"12 years ago, the well-known pianist Keiji Aso and his family of three died tragically on the night of the full moon."

"Just two years ago, the former village chief Isamu Kameyama died suddenly of a heart attack on this piano, and it was also the night of the full moon."

"So the meaning of this letter is that on the night of the next full moon, there will be people who will continue to die, and this is the death notice sent by Keiji Aso."

The head of Kuroiwa asked, "Let's not say that Keiji Aso is dead or not, since you said that Keiji Aso wants to kill someone, then why did he still find a detective?" "

It's not that Keiji Aso wants to kill, he's here to stop this from happening, he wants to stop his only son, stop him from going to the abyss of hell for revenge."

Although he said that, Rabbit Chuan has long wanted to complain.

The criminals in Conan are like lack of brains, when doing something illegal and criminal, they have to find a detective to admire or make an alibi, always feel that they are unparalleled in the world, and the result is directly given for nothing.

"And his son is here now, Dr. Narishi Asai."

Rabbit Chuan's words were like dropping a bomb on the spot.

"What?!" Three of the uncles present were surprised, "But is she a woman?"

"The name Chengshi can be pronounced in two ways, as a girl's name is generally pronounced as Narumi, and as a boy's name, it is pronounced as seiji."

"Ma Shengshi is the real name of the doctor."

The three uncles rounded their eyes, but they still couldn't see it!

"Huh?" Dr. Chengshi looked frightened, "Nasty, what are you talking about?" I'm really a girl!

Rabbit Chuan looked Doctor Chengshi up and down.

How to say, before coming to Moon Shadow Island, Rabbit Chuan was still a little curious about this first pseudonym in the Ke Xue world.

Until now, after seeing the real person with my own eyes, at first glance, I really look like a gentle and beautiful young lady who can't see flaws at all.

But at the second glance, this neck is a little sore, the beautiful young lady is taller and stronger than him, and I feel that something is broken.

Rabbit Chuan said indifferently: "You don't need to admit anything, I'll start telling a story now."

"The story should start when Keiji Aso gave this piano to the Civic Hall 15 years ago."

"Keiji Aso, Isamu Kameyama, and the three Kuroiwa Tatsuji, Hideo Kawashima and Ken Nishimoto, the five of them grew up together on Moonshadow Island since childhood, and as adults, you took advantage of Keiji Aso's frequent overseas performances to sell flour from overseas and return home, making a lot of money."

No one was surprised by this, and the village chief of Heiyan did not interject, because he had already killed Rabbit River.

"Time came 12 years ago, there was a tragedy in the Aso family on Moonshadow Island, and the deceased were Keiji Aso's wife, daughter and father-in-law."

"Father-in-law?!" Only Dr. Narishi was surprised, "But the newspaper said it was Keiji Aso himself."

Rabbit Chuan did not answer Dr. Chengshi 's words, but continued to speak.

"Keiji Aso's father-in-law, the only patrolman in the village at the time, was heartbroken to find out that his son-in-law was selling flour."

"That night, when Keiji Aso returned home from a piano recital, Mr. Ranger came to visit, and he tried to persuade his son-in-law to turn himself in, but Keiji Aso did not agree and brutally killed him."

"And the patrolman's daughter, Keiji Aso's wife, witnessed this cruel scene, her husband killed her father with his own hands, and she wanted to flee the house with her young daughter."

"But the end has long been predetermined, Mrs. Aso and her young daughter were stabbed to death by a sharp blade, and burned to a pile of scorched bones under a fire that concealed the sky, and the police could only judge the identity of the deceased by comparing the results of tooth marks and bones."

"And the real Keiji Aso has long escaped and changed his appearance, dressed up as a dead patrolman and used the identity of the patrolman to forge the results of the comparison of corpses, and colluded with their officials and bandits to act as their protective shield."

"This is the truth of the Aso family tragedy 12 years ago."

Rabbit River's story is over, but it is clear that some people cannot accept this story.

"It's not true! It was obviously the four of them who killed my parents and sister together! Doctor Chengshi roared, "You talk nonsense, you have no evidence at all!"

"The proof is you, Ma Sheng." Rabbit Chuan said resolutely.

"Just as you know that these four uncles are close friends of your father, they also know that their friend Keiji Aso has a son and a daughter."

"If they really kill your parents and sisters, how can they let you go alone."

"Are you waiting for you to grow up and come back to avenge your parents and sister?"


Dr. Chengshi was exhausted, and he looked at the old patrolman beside him with help-seeking eyes.

This must not be true! If true, then what is the point of what he did?

"Chengshi, this little detective is right, I am indeed your father."

The old patrolman took off his hat and glasses, revealing his true face, which was still an old face.

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