Officer Otaki heard Hattori Heiji's reasoning and wanted to go in to help, but was stopped by Toyama and Haichi.

"Wait a minute, Officer Otaki." Toyama and Ye grabbed Officer Otaki and said in a low voice, "Heiji is talking about wonderful places, let's not disturb him." "

This... All right. Officer Otaki had a hard time, but he reluctantly agreed, gesturing for his subordinates to lurk at the door.

Rabbit Chuan saw Yuanshan and Ye lying at the door, listening with relish, this eldest sister, I don't know if you remember the finals of the kendo competition next door?

The junior brother of the temporary chief general next door is crying urgently, senior sister, you come back soon, I can't bear QAQ alone....

Rabbit Chuan looked down at the time, there was no salvation, wait for death.

Hattori Heiji is still talking: "The reason why you chose the changing room next to the swimming pool is not only because there are few people there, but also because there are showers there, so you can use the shower to wash off the paint on Tatami's body."

"You think that as long as you use a towel to stain the blood you see, while the police are focused on the dressing room, run to the warehouse to dispose of the dummy hidden in the jump box, and then apply the blood on the towel to the warehouse."

"You want people to think that Tasumi was killed here, so that the police will think that the strange person in the protective gear is the murderer."

"But it's useless, wiped blood and unwiped blood will produce different results when doing the luminol test, no matter how you hide it, it won't make the deceased look like he died in a warehouse."

"So, Kotegawa-san, can you explain it now? Why does that blood-stained towel appear on your hand. "

Hattori Heiji is proud, and the distant mountains and leaves outside are excited and want to clap their hands, well, Heiji!

Xiao Shouchuan was shocked and grabbed the towel in his hand, he thought that he was avoiding the eyes and ears of the police, but he didn't expect to be blocked by this kid.

Rabbit Chuan felt that according to the daily routine, the prisoner should kneel next.

Kotekawa threw away the towel and sneered: "Since you said so, then do you know why I killed him?" Hattori

Heiji frowned: "I inquired, the kendo department of your school, there was a case last year when a new recruit died during practice, and the school claimed that it was an accident, but..."

Kotegawa closed his eyes, "At that orientation meeting, Minister Crota, who usually persuades, was not there, and he killed him when he missed his hand for a while, and Izumi said that we bystanders were accomplices and threatened us to help him testify, otherwise he would drag us into the water together." Hattori

Heiji followed him and said, "You don't want to continue to be threatened by him, so you kill him... Hiss! A

silver light flashed in front of his eyes, and Hattori Heiji didn't have time to dodge, and there was a tingling pain in his cheek.

Kotegawa raised his katana and said fiercely: "Boy, what you should know, what you shouldn't know, you know, now you can go on the road with Tasumi!"

After that, Kotekawa raised his knife and slashed at Hattori Heiji, who casually blocked with his mobile phone, and the blade just stuck on the mobile phone.

"Ping... Not! Toyama and Ye wanted to rush in, but this time Officer Otaki stopped Toyama and Ye, "Don't be impulsive yet."

Rabbit Chuan hugged the reckless Conan and gasped: "The murderer here in Osaka is so cruel, how can he kill the detective?" "

Or the murderer in Tokyo is reasonable, the words of the general detective when it comes to this, basically kneel directly, how can you do something to the detective, how can this make the Tokyo detective who fights five scumbags live?"

Maori Kogoro stumbled on his feet, and Officer Otaki was embarrassed: "Ahaha, Maori detective, let's hand it over to our police to deal with next." "

Māori Kogoro: Uh... I'm not a war scumbag.

Seeing this, Xiao Techuan was another knife, and wanted to cut off the mobile phone with someone, and with a click, the mobile phone was cut off twice, but the knife was cut on the jump box behind him.

"Huh? What about people? Suddenly, Kotekawa felt that the knife was heavy, and two large black feet appeared on the back of the knife, and even the soles of the feet were black.

"What?!" Kotegawa was stunned.

Hattori Heiji held the scabbard in his hand, standing majestically on the back of Kotegawa's knife, looking down at Kotegawa from top to bottom: "You also underestimate me too much." "

Hattori?" Kotekawa then noticed the nameplate that Hattori Heiji hung on his waist, "Difficult, are you the high school student who single-handedly beat the fierce generals in the Osaka Prefecture Police Station..."

Rabbit Chuan pouted, too stunned, the combat effectiveness is amazing!

Hattori Heiji croaked his big white teeth and smiled proudly: "You just found out now, it's too late, just grab it!" "

Jingle bells, Hattori Heiji slashed wildly, and the murderer couldn't get up again.

Only then did the police officers guarding the door rush in and take down the murderer in one fell swoop.

"Brother Heiji, it's good!" Officer Otaki patted Heiji Hattori's shoulder and gave them a thumbs up happily, really giving them Osaka long faces.

"Haha, it's over... Wait a minute! Hattori Heiji reacted suddenly, "Shouldn't you guys hide in the doorway from the beginning to watch the excitement?"

Rabbit Chuan explains, "There is no beginning, we start when we click.

"Didn't that just be heard from beginning to end?" Hattori Heiji suddenly felt bad.

Walking out of the annex, Hattori Heiji was also relieved: "Forget it, anyway, I won this time." "

Win?" Toyama and Ye felt as if they had forgotten something, "By the way, it's a kendo competition!" Heiji, let's go to the race! Toyama

and Ha took Hattori Heiji's arm and pulled the people towards the gymnasium, but it was too late, the game was over.

"Huh?" Toyama and Ye returned disappointed.

"Oh, there's no way around it." Hattori Heiji scratched his head in embarrassment, "Because this side won, that's why the game over there lost, right?" "

Huh?" In this regard, Conan only gave him a pair of white eyes.

Maori Lan came over and said, "Hattori, I have something I want to ask you.

"Oh, what's going on?" Hattori Heiji said indifferently.

Mao Lilan asked: "Shinichi, you said Shinichi will come over today, right?"

Conan and Hattori instantly entered a state of emergency: "Yes, yes?" "



Rabbit River and Toyama and Ye nodded together.

"Isn't that what you said? Kudo wants to come to see your game, and you're happy like something. "Yuanshan and Ye have a big grudge.

Rabbit Chuan also helped testify: "Didn't you call and say that the new brother would also come over, so I just came over?" "

Hattori-Ministry!" Conan gritted his teeth and glared viciously at Hattori Heiji, snapping a kick.

"Kudo, hiss!" Hattori Heiji endured the pain in his feet, his brain teasers, "By the way, that Kudo, Kudo he just happened to have a case..."

Rabbit Chuan looked at the door of the gymnasium dumbfounded.

Mauri snorted.

Rabbit Chuan pointed to the white-clothed boy not far away: "Sister Xiaolan, look at that face, it looks like a new brother?" "

Huh?" Everyone looked over in unison, and they were stunned.

Groove, there really is Kudo Shinichi here!

Conan:...... Wait, who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?|ʘᗝʘ|

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