Yuanshan and Ye were also speechless: "Please, don't say such unlucky words, what is there to visit in that kind of place."

"Wow! Osaka Castle is really beautiful! Maori Lan looked out the window, and in short, the meaning was obvious.

Only Conan's eyes were full of words: It's great, I want to go.

Seeing the little sister so popular, Yuanshan and Ye Mei smiled and said: "Yes, Osaka Castle is completely new after it was rebuilt, but after the castle tower was rebuilt more than 60 years ago, it is open almost every day, so there is little time for maintenance."

"It was 70 years ago." An unfamiliar voice came from behind them, "The castle tower was originally built in 1599, Tokugawa Ieyasu rebuilt the castle tower in 1629, and the Osaka people rebuilt the castle tower three times 70 years ago, in 1931.

Rabbit Chuan nodded, the calculation is correct, it can be seen that the current year is 2001, and the year of Toyama Kazuha may still be stuck in last year, or the last century.

Everyone looked back and saw that it was a stocky old man who was talking, with a hairstyle a bit like a pufferfish, oh, a kappa, very bald.

Toyama and Ye were a little afraid, and quietly pulled the corners of Hattori Heiji's clothes.

Hattori Heiji said to the strange old man, "Uncle, you remember it very clearly."

The old man said proudly: "Of course, the person I admire the most is Taiko Hideyoshi." Hattori

Heiji stared at the badge on the old man's chest and said with an evil smile: "But uncle, the other badge on your chest looks like the Mitsuba of the Tokugawa family?" "

Taiko is an honorific title for regent or taisho, taiko hideyoshi, taiko hideyoshi is Toyotomi hideyoshi, and the relationship between Toyotomi hideyoshi and the Tokugawa family, hehe, see the wisdom.

"Well..." the old man was just about to explain, when a young man suddenly appeared and said to him, "Hey, Ieyasu-san, what are you doing here, the adults are still waiting for you over there." The

old man replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Mitsuhide." "




The Tokyo tour group was all confused, and after some explanation, it turned out that they were a role-playing tour group named "Taiko Hideyoshi Eight-Day Tour".

The members of the tour group decided on their respective roles by drawing lots, including Tokugawa Ieyasu, Mitsuhide Senshi, Oda Nobunaga, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Mrs. Ninning, and whoever won the lottery wore their family crest.

After listening to their rules, Rabbit River was simply eye-opening, saying that he liked Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and ended up playing the Oda Nobunaga concerto?

Tokugawa Ieyasu, Mitsuhide Wise, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and Lady Ninning all served Oda Nobunaga, and even Mitsuhide Senshi could enjoy the treatment of Oda Nobunaga for three minutes.

And what about their favorite Toyotomi Hideyoshi, after serving Oda Nobunaga, but also serving Mitsuhide Wise, and finally only got one dinner, it was simply inexplicable!

Toyotomi Hideyoshi listened and absolutely wanted to hit someone.

Rabbit River wondered if they liked Toyotomi Hideyoshi or hated it?

I still like it, after all, no one doesn't like gold, the treasure of the world.

After a while, the tour group gathered, but the most important Toyotomi Hideyoshi was nowhere to be seen.

Goodbye to the inexplicable tour group, I had a good time today, until it was getting late, nothing happened.

Rabbit Chuan touched his stomach, no, there was still one dinner left.

Rabbit Chuan hurriedly cue the process: "Let's go to dinner, my stomach is hungry." "

Good~" Yuanshan and Ye raised their eyebrows and exhaled, patting their precious wallets, sure enough, it was still useful... Uh....

"Huh? What about my wallet? Yuanshan and Ye rummaged around in their small satchels, "Did I obviously put them in my bag?" Heiji, how is my wallet missing!

Hattori Heiji asked, "Huh?" The wallet can still be missing, where did you lose it?

"If only I knew, I would have to ask you!" How can I remember where I lost it?

"Are you stupid? Who would lose a wallet in their bag?

"I lost my wallet before you kept urging over there!"

Looking at the quarreling little couple in front of him, Mao Lilan smiled at his aunt.

Maori Kogoro snorted softly and muttered, "My teeth are about to fall out." Hattori

Heiji asked, "How much money is in your wallet?" "

5,000 yuan." Far Mountain and Ye Baba.

"Huh? Isn't it 5,000 yuan, if you lose it, you will lose it, and now it's dark..."

There is a very important possession in that wallet!! Yuanshan and Ye were anxious, and a drop of water ran down her cheek.

"This little thing, what are you crying about!!" Hattori was anxious, of course he knew that the amulet was important.

"Huh?" Yuanshan and Ye were stunned, "I didn't cry..." The

sky suddenly began to rain, and Mao Lilan's bag always had an umbrella in it, and there was rain to cover the rain, but there was no rain to cover the sun.

What about Rabbit River, the cane was raised, slammed the ground, and like magic, the cane turned into an umbrella.

Hattori Heiji's eyes lit up: "Wow, you are just like an agent!"

"Where, far from it!" Rabbit Chuan quickly waved his hand, "The agent in the movie can fold the sniper rifle and put it in the cane, I just hide some necessities."

Conan was stunned: "Are high-voltage stun guns considered necessities?" "

High voltage stun gun?!" Hattori Heiji was stunned, what kind of immortal configuration is this?

Rabbit Chuan nodded firmly, sure and affirmative, that must be!

The necessities of life of rice flower people are worthy of everyone's possession.

Although there are more than just stun guns, compared to the old brother's murderous football, Rabbit Chuan feels that these are all props.

But for the sake of the little brother's little heart, Rabbit Chuan still decided, shut up, can't say more.

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