Mao Lilan was still worried about the little sister who was panting, but when Yuanshan and Ye turned back, a smile appeared on their faces again.

Rabbit Chuan just looked at it squarely, gee, life is like a play, all relying on acting skills.

It's really a random person who is higher than his brother's acting skills, high, really high!

The members of the tour group also made a fuss about going to eat, hungry, and fed.

After all, no evidence was found, and Officer Otaki had to agree.

Rabbit Chuan saw that Toyama Ginjiro suddenly changed his expression, and whispered a few words in Officer Otaki's ear, and Officer Otaki immediately ran away, and then Toyama Ginjiro made another call.

Well? Kind of interesting.

"I'm leaving~" Mao Lilan turned around and called Rabbit.

"Oh, I'm coming!" Rabbit River kept up, and the Osaka Prefectural Police Headquarters had other arrangements, so it was better not to disturb them.

Kazuha Toyama is talking about an Italian restaurant, and when you come to an Italian restaurant, it is naturally pizza, ham, cheese and pasta.

Rabbit Chuan ordered fried pasta with black pepper beef tenderloin, Italian pizza, melon ham, Florence steak and bruschetta, and dessert was tiramisu and Italian gelato.

Generally speaking, these should be enough to eat, but the current situation is not ordinary.

Rabbit River concentrates on dry rice, well, the taste is not bad, it is worthy of the "mother of Western food" Italian food, much stronger than what looks up at the sky!

Mao Lilan smiled and pierced the little sister's thoughts: "You came to your father for Hattori, right?" Yuanshan

and Ye Xiao's faces were red and they were spoken.

"Because you know that your dad knows this case well, your dad will definitely be able to tell Hattori the inside information he wants to know." Mao Lilan teased with a smile, "Haha, you actually used that angry tone to cover yourself."

"Because... Because I want to see Heiji's look after solving a case. Yuanshan and Ye looked shy, "I, I know I'm stupid!"

"yes, that's silly."


"yes, you're as stupid as I am." Mao Lilan's face flushed, "Although very unwilling, Shinichi looked bright after solving the case, that charming look..."

It's really you Fang Xiu I appeared, Rabbit Chuan put down his chopsticks, feeling forced to participate in a first love syndrome condition exchange meeting.

Alas, before it was finished, it was stretched out.

The distant mountains and the leaf eyes are bright, say more, say more.

Maori Lan instantly turned into beanie eyes.

"Only, only then, right?" Mao Lilan turned to look at Rabbit River.

"Hmm..." Rabbit Chuan sipped and suppressed his shock.

He should be the attending physician of the medical exchange meeting, should he say two words?

However, Miss Xiaolan also cares, Yuanshan and Ye's condition is basically in an advanced stage, there is no salvation without medicine, and the patient will not follow the doctor's advice, what should I do?

Just as Rabbit Chuan was thinking, Mao Lilan suddenly shouted: "Oh, I forgot to bring Conan here." "

Huh? Really. Yuanshan and Ye were stunned.

Rabbit Chuan said expressionlessly: "Conan, he said that he wanted to solve the case with Brother Pingji."

"Xiaolan, don't worry, Heiji will definitely take care of Conan." Toyama and Ye patted their chests to assure.

Rabbit Chuan shook his head, forget it, it's all saved, let it be!

Yuanshan and Ye smiled brightly, "You guys say, did Heiji find the golden treasure of Taiko Hideyoshi this time?"

"It's possible!"

"No way!" Rabbit River's statement is the exact opposite of Maoriland.

"Why?!" Toyama and Ye and Maori Lan said in unison.

Rabbit Chuan was as determined as a mountain: "Because there is no gold treasure in that thousand cheng scoop pole."

Rabbit Chuan made a simple calculation.

The tornado indicates the dimensions of the gourd, one foot high and four inches wide.

In the Kyoto area, one foot is 30 cm, and four inches is 12 cm.

If the gourd is regarded as a cone, the volume is equal to the base area× height × 1/3, that is, 1/3 * 6 * 6 * 3.14 * 30 = 1130.4 cubic centimeters.

Because the density of gold is 19.32 grams / cubic centimeter, that is to say, the weight of a small gold gourd is 1130.4 * 19.32 = 21839.328 grams, about 2.18 kilograms.

Rabbit Chuan couldn't bear to look at it directly: "Who can ride a war with 1,000 of these gourds!" That's 2 tons! What kind of rod can hold up, even the jack is enough to choke and lift. "

In other words, this thing, it's not scientific!

Toyama Kazuha and Maori Lanqi were dumbfounded: "Say and say oh..." They were

also hot brains at that time, and now that they think about it, it seems that it is indeed not very scientific.

Maori Lan is sober, but there are still people dreaming of gold.

Tonight's Osaka Castle is overcast and the tide is rough, and it is destined to be a sleepless night.

At night, Rabbit River and they were carrying umbrellas, against the rain, walking back, and there was no one on the road.

Yuanshan and Ye smiled and said: "There are still a lot of people from the police station here, and there will definitely be no more cases." "

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