"Big brother, I'm back." Daimon Ryo naturally greeted his eldest brother Daimon Kazuki, "You look pretty good."

"Liang Lang, why are you coming back at this time?" The gate stood in front of the entrance with a straight face, obviously not waiting to see his brother.

"Big brother, our brothers haven't seen each other for five years, and your attitude is too cold, right?" Daimon Lianglang went back unconvinced, hmph, can he go back to his home to pick time?

The Maori family standing at the door was extremely embarrassed, saying that there were many wealthy families, and they seemed to be accidentally mixed into trouble.

Hojo Hatsui, the helper of the main gate, saw that the atmosphere between the two brothers was not right, and there were outsiders, and he couldn't help but interject: "Young Master, I think it's better for us to go into the house and talk, right?" "

Hatsui." Kazuki Daimon's wife, Kayoko Ontoko, said lightly, "There is no part of you to talk to a servant here."

Daimon Kayoko inadvertently declared her status as a mistress, turned around and said to the little uncle: "Lianglang, who are these people?" "

Oh, they are friends I met at the Xiuyou Festival, and I just heard them say that they don't have a place to live, so..." Before

Daimon Lianglang's words were finished, Daimon Yishu put on a brotherly posture and reprimanded: "You are such a bad person, you haven't come back for several years when you leave, and you finally came back, and you actually brought outsiders with you."

It's strange and embarrassing to say Rabbit Chuan, after all, everyone doesn't know each other, and it's really not good to visit rashly at night, and to rub and rub a life.

Seeing this, Maori Kogoro took off his scarf and revealed the face of no one in the world who did not know the king: "I'm sorry, I took the liberty to disturb you so late, in fact, I am from Tokyo..."

An elderly old man roared angrily.

Daimon Kazuki turned around and called, "Dad." The

old man Daimon Genichiro walked over, and suddenly saw Daimon Lianglang, and was immediately ecstatic: "Haha, Lianglang, you are finally back!" "

Rabbit Chuan saw the gate of the gate Yishu husband and wife's faces livid, no wonder the two of them just blocked the door aggressively, no matter what the maid lady said, they would not let them enter the door, it turned out that this old man was partial to the younger son, and the couple wanted to block the door to squeeze them and run, so as not to let the old man see the younger son come back.

But the gate was not as excited as his old man, and just replied faintly: "Oh, Dad, I'm back."

Daimon Genichiro walked up to his younger son, inadvertently glanced at the guest behind his son, and said in surprise: "Oh, isn't this the famous detective Maori Kogoro?"

"Uh, yes, exactly underneath." Maori Kogoro was a little caught off guard by the sudden enthusiasm, but there were people behind him who were even more unprepared.


"Maori Kogoro?"

Everyone in the gate had different faces, and for a while the atmosphere in the entrance was colder than the heavy snow outside.

The gate Liang Lang never expected that the passerby he randomly chose to take home was actually a famous detective, and he also came from Tokyo to the deep mountains and old forests for vacation, and met a famous detective who was closed by snow halfway, this probability can be bumped by him, he feels that he can go to buy lottery tickets tomorrow.

"Oh, Detective Māori, I've always admired you, and today is really a good time, please be sure to stay here today." The president of a large enterprise really speaks openly, no wonder the old man can't look at the stingy eldest son.

Daimon Genichiro enthusiastically instructed the maid: "Hatsuho, go and prepare a guest room for Mr. Mori and Ryuro, and make a good table, I will have dinner with Mr. Mori tonight."

"Yes, sir." Hojo Hatsuho replied, "Please come with me." "

The head of the family spoke, and it was useless for the eldest young master to oppose it, after all, this family could not take his turn to be the master, so he could only watch his younger brother enter the door and be filial to the old man.

After the old man left, the gate Yishu secretly cursed: "Abominable! Then he threw his wife aside and went back angrily.

Hojo Hatsuho took Rabbikawa and them to the guest room: "Mr. Mori please stay in this room, the second young master please live in this room, this corridor in the back can lead to the courtyard, now the snow in the yard is excellent, it is also good to go out for a walk." Hearing

the snowy scene, Rabbit Chuan subconsciously snorted: "The snow here is really heavy, I thought we had strayed into Hokkaido."

Hojo Hatsuho smiled and said, "Because of the big climate change in the mountains, it always snows here before the city.

Daimon Ryo looked at Maori Kogoro with an apologetic face: "I'm really sorry just now, my eldest brother and sister-in-law are really unhospitality."

Maori Kogoro replied politely, "Don't say that, we shouldn't have visited so rashly."

"Sister Hatsui, where is the bathroom?" Conan clenched his hands into small fists and began to sell cute.

Hojo Hatsuho raised his hand to the end of the corridor: "If the bathroom is here, I'll take you there, little brother."

Rabbit Chuan watched Conan leave, he found an interesting thing, that is, Conan has to go to the bathroom every place he goes, he reasonably doubts whether it was the gunshot wound that happened before the school festival, really broke Conan's kidney, now the young Conan is fine, what can the old brother do in the future?

Rabbit Chuan's gaze glanced at Mao Lilan, and Mao Lilan suddenly shook, and it was really cold today.

At dinner time, Rabbitikawa grilled fish and pot rice, silently watching Maori Kogoro and Daimon Genichiro blowing each other over there commercially.

Maori Kogoro praised: "Your family's house is really spectacular, and it is a blessing to live in such a good house!"

"Everywhere, it's all old houses, tinkering and making do with it." Daimon Genichiro began to study in the van.



It's still a pleasure for the guests and hosts.

At this time, Hojo Hatsuho opened the paper door: "Sir, Madame said that she was a little uncomfortable, and now she is resting."

"Really, Mr. Maori finally came to the house." Genichiro complained.

Maori Kogoro said embarrassedly: "Oh, it's just a trifle, don't say that."

"Hmph, where can my mother-in-law eat anything tonight." Daimon Kayoko said strangely.

Daimon Kazuki scolded, "Kayoko!

"What's wrong with what I said." Despite her husband's obstruction, Daimon Kayoko turned to Rabbitikawa and Conan next to her and said, "Every year on the day of General Hidetomo's death, my mother-in-law would stay in front of the altar in her room until midnight, saying that it was the time when General Hidetomo committed suicide, and she once heard a voice and was scared half to death.

"So, at this time of year, she must go to sleep early with her head covered." Daimon Kadaiko's words are quite bitter and gloating.

Kazuki, the gate on the side, couldn't help but say, "Kayoko! Mom's health is not good, can't you, the daughter-in-law, bother more?

Before Daimon Kayoko could say anything, the old man over there spoke first: "Hmph! You have the heart to care about the health of our old people, it is better to spend more attention on work! The

atmosphere of warm hospitality cooled instantly, and this family was chatting to death.

Rabbit Chuan put down his chopsticks, fortunately he had already eaten his meal, thank you for the hospitality.

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