The wine was so delicious that it was not so delicious.

Yeyue said that it was probably because some ingredients in the wine had an antidote-like effect, so Conan temporarily turned back into Kudo Shinichi. "I have a video of him telling his story to Dr. Agasa, you can take a look."

Yeyue took out a floppy disk, and Xiaoai took it.

"The second thing is a joke." Yeyue said with a smile: "Hirota Akira provided guns to the Ghost Tiger Gang. When the matter was exposed, the organization wanted to kill him to silence him, so he ran away. And now he has been caught."

Mingmei was impressed by Hirota Akira, so she hurriedly asked, "Was he caught by the organization? Or by the police?"

Yeyue shook her head and replied, "Neither, he went to a prostitute and was caught by the anti-pornography people."

Ai and Mingmei were stunned, and the atmosphere froze for three seconds.

Yeyue was slightly puzzled, "Isn't this funny?"

"Is this funny?" Xiaoai asked back suspiciously.

"Well, it's okay, I'm leaving..." Yeyue seemed to have lost the battle and left in a bored manner.

Sure enough, men and women have completely different senses of laughter.


At night, Gin met Amuro Toru, known as Bourbon, again, but this time it was not Toru who asked him out, but he asked Toru out. As for the location, it was not a bar, but the organization's cafeteria. The consumption here was relatively low, and the landlord had no surplus food.

"Gin, what do you want to talk to me about? I'm busy investigating Yeyue." Amuro Toru sat opposite Gin and Vodka, and ordered the most expensive cup of coffee. Because the distance was far, he drove here and couldn't drink.

Vodka asked curiously, "Why are you investigating Yeyue?"

Faced with Vodka's question, Amuro Toru answered calmly: "I just saw that Yeyue was so powerful, I was curious, so I went to investigate. In order to facilitate the investigation, I also joined the Ni Canhui."

"Wait, Yeyue joined the Ni Canhui?" Gin didn't know the news yet.

Amuro Toru answered, "Yes, as for talents, all forces must be vying for them."

Gin said nothing. Although he had never seen Yeyue, he often heard this name. First, it was Amuro Toru, then Piske... This guy is indeed a talent...

Amuro Toru said casually: "The Nisan Society is indeed the largest gang in Japan. As a newcomer, I actually received a monthly salary of 200,000 yen after completing a mission."

"What? Is it so good?" Vodka was shocked. Newcomers in the organization don't get such good treatment!

Organization members are divided into six levels from high to low: S, A, B, C, D, and E. The monthly salary of E-level members is only 100,000 yen.

"Yes, as a worshiper, Yeyue seems to have an annual salary of 10 million yen."

"Annual salary of 10 million yen? Isn't that about the same as my monthly salary of 800,000 yen as an A-level member?" Vodka was talking about pure salary, not including income such as commissions and bonuses from tasks. "You have two jobs now, right?"

Toru Amuro got the coffee he ordered and started drinking it. "Yes, the work at the Mud Club is very easy, which is equivalent to getting 200,000 for free every month. You see, my consumption has been upgraded. I don't usually drink such expensive coffee."

Vodka asked tentatively, "Is it difficult to join the Mud Club?"

Toru Amuro was about to speak, but Gin suddenly roared, "Enough! Shut up!"

Gin was very angry. I came to you to talk about business, and you Bourbon actually advertised for the Mud Club? This is unreasonable!

Gin seriously suspected that the Mud Club would get commissions for recruiting people...

Vodka shrank his neck and dared not say more. Toru Amuro looked as if it had nothing to do with him and drank coffee silently.

"Bourbon, I asked you to come here because of Hirota Akira." Gin got to the point, "I have confirmed what you said last time. Hirota Akira was caught by the security department who went to crack down on prostitution when he was soliciting prostitution."

Amuro Toru nodded in response, with a tone of some laughter and tears, "Gin, you are really cautious. I have checked it out and told you, but you still want to confirm it yourself. Don't you trust me?"

"It's not that I don't trust you, I don't trust anyone." Gin replied coldly.

Vodka was stunned, "Brother, what about me?"

Gin glanced at him, "You are the one I trust more among the people I don't trust."

Vodka was stunned, so is this trust or distrust? It's so hard to understand.

Gin continued to talk to Amuro Toru, "According to the information I got, the people in the security department did not recognize Hirota Akira, and Hirota Akira was also very honest. Whether he was

Whether he was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department or later in the detention center, he did not reveal anything about the organization. "

Amuro Toru was secretly shocked. There was something wrong with what Gin said...

Toru silently analyzed:

If Gin bribed the staff of the detention center, the information he inquired about should be the same as what I provided, but Gin mentioned the Metropolitan Police Department. The detention center could not know the specific circumstances of Hirota Akira's initial arrest in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Could it be that Gin's information was provided by someone in the Metropolitan Police Department?

There is an insider... Damn it! There is an insider in the Metropolitan Police Department!

"Oh? Gin, you even know the situation in the Metropolitan Police Department?" Amuro Toru pretended to be puzzled.

Gin did not doubt it and said frankly, "You bribed the people in the detention center to obtain information. They only knew that Hirota Akira was arrested for soliciting prostitution. But the matter of the Ghost Tiger Gang is more serious, and the police may not disclose it to the public, so it is not enough to just ask the detention center. I learned about the situation from the Fourth Investigation Division. "

Search Section 4? Fortunately, the traitor is not in the Public Security Bureau...

Come to think of it, if Gin got the information from the Public Security Bureau, he would definitely know about the plea agreement. However, Gin did not know about the plea agreement, so the person who provided the information was not very powerful.

However, this person is on the side of the Black Organization, so even if he recognized Hirota Akira as the person who provided guns to the Ghost Tiger Gang, he did not tell his colleagues. Of course, it may also be that Gin told him not to make it public.

If Hirota Akira's real crime is not exposed, it will be easier for the organization to deal with it.

"We still have spies in the Search Section 4? It's amazing, who is that person?" Amuro Toru asked naturally, and it seemed that he was completely curious. Even Gin could not see anything unusual.

However, Gin was suspicious by nature and did not reveal the relevant information. "Hehe, this is an important chess piece. The fewer people who know about it, the better." Amuro Toru shrugged helplessly, "Okay, then I don't want to know. "

He couldn't continue to pester her, or he would be exposed.

He could only go back and investigate slowly...

Vodka asked Gin at this time, "Brother, what should we do next?"

Gin sneered, "The police only know that Hirota Akira was arrested for soliciting prostitution. According to the rules, his punishment is five to fifteen days of detention and a fine. The police's punishment for him is ten days of detention, which means he must be released the day after tomorrow."

Vodka was stunned, "Brother, how do you know so much about the rules of soliciting prostitution?"

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