When Ryoma and Ran returned to the tennis court, they found that Kogoro Mori, who had not been there all morning, had actually appeared in the audience of the tennis court.

It's just that now it's just a drunken body.

"Ran, where have you and this boy run away, we have been waiting for you for a long time!" Mori Kogoro complained as soon as he saw the two of them.

"Dad, she's been kidnapped!" said Xiaolan with a hint of crying.



"So what do we do now?"

The three imps of the Junior Detective Team immediately became worried.

Maori Kogoro, who was originally drunk, seemed to be much more sober after hearing Xiaolan's words.

"Is what you said true?!"

"Well, I've already confirmed with the dragon horse! A few kids saw the garden being chased by two men!" Ran explained.

"That's right, and we also found traces of people being crushed in the roadside grass in the direction of our escape from the garden. In addition, I also found the pendant that the garden has been wearing for the past few days!" Ryuma took out the ceramic doll pendant he had picked up earlier.

"So, let's call the police now! It's less than half an hour before the garden has been kidnapped, and the sooner you call the police, the better the chances of finding it!" said Ryuma.

After hearing Ryuma's words, Mori Kogoro immediately took out his mobile phone and called the police.

It didn't take long for the local police from Kumamoto Prefecture to arrive at the park.

In addition to the investigation of the scene of the disappearance of the garden, several other police officers took Long Ma and the others to the police station to make a record.

In fact, apart from Ryuma and Xiaolan, no one else knows anything.

Therefore, the object of the transcript is actually the two of them.

After taking notes on several people, the police officer in charge of the case left.

Only Long Ma and the others were left waiting for news in the reception room.


On the other side, lying on the ground, the garden with his hands tied behind his back gradually opened his eyes.

When she woke up, she immediately noticed that her hands were tied.

Moreover, the place where she was now was in a dimly lit room.

【Where is this ......】

[How did I ...... here]

After a moment of confusion, Yuan Zi finally remembered what had happened before he passed out.

[Should I be...... Kidnapped ......]

In an instant, the garden's heart was filled with fear.

[I don't want to ...... I haven't been in a relationship yet...... I don't want to die...... Woo woo woo ......】

However, Yuanzi, who had been crying for a while, suddenly realized that he couldn't just sit still.

Otherwise she would really die here.

With tears in her eyes, the garden surveyed its surroundings.

I want to be able to find something that I can use.

Then the garden looked back and found that his bag had actually been thrown by his side.

For a moment, the heart of the garden was filled with hope.

[I wish my phone was still inside!]

Sonoko sat on the ground and moved her body, using her hands tied behind her back, trying to find her phone inside her bag.

After a while, she really touched her phone.

Yuanzi quickly took out the mobile phone from his bag, and then blindly pressed his finger to dial Xiaolan's number.

At the Kumamoto Prefectural Police Headquarters, Tatsuma and others were still sitting in the reception room waiting for news.

"Xiaolan, it's half past twelve now, why don't you go eat something for me first, I'll just wait here!" said Maori Kogoro to Xiaolan.

However, Xiaolan looked completely unwilling.

Because Xiaolan felt that the reason why Yuanzi was kidnapped was because of her relationship.

If she hadn't gone to the bathroom at the time, the garden wouldn't have been kidnapped by now.

Even if you really encounter the gangsters, she will definitely be able to subdue the gangsters with her.

Then the garden will not be kidnapped by the gangsters.

The dragon horse sitting next to Xiaolan stood up, and then pressed his hand on Xiaolan's shoulder.

"Xiaolan, Uncle Maori is right. It's useless for us to wait here all the time, why don't we go get something to eat first, maybe we'll have news when we come back after eating!" Ryuma comforted Xiaolan.

"Go and eat...... I can't eat it......" Xiaolan whispered.

Long Ma wanted to persuade him again, but Xiaolan's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Xiaolan, who was originally sad, immediately cheered up.

When I took out my phone from my bag, I found that it was actually a call from the garden.

Xiaolan seemed to be afraid that the other party would hang up the phone, so she quickly pressed the answer button.

"Garden!Where are you now!" Xiaolan asked excitedly.

"Xiaolan...... I feel like I've been kidnapped!" came the slightly weeping voice of the garden on the other end of the phone.

"You've really been kidnapped!!" Xiaolan exclaimed.

"Xiaolan, call me!"

Long Ma snatched the phone from Xiaolan's hand.

Now that the garden has been kidnapped, it's not the time to marvel.

You have to ask where the garden is now.

After all, the gangsters could find out at any time that the garden was on the phone.

"Sono, I'm a dragon horse! calm down now, do you know where you are now?" the dragon horse asked quickly.

"Dragonpony? I'm in a dimly lit room right now, and it feels like a dressing room!" Yuanzi's voice calmed a little.

"Can you see what's out of the window, then? Is there anything that will show us where to go!!" Ryuma continued.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a look!"

Sonoko bit the phone on the ground with his mouth, then stood up.

Place your phone on the windowsill, through the gap in the plank that seals the window, and look outside.

"Sunflowers! There are a lot of sunflowers blooming outside!"

"What else?"

"On the other side of this sunflower, there is a seemingly abandoned building and a signboard!"

"What's written on the sign?" asked Ryuma quickly.

"I'll see...... The sign reads Leech Town, Leech of Leech, Child's Son!" said Sonoko.

"I see, Leech Town, do you know who the kidnappers are?"

"The kidnapper is the one who sent a text message to Yuanzi yesterday!"

"Someone who sent a text message to Yuanzi?" asked Ryuma.

"Well, I've also heard...... Ahh

Before Yuanzi could finish speaking, her screams suddenly rang on the other end of the phone.

Then the phone was hung up.

Xiaolan looked nervously at the dragon horse.

"How's she doing in the garden?"

"I'm afraid the gangsters have called when they find out about the garden! However, we have asked a lot of useful clues just now, and we should be able to find the garden soon!"

Just then, the door to the reception room was pushed open.

The criminal police officer Yuming Police Department, who had previously made a record for Long Ma and others, walked in.

PS: Ask for flowers...... Ask for a subscription...... Ask for a 10-point evaluation......

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