The next day came in a flash. Yeyue had made an appointment with Mifune Takuya a few days ago to meet this afternoon, but it was still morning, so he stayed in the apartment and didn't go anywhere. "Hirota Akira should also start to make moves, right?" Yeyue thought of the task she had given to Chun Sanshi Niang, and didn't know if it could be done. But Yeyue was not worried, because even if things went wrong, no one would be able to hurt that woman. There were not many weapons in the world that could hurt her, and generally only the military would use them. At this moment, in the Tokyo Detention Center, Hirota Akira was staying in the cell, feeling uneasy about his situation. "The ten-day detention has ended. Will I be released today?" The 1.9-meter-tall man curled up in the corner, shivering. It was not because of the cold floor, but because of the fear in his heart.

Before, the public security police took him to the interrogation room and asked him to confess the power behind him. Obviously, the public security had known that his crime was not as simple as prostitution. The public security also offered a plea agreement, but he still did not plead guilty.

He did not dare to plead guilty. He felt that the public security could not protect him.

But it was strange that the public security actually sent him back to the detention center. This was unreasonable. The detention center usually only detained people who were administratively detained and would be released soon. He was obviously not one of them.

Hirota Akira did not notice that there was a spider in the corner of the cell ceiling looking at him.

"What... do they want to do?"

Just as Hirota Akira was uneasy, footsteps sounded in the corridor outside the cell, "click, click" getting closer and closer, and every step seemed to knock on his heart. A prison guard appeared outside the door, stared at him, and then took out the key to open the door.

Hirota Akira felt his hair stand on end, but what the prison guard said was beyond his expectation.

"Akira Hirota, you can go now."

"Brother Fujita...are you going to execute me?"

This Fujita is already quite familiar with Akira Hirota, but he only knows that Akira Hirota was caught for soliciting prostitution, and he knows nothing about the struggle between the organization and the public security behind the scenes. After all, he is just a small figure.

"Execution?" Fujita, who had a stern face, couldn't help laughing, "Are you sane? If you are going to be executed for soliciting prostitution, then the queue for people to be shot will have to wait until ten years later."

Akira Hirota was confused, "Ah, not executed? Then what are you doing, brother Fujita?"

"Of course I'm releasing you. The ten-day detention has already expired, and the director ordered me to release you. You and those whore friends will be released today. Go away, and don't come again."

Akira Hirota walked out of the cell in a daze, feeling unreal.

Just release me like this? Impossible? Could it be a conspiracy...

"Why don't you leave? You've fallen in love with this place and can't bear to leave?"

"Ah, I'll go, I'll go right away."

The spider that Chun Sanshi Niang transformed into saw Hirota Akira leaving, and quickly crawled out of the cell, moving like a ghost.

Hirota Akira and those whore friends claimed their belongings, put on their clothes and walked out of the Tokyo Detention Center without any hindrance. Looking at the blue sky and white clouds, feeling the breeze, Hirota Akira couldn't believe it was true.

What's going on! Why did they let me go for no reason?

The whore friends were greeting each other, "You were also arrested in Okano Nightclub, right?"

"Yes, we are also in trouble together, let's go have a drink together."

"The tall guy over there is also, right? I saw him that night, why don't we call him along?"

Hirota Akira was in a daze, Chun Sanshi Niang was hiding on him, waiting for the two groups of people mentioned by Yeyue to show up. But she felt a little strange, because the situation seemed a little different from what Yeyue said.

A fragrant breeze blew in, and Hirota Akira's hand was grabbed by someone.

He looked carefully and found that it was a woman in her thirties. The other party looked at him with resentment, "Dear... why did you leave me to find a woman outside? Even if you don't consider me, you have to consider our children!"

Hirota Akira's head was full of question marks, who are you? I don't seem to know you?

"Gin wants to see you." The woman suddenly whispered this sentence, and Hirota Akira was shocked. At the same time, he felt something pressing against his back, and he suddenly shuddered.

It's a gun! This woman was sent by the organization...

Seeing this, those whore friends also gave up the idea of ​​asking Hirota Akira to have dinner together.

"That old man's wife is here, let's not join in the fun

"Indeed, if my wife found out about prostitution, there would be a big fight. Fortunately, my wife thought I was caught for drunk driving." "Ah? Why?" "Hehe, my brother sent a message to my wife, saying that I was caught for drunk driving, and he found a connection to change the charge to prostitution. My wife believed it and praised my brother for being sensible." "Oh my god! Brother, you are a genius!" The prostitutes walked away, and a car stopped in front of Hirota Akira. The back door opened, and the woman behind him said, "Get in the car." Hirota Akira didn't dare to resist and got in the car obediently. ... Soon after, the director of the detention center appeared with several public security police officers, and prison guard Fujita saluted him. The director ordered, "Go and bring Hirota Akira out." Fujita was stunned when he heard this, "Ah? Hiro, Hirota Akira? I just released him! "

Everyone was stunned, and the director stared and asked, "What's going on? Who told you to let him go?"

Who... who told me to let him go? Didn't you tell me to let him go?

Fujita was completely unable to react, and answered in astonishment, "Director, you called and said that the detention period of those prostitutes has expired and they can be released. I saw that their time was indeed up, so I released them. Is there anything wrong with this? "

What the hell? The director was dumbfounded. When did I call? No!

The public security police were as if they were facing a great enemy. They realized that something unexpected had happened.


On the other side, Takuya Mifune was packing up in his company's office, because Yeyue would come to meet him later to formally discuss investment. At this time, he received a bank text message saying that someone transferred 50 million to him.

Just when he was wondering who did this, the other party called him.

"Mifune, this is Ikuko Kojima. I have already paid you the balance of the previous batch of electronic components. Did you send that guy named Yeyue? Humph! You are so cruel! I admit defeat! "

Takuya Mifune was confused. Yeyue? What's going on?

He was about to ask for clarification, but Kojima had already hung up the phone.

Listening to the "beep" sound coming from the phone, Takuya Mifune was confused.

"By the way, Yeyue asked me how much money I didn't bring back in the bar before. After I told him 50 million, he said he was going to help Izumi Takeo solve the dispute and could help me get the money back. "

It seems that Kojima Ikuko's sudden return of the money is indeed related to Yeyue... But how did Yeyue do it?

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