuan leaned out the window, "I'll be at the terminal soon."

"Abominable!" Conan clenched his fists, and the end was already close at hand.

Stars Hideki asked anxiously, "Is there no other way?"

Rabbit Chuan sighed: "There is no way, can you really only be covered in blood?"

"What does that mean..." Before Hideki could finish speaking, Morilan pushed him and Conan in.

"You two get out of the way!" Mao Lilan closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and his eyes changed.

Saying that it was late, it was fast, Mao Lilan rolled up his sleeves, and without saying a word, he kicked the edge of the carriage upside down, kicked his legs down hard, and the hooked tongues made of steel between the carriages broke together.

Hideki Stars: Rabbit-Chuan: 〣( ºΔº )〣

Awesome, my sister! Conan, are you impressed?

Conan: Don't dare to move, don't dare to move.

But even if Maori Lan kicked the hook tongue, due to the huge inertia, the carriage was still advancing.

Rabbit Chuan calculated the speed of the carriage and the friction of the track in his heart, and turned back and said: "No, it is safer to take a red wine bath." When

Rabbit Chuan said this, Conan suddenly realized that this was what he meant by being covered in blood.

Maori Lan carried Rabbit River on his back, and the four ran to the wagon car located in the last section of the train, which was filled with wooden barrels full of red wine.

Conan and Hideki picked up the axe and split the barrel together, and the red wine waterfall instantly flooded the entire carriage.

Although the carriage broke away from the locomotive and constantly slowed down under the action of friction, it still rear-ended and crashed into the station, but the impact was not great.

The four of them soaked in the red wine bath and churned, Rabbit Chuan accidentally choked on a sip of red wine, bah, it was difficult to drink to death.

The real-life parents sweated, the control room received no news, and Kudo Yusaku and Mori Kogoro also ran to the venue.

Maori Kogoro prayed to heaven: "Lord God, please keep Xiaoran safe and sound!" "

Xiao Nuo!"

[I'm here.] "

Positioning, Thames."

[Okay, Thames.

By the time Conan came out of the red wine again, the four of them were already soaked in water.

"Here it is?" Conan surfaced and looked around, suddenly spotting a familiar broken bridge in the distance, "London Bridge? Thames? "

The stars Hideki, Maori Lan and Rabbit River are bubbling.

"Saved!" Mao Lilan carried Rabbit River on his back and looked at Conan not far away, "Conan, are you okay?"

"I'll be fine, Sister Xiaolan, you guys go ashore!" After shouting Conan swam over to the stars Hideki, "Hey, what's going on?" "

Huh?" The stars are still covered themselves.

"Oh what?" Conan said angrily, "Don't pretend to be confused for me, you're Noah's Ark, right?" "

Huh?" Star Hideki couldn't help but snort again, "You already know?

"It's not just me, people outside must have seen it too." Conan glanced at him, "The scene of levitating in the air when you hang on the side of the train." "

Ah, this..." Hideki Hoshi's figure was in a trance, and he suddenly changed into a person and put on the shell of Hiroki Sawada.

Conan narrowed his eyes: "Finally caught you, Noah's Ark, now I have won, you can let us out, right?"

"This..." Noah's Ark smiled awkwardly but politely.

Conan chuckled: "The way to make Japan start again is not to erase the future two or three generations, and expect us not to rely on the strength of our parents to overcome difficulties, transform in the game, get a new life, and turn into a butterfly."

"Although you said that you wanted to kill us, you kept giving us hints with the identity of Hideki the stars and guiding us through the level, you are actually a good person."

Noah's Ark was silent for a moment and said, "I'm sorry for the terrible thing that happened to you. I just wanted to fulfill Hiroki's last wish, and Hiroki always wanted to play with his friends, even if only once, because he was always working.

Conan smiled and said, "Well, I'm having a lot of fun too!" So, now it's time to let us go, right?

Noah's Ark smiled awkwardly: "Haha, it's also true, you have already cleared the level, you should be able to go out now, it should be like this, but... But it seems that the game has a bug. "

Bug?!" Conan was stunned, "Aren't you an artificial intelligence? How can there still be bugs?!

"Well, but I didn't make this game either." Noah's Ark is innocent, although the game is a bit problematic at the beginning, and it is true that it continues to install it despite the risks....

"How so?" Conan pawed, "So what now?" "

Conan~" Rabbit Chuan shouted from the river, "Look at London Bridge~

" "London Bridge?" Conan, who was soaking in the river, looked over curiously, and saw two people standing by the broken bridge, one of whom was quite familiar, "That, that's not, isn't that Professor Moriarty?!" "

Wait, so who is the other one?

Detective hat, cape trench coat, London at the end of the 19th century, Conan has only one name in his mind - Sherlock Holmes!

Conan is indulging in the distance of the idol, and suddenly the idol seems to have an argument with Professor Moriarty, and then...


"Sherlock Holmes !!" Conan was heartbroken, watching Sherlock Holmes fall into the Thames with his old enemy in his arms.

"Nope——! This is unreasonable! Conan's blow was too great, his eyes were dark, and

before he passed out, before he lost consciousness, Conan let out a cry from the depths of his soul: "No, no, it's Reichenbach... Waterfall..."

"Hey! Conan, you can't die! "Noah's Ark panicked, the game is over, why did he die?

"Conan!" Maori Rand plopped into the Thames and swam desperately towards Conan.

Suddenly, a large wave shot over, and the trio of Conan, Maori Lan and Noah's Ark was destroyed.

Rabbit Chuan blinked, joking, he just wanted the old brother to witness the famous scene of Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty greeting death together for the public good.

Now, it's really time for the game to end.

In the next second, the four returned to the game's spawn point.

Noah's Ark opened his eyes, this is... Bug fixed?

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