The estimated time of death of the deceased Tsuyoshi Hirataek was between 9:30 and 10:00.

If Maori Kogoro met Shinji Usami at 9:25, and Shinji Usami stayed in the tavern for half an hour, doesn't that mean that Shinji Usami has an alibi?

Concubine Eiri had just wondered if Shinji Usami was conscious at the time, whether the defender killed intentionally or caused death by negligence.

The prosecution argued that Shinji Usami was intentional homicide, and that her defense was to cause death by negligence or to obtain a reasonable reduction in sentence for her defenders.

But now Fei Yingli now feels that she can change her defense angle, such as the defense of innocence.

Concubine Eiri is optimistic, she believes that as long as Maori Kogoro testifies in court, the truth will be clear at a glance.

However, Rabbit Chuan does not think so.


The Neon criminal justice system has a 99.9 percent conviction rate, and in order to protect the majesty of justice, once prosecuted, the legal profession almost only believes that the prosecution's statement is correct.

The prosecutor will only present incriminating evidence to the court, hiding other evidence that may point to the accused.

Because of their unreserved trust in the prosecutor's judgment, some judges have handed down guilty verdicts without careful consideration of the accused.

In other words, when Fei Yingli put forward a plea of not guilt, she challenged not only the prosecution, but the entire legal profession!

Concubine Yingli did make a big deal, and Maori Kogoro was a prosecution witness in confusion.

The prosecutor of the prosecution is Reiko Kujo, the trump card of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office, known as the "Madonna of the judiciary", and a rival of Eiri Concubine.

The presiding judge said, "The first public debate in this court against Shinji Usami has now officially begun. First, ask the prosecutor to read aloud all the contents of the indictment.

Kujo Reiko stood up, her expression serious, and began to read the file in her hand: "The defendant, Shinji Usami, Honjo... Thus, under article 199 of the Penal Code, the prosecution pleaded for a conviction in court. Kujo

Reiko was menacing, and Concubine Yingli had a bad premonition, and turned to ask Kuriyama next to him: "Are there only a few witnesses applied by the prosecution?"

Kuriyama said with certainty, "Yes, this is close to what we expected." The

presiding judge announced: "The examination of witnesses shall now begin."

At this time, Kujo Reiko suddenly raised her hand: "Chief Judge." The

presiding judge asked, "Are you in trouble, prosecutor?"

"The prosecution is asking for permission to call new witnesses to appear." Kujo Reiko stood up and faced Concubine Eiri, a smile on the corner of her mouth, "He is Mr. Maori Kogoro who currently runs a detective agency and is known as Sleeping Kogoro. Mao

Lilan, Conan, and Kuriyama were shocked, and Concubine Yingli was also confused, but she was stable.

It seems to be a stable batch, but the heart is panicked, and the shrimp and pig heart are just so.

Mao Lilan was indignant: "Dad, how could he be a witness for the prosecution?"

"Don't panic, it's not a big problem." Rabbit Chuan calmed Mao Lilan, "Uncle is not that kind of person, he can lie again, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Conan suddenly remembered that a few days ago, he saw Kujo Reiko make an appointment to meet Uncle Maori, and it turned out that she was for this purpose.

"Silence!" The presiding judge asked, "Does the defense have any comments?"

Concubine Yingli stood up and replied, "The defense has no objection. "

The defense just wants to divorce.

The presiding judge said: "In that case, Mr. Maori Kogoro is summoned to testify for the prosecution. Princess

Eiri narrowed her eyes and stared at the opponent in front of her, what was she going to do when she dug Maori Kogoro into her hands?

Concubine Yingli is confident, even if her husband is a witness for the prosecution, he will definitely not lie and give false testimony for the prosecution, but he is still faintly uneasy in his heart.

Seeing Kujo Reiko raise her proud head, hehe, it will immediately give you a taste of the first defeat.

As expected by Concubine Hide, Maori Kogoro did not lie, how Maori Kogoro told Concubine Eiri that day, and what Maori Kogoro said in court today, without the slightest bit of oil and vinegar.

Kujo Reiko's operation confused the whole courtroom, why did the prosecution provide evidence to prove that the defendant had an alibi?

Concubine Eiri didn't understand either, so she became more and more vigilant, knowing that Kujo Reiko must have her purpose in doing this.

Maori Lanle blossomed: "I was really angry when I heard that my father was going to testify for the prosecution just now, but now it seems that my father is still on my mother's side."

Rabbit Chuan said with a smile: "After all, facts speak louder than words, even the prosecution cannot reverse right and wrong."

"Well, it is." Conan echoed, but knew in his heart that it was almost time to give his uncle an injection.

Although I would like to do this, it is almost time for the prosecution to start working, and there is a big hole in Uncle Maori testimony.

But Conan had not yet seen through the truth, so he had to ask in a low voice: "Brother Rabbit Chuan, what do you say the Nine Prosecutors want to do?"

"Probably trying to debunk the suspect's alibi?" Rabbit Chuan is also helpless, who let this Maori uncle be born to give the prisoner an alibi.

"Chief Judge, I have no problem." Kujo Reiko stood facing the presiding judge.

The presiding judge began his work: "Well, now invite the defense counsel for cross-examination.

"Yes." Concubine Eiri stood up, "So, may I ask Mr. Mori, do you know what time Shinji Usami stayed at Mikaku before leaving?" "

Eiri once again confirmed to Maori Kogoro that the defender's alibi was between 9:30 and 10:00 when the deceased's estimated time of death was between 9:30 and 10 o'clock.

Maori Kogoro answered in the affirmative.

"I'm done asking." Concubine Yingli faced the presiding judge.

Concubine Yingli asked everything she should have asked, but Kujo Reiko seemed to have a victory in her hands, and the atmosphere in the court became more and more strange.

The expressionless presiding judge nodded: "Call on the witness now..."

Kujo Reiko suddenly interrupted the presiding judge, raised her hand and said, "May I ask the last question?"

"You ask."

"Thank you, presiding judge." Kujo Reiko stood up and asked, "Mr. Mori, you just said that it was Mikata's hostess who woke you up when you were dozing, right?"

"Well, yes." Maori Kogoro was almost asleep.

Kujo Reiko's eyes were deep: "Then may I ask, where did you put your mobile phone at that time?" "

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